ATTENTION: WordPress website striving to make a better connection with their readers....

"Wow Your Site Visitors With Personalized Messages And Create An Instant Connection And Massive Reader Engagement!"

From: Your Name
Re: You have about 4 seconds to capture their attention

Dear Fellow Marketer,

It's true. From the time a visitor lands on your site, you have just a few precious seconds to engage with them. If you miss that window, they'll be on to something else, and in most cases, they won't be back.

That's why copywriters spend so much time on headlines, and food and craft bloggers strive to create stunning photos. There are far too many distractions online, and with shorter and shorter attention spans, we all have to fight harder to keep our readers interested.

Clickbait Titles & Empty Promises
Are Short-Term Solutions At Best

Will promising to expose the dirty laundry of your favorite childhood stars get them to your site? Maybe. But it won't keep them there. Instead, you'll have to continually attract more and more new readers...and every business owner knows it's easier to maintain a relationship with a current customer than it is to entice a new one.

Don't risk your relationships and reputation with sketchy tactics just to keep the reader on the page. There are better ways, and it starts with knowing your visitor's name.

Names Have Power

That's why we use them in our emails. You've probably been addressed by name in emails PayPal, your bank, Amazon, the marketers you follow, and even your favorite presidential candidate.

Simply using a person's name in conversation--or in this case, in an email--instantly grabs their attention. What's more, they feel acknowledged, respected, and as if a level of trust has been established (yes, even though they know the email is automated).

But what if you could take the power of the name one step further, and bring it back to your blog? Now you can.

Tailored Image WordPress Plugin

With this clever, lightweight plugin, you'll finally be able to personalize any page or post, letting your visitors know in an instant that you're thinking of them.

  • Include a personalized message on thank you pages, welcoming your new subscribers to your community.
  • Send personal birthday greetings to your subscribers.
  • Personalize your membership pages and calls to action.
  • Create personal invitations for VIP access to new products or programs.
  • Personalize daily affirmations for your coaching clients.

The potential uses for this innovative tool are only limited by your imagination, but what's even better is that you can...

  • Install it quickly and easily right from your WordPress dashboard--no techy skills or complex APIs to configure.
  • Upload your own photos--so you can match your branding and style.
  • Choose from six included fonts to perfectly fit with your chosen image.
  • Set your text color from an infinite selection of options--you'll never have to worry that your photo's colors will clash or obscure the words.
  • Position the text on your image for maximum visibility.
  • Insert images anywhere on your page or post.
  • Customize images with your reader's name + include a "default" name to greet random visitors (no embarrassing placeholder text!)
  • Create a limitless supply of graphics to fit every occasion and use.
  • Easily adjust the font size and alignment using a familiar point and click interface.


Customer Testimonials

"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."

"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."

Your Customer

"A customer testimonial box with a photo area to put customer's photo."

"Integer bibendum libero sed sem tristique condimentum. In ornare scelerisque felis sit amet tempor. Fusce sapien mauris, sagittis vitae condimentum in, pulvinar at sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque dignissim ultrices ultrices. Nulla congue semper sollicitudin. Vestibulum at nunc magna."

Your Customer

Impress your site visitors with fully personalized images as headlines, holiday cards, invitations and more. It's easy with this brand new plugin. But perhaps best of all, it also comes with my...


Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try the plugin for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

Put your relationship building on overdrive with this one simple (but oh-so powerful) trick. You'll catch a reader's attention in a way you've never been able to do before...quickly and easily.

Get Instant Access Now

Yes! My readers will love this! I'm excited to be able to offer more personalization on my thank you pages, inside my membership site, and even on sales pages.

I understand I'll get:

  • The easy-to-install WordPress plugin, including complete user guide.
  • Unlimited personalized images I can add to any post or page.
  • Full customization options, including fonts, text size and placement, and even color.

And what's more, I understand my purchase is guaranteed!


Your Name

P.S. Using your reader's name in an unexpected way will capture her attention faster, keep her reading, and helps build relationships. This plugin makes it easy.

P.P.S. Remember, your purchase is guaranteed for 30 days. If the plugin doesn't work as described, simply email me for a fast and courteous refund.

Disclaimer: Put your own earnings disclaimer or some other disclaimer here. Nulla tempor mi et nisl feugiat non imperdiet nibh posuere. In consequat pretium sapien facilisis condimentum. Cras sagittis lorem consequat nibh pulvinar aliquam. Vivamus aliquam egestas molestie. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula.

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