Whether you are new to
making money online ...or you have been watching and learning for a while,
but have yet to make your first $1000 on the Internet, this course is for
you! In fact, you are about to...
"Discover The Easiest
& Quickest
Way To Make
First $1000 Online!"
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From: Your Name Here
Re: "Make Your First $1000 On
The Internet"
Training Program |
We realize it can sometimes
be overwhelming to get all your ducks in a row to get your business
online. Let's face it...there are a lot of moving parts that need to
be working in just the right way.
So...we have a
SOLUTION for you!
We are offering a step-by-step course
for making your first $1000 on the Internet. If you are just
starting a business, this is the perfect place to be. If you are already online, but haven't
made your first $1000, you need our system to get going in the right
If you already have an offline business
and want to get online, we will show you (or your assistant) what to do,
as well.
You need the. . .
Business Basics Course
What Will You Receive?
You will receive a weekly
lesson via email with either a pdf or video tutorial.
These lessons are strategically placed in order
to maximize your profits. Our plan shows you how to make money
the first month you receive our course.
Here's just a sample of the topics we will cover:
How to
choose a niche that is BOTH profitable and fits your
How to create a blog that will attract
your herd and help you gain "expert" status almost immediately!
to capture your visitor's emails so you can start
building a massive fan base that will buy on your every
recommendation. "Take care of the herd and they will take care of
How to find the 'watering holes'
where your target market hangs out - then how to entice them back to
your site to sign up for your email list. Also, what kind of offers that
get people to sign up in droves!
How to promote your blog
in just 30-minutes a day so you build that herd in a hurry!
How to find products and
services to recommend to your herd - and how to get a nice fat
commission check every time you do!
How to get it all done
without losing your mind and all your free time!
How to create your own
products like ebooks, audios and webinars, so you can keep the
lion's share of the profits! And so joint venture partners and
affiliates will start chasing YOU!
How to set up web pages and
collect the money - I show you 4 different ways to collect
money and some are FREE!
How to drive massive amounts of free
traffic to your site using the search engines. Imagine being ranked on
the first page of Google for your product or service - I show you how!
How to find outsourcers and
virtual assistants -
so you don't have to do everything yourself!
How to use social media to build
your herd - your fan base will grow by leaps and bounds when you
start using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube the RIGHT WAY!
How to make your offers irresistable using
And much, much more!
Instead of simply
publishing this information in some ebook or quick coaching program, I'm
making it available to you week after week in action-sized portions
so you'll actually get results.
You don't need another
ebook to clutter up your computer or more words to
clutter up your brain. What you need is a weekly "here's
what you do next" action step to complete. What you need is for
someone to show you how to quickly get started and then
keep teaching you week after week so you don't get stalled along
the way.
"Place your testimonials here."
Name, City, State, Country
"Place your testimonials here."
Name, City, State, Country |
"Place your testimonials here."
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How Much Do You Have To
The question everyone is
asking is how much is all this information. Well, sit down because
you might fall over when you hear how inexpensive this course is.
You invest only $27 each month to get our Online Business
Basics delivered to your inbox each week for 12 months. Your weekly lesson will be
a PDF lesson or a video tutorial. Every 7 days for the next 12
months, you will
receive a new lesson.
Note: It SHOULD NOT take you
12 months to make your first $1000 on the Internet! Not if you follow
my course. In fact, many of my students make their first $1000 online
within 6 weeks! But I want to you to go WELL BEYOND the $1000 mark,
so I will continue to send you advanced techniques and strategies for the
next 12 months that will explode your online income!
When you make a payment for
your first month's lesson, you will immediately be taken to a web page that
gives you all the details on how to download your digital course.
It's so simple when you follow our download tutorial.
Only $27 per month.
If you can't make $27 EVERY month with
the training I'm providing EVERY week, then you need to CANCEL and start
doing something else! If you are serious about growing your business, you
will easily make much more than $27 each month after implementing just one
of our strategies.
There is no long-term commitment. You may cancel at any time
if you aren't completely satisfied.
Don't wait any
longer...enroll today!
Join Now
While Memberships
Are Still Available...
Yes, I want my 2-5 page
weekly lesson to start making my first $1000 on the Internet!
Your initial charge will be
$27.00. You will then be charged $27.00/month for 11 months after
your initial charge has been made.

Click Here To Order Now!
(You understand this is a totally digital product - nothing will be mailed
to your home)
* Every effort
has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential.
Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her
background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business
endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.
Here's to your online success!
Your Name Here
PS ...Start earning your first $1000 on the Internet NOW.
Click Here to start!
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