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“Don't Settle for Trading Hours for Dollars. Get Out of Your Rut and Kick-Start Your Information Product Empire when You..."

"Learn to Quickly and Easily Create Your Own Information Product"


From: Insert Your Name
Sunday March 23rd, 2025

Subject: Insert a subject for your letter.

Dear Online Business Owner,

There are dozens of ways to make money online. You've probably tried a lot of them. I know I have. And you've probably been successful at some. Most anyone can make some money online, if they focus and stay motivated. That's the beauty of Internet marketing, after all - the ability for almost anyone to make a profit.

But if you really want to take your income up a notch or three, you need something more than just affiliate commissions and pay for services. After all, there are only so many hours in the day, right? You need to be earning income even when you're not working, and that means developing your own products.

Information products have been around for centuries, but with the Internet explosion of the past few years, it's become easier than ever for entrepreneurs just like you to find an audience and make money just by sharing what they know. And believe me, you know plenty!

And in Information Product Brainstorm, you're going to learn how to leverage that knowledge for a much-needed income adjustment.

Instant Expert Status

Aside from the profit potential, information products are fantastic vehicles for growing your online (or even offline) business. Once you put your name out there as the author of an eBook, or a presenter of a teleseminar, suddenly you're an expert.

And experts are worth more.

Not only will you be adding to you bottom line by selling the actual product, but service providers can increase their hourly rate, speakers will get invited to more events, and retailers will find they have more orders than before. Why? Because  people listen to experts. With your name on the cover of an information product, your knowledge will instantly be perceived as more valuable than that of your competitors.

How's that for an ego boost!

What's Holding You Back?

"Sure," you're saying. "But I don't know how to make an information product." I was in the same boat. I knew I needed to put myself out there with an authoritative guide in my niche, but I was clueless about where to start. Of course, I started anyway, but quickly lost steam and never completed anything. Sound familiar?

But with my guide, "Information Product Brainstorm," you'll have me to lead the way. I'll walk you through the entire process, show you how to stay on task, and even share with you how you can get your product completed with virtually no money.

"Okay," you're thinking. "But I don't have any special knowledge." Of course you do! Remember, to an 8-year old, a teenager is a genius. So just because you don't know everything doesn't mean you can't teach something to someone. Of course, I'm not going to leave you hanging with just that. I'm also going to show you how you can produce a fantastic, fact-filled information product without spending years doing research.

I've broken this guide down into sections so you can work at a pace that's comfortable for you. Tackle the whole thing head-on, or slow it down and absorb everything before you begin. The choice is yours, but whichever you choose, you'll find a great deal of instruction and insight in this guide. For example, you'll learn to
  • Discover your perfect product - because no one wants to spend time working on something they hate!
  • Create your product - with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions that will work in any niche and for a number of different formats.
I know that sounds too good to be true, but you need to know that this isn't some black-hat system of scraping content and selling it as your own. This is a proven method for creating valuable information products you'll be proud to put your name on, but I'd be lying if I said there isn't any work involved.

Let's Get to Work!

You're an entrepreneur, so I know you're no stranger to hard work. But I have broken this guide down into easily manageable steps that you can literally do in your off hours. You don't have to worry that your business will suffer while you chase the dream of information marketing. In fact, I'm going to share with you exactly how I
  • Quickly discover exactly what my market needs and wants. This one trick will save you hours of research!
  • Repurpose existing content, saving myself countless hours of work. 
Those are just two of the time-saving techniques you'll learn in Information Product Brainstorm. So while there is work involved, it certainly doesn't have to be all consuming. In fact, the way I work, it's even fun!  

The Bottom Line

Your business needs information products to stay competitive and to stay profitable. There's simply no two ways about it. Without them, you'll reach that invisible income cap and get stuck there. With them, the sky is truly the limit.

This quick-read guide will teach you everything you need to know to get your first information product off the ground fast.

Choosing a subject - Never assume you know what your audience wants. I'll show you how to find out for sure!

Choosing the format   - and what to do when your market demands a format you hate!

5 ways to get your product finished - including two that won't cost you a thing!

3 information product business models  -  knowing which type you are can mean the difference between profit and failure.

How to herd cats, er, freelancers  - and the simple technique that will keep you from tearing your hair out.

You'll also quickly learn the technical side of information products, including:

Selecting a distribution method - Not all shopping carts are created equal, so be careful!

Managing affiliates - and why some affilate programs might actually cost you sales.

How to have total control over every aspect of distribution - and why you might not want it! 

Listen, producing an information product - or better yet, several - should be on every entrepreneur's must-do list. An information product grants you instand expert status in your niche, helps improve sales, and can increase your profit margin in more ways than you can count. But figuring out how to plan and produce your first product is a daunting task. Take it from me, I've made all the mistakes!

But now, with my handy guide in hand, you don't have to. You can move forward with planning and production knowing you're following in the footsteps of one who has "been there, done that" and learned from her errors - so you don't have to! And remember, you don't have to take my word for it. You're purchase is backed by my unconditional ...

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Your purchase of my report comes with comes with my no-risk, 100%, unconditional money-back, 30-day guarantee!

My New Special Report "Information Product Brainstorm" will help you get a head-start on your own information product empire, even if you think you don't have the knowledge or the expertise to sell!

But if you don't feel it makes good on my promise, or that it didn't help you in any way, simply take advantage of my 30-day unconditional Guarantee – and confidently ask for an instant refund!

Remember – any time at all within the next 30 days – even if the rest of the world is tucked up in their beds – you can fire off an email and receive a speedy refund (hassle-free, with my thanks for trying it!)

On top of that, of course, you get to keep my Special Report,  
"Information Product Brainstorm"  – and I wouldn't make that offer if I wasn't absolutely confident you'll find the information to be as helpful and timely as I know it to be.


So grab a copy today, and start planning your own Information Product. Soon you'll have a virtual storefront full of products that truly do earn money for you while you sleep. Instead of trading hours for dollars, or collecting small affiliate commissions, you'll be building an information product empire that will keep earning money even when you stop working.

Doesn't a vacation sound wonderful? Then it's time to get to work! 

Report Order Form

YES! I really want to learn more about planning and producing Information Products!

Please send me my copy of "Information Product Brainstorm" right now so I can learn how other marketers just like me are using this business model to build a better business.

I understand your Special Report includes information about:

  • Finding the perfect product for me - because I want to LOVE my business!
  • Identifying your target market - so I can produce exactly the product they want and need.
  • Staying on task - so my Information Product gets finished on time and on budget.
  • Attracting valuable JV partners - to help me produce a product quickly and easily!
  • and Keeping an eye on the future – so my business can grow easily, and without the painful problems so many online businesses face!
But most of all, "Information Product Brainstorm" will save me from wasting months of time and untold amounts of money learning the ins and outs of information marketing by trial and error. Instead, I'll learn the most important aspects of planning and producing an information product quickly and easily from this one detailed, step-by-step system.

CLICK HERE to Order Now!


I guarantee that once you read my guide and get started planning your Information Product, you’ll be just as excited as I am about Information Marketing. You’ll see how it can build your credibility, your authority, and your profits – while adding a nice cusion to your bottom line!

Best of all, Information Products give you…
  • Truly passive income - you really can earn money while you sleep!
  • Repeat Customers - Information products are an essential part of any sales funnel, and satisfied customers will be eager to buy your next product.
  • Instant Authority - if you've ever dreamed of being invited to speak at a conference, an information product might just be your ticket to fame.
  • An army of sales people - affiliates love to promote information products. Give them what they want and they'll help you make more money than you thought possible.
…all with the same amount of work you probably already put into your blog and other marketing tools - and you give that content away for free!

Of course, no one is saying to get rid of your blog. It's still an essential part of your sales funnel. But an Information Product should be the goal. Rather than selling other people's products through your blog, you should be selling your own, and I'll help you get started.

To your 
Information Product Success,


P.S. Don't forget: 
Information Product Brainstorm is backed by my personal guarantee - if you don't find it as helpful as I claimed - if you don't feel you've gained a better understanding of information products and how to add them to your business, simply shoot me an email, and I'll cheerfully refund your money. And you have a full 30 days to decide. So take it for a spin. I think you'll like what you see!

Here's that link one more time: Information Product Brainstorm