People who prepare, plan and practice survive even earthquakes! Is your familiy ready?

"Survival Is Not An Accident!

Will Your Family Survive An Earthquake - Even If You Don't ???"


You can give your family the best chance of surviving a horrific earthquake and the nightmare of an evacuation...

Date: Sunday, March 16.
From: Your Name

Failure to prepare for an earthquake leads to panic, injury and death.  You may not be at home when it hits or your family in different locations in the community.  Will your kids know what to do in an earthquake. Do you?

Here's an amazing statistic prepared by the USGS (United States Geological Survey)...

There is a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today!

Of course, the tremors may be so light that only seismic equipment can sense the quake, but earthquakes can occur anyplace and at any time. Learn how to prepare your family for an earthquake so they know what action to take during and after an earthquake.

Earthquakes cannot be predicted. But several million earthquakes occur annually - thousands occur each day. The problem, however, is in pinpointing the area where a strong shock will center and when it will occur.

That's where you come into the picture. 

A prepared family is not a panicked family!

Survivor Family

Download "Survivor Family Trilogy" today and give your family every chance to survive natural disasters such as the massive killer earthquake millions of Japanese experienced in 2011.  In fact, after the earthquake the Japanese were subjected to the massive distruction of buildings and infrastructure, but then came the tsunami and the third leg of the catastrophe - the collapse of the nuclear power plant.

Do you really want your loved ones to wonder what to do during an earthquake?  Of course not, but you may not know where to start.  That's where the "Survivor Family Earthquake Trilogy" comes into the picture. Download this series and you'll have a comprehensive set of guides to help you plan, prepare and practice for the day it hits.

Below are just a few of the preparations covered in the Earthquake Disaster Survivor Family Trilogy...

  • Learn how to prepare your family for an earthquake so they know what action to take during and after an earthquake.

  • Where are the safest places in house or skyrise during an earthquake

  • How to create a simple escape plan

  • What actions to take when a quake hits and you're a car

  • Do you leave the elderly, disabled and pets behind?

  • How to prepare them for surving a quake.

  • How to deal with communications and reconnecting with family and loved ones

  • Why one survival kit isn't enough

  • What to put in your survival kits

  • Most important supplies to have on hand to deal with injury, safety and comfort.

Plus you'll also learn how to mitigate the dangers after an earthquake...

  • Preparing your home for a quake and post-quake

  • This causes more injuries than falling buildings during an earthquake

  • How to mitigate the chances of total loss after an earthquake

  • Creating a survival plan to take you and your family beyond the first 72 hours

  • What actions to take during aftershocks

An earthquake in Alaska on March 28, 1964 is the biggest earthquake in the United States with magnitude 9.2 Mw. This earthquake is also the second biggest earthquake in the World

Earthquakes can happen anywhere, at any time.

What about tsunamis?

How to Survive the "Wave Train"

In a coastal or island community tsunamis are the second threat to you and your family.  Of course, if you don't live near a coastal area you don't have to worry about a tsunami impacting that region.  But you'll be surprised where tsunamis have come ashore in the United States!

If you live near a coastal area, or if you travel to such regions then you need to know how to prepare your family for possible tsunamis. The only time a tsunami occurs is after an earthquake. Unfortunately, these monster waves can travel for hundreds of miles building up destructive energy to wipe out all signs of civilization. 

Tsunami! Learn what to do in the event of a tsunami. You owe it to your family to prepare them for such a cataclysmic event. Get your survival plan in place quickly with "Survivor Family: Tsunami!"

...then there's the Evacuation!

You managed to survive the disaster, now you need to survive the evacuation. Surviving a disaster doesn't alway mean you can go home.  This straight-forward action plan sets you up for surviving the mental and physical stress of an evacuation.  Plus, do you know what to take with you?  Is it packed and ready?  Do your kids know what the most critical items are to pack?

YES! I needed this yesterday!  

  • Learn how to create an earthquake disaster survival plan

  • Start building out your survival kits this afternoon

  • Learn what to teach your kids about surviving earthquakes and tsunamis

  • Prepare everyone to deal with a disaster on their own - Mom and Dad may not make it...

  • Plan and practice with the kids on escaping your home

  • Practice proper safety strategies when the first tremor hits

  • Discuss jobs and roles after an earthquake

  • ...And so much more

Survivor Family Trilogy 

Instant Download!

Survival is NOT an Accident!
Your Name

P.S. These guides will prepare you and your family to survive the horrors of a natural disaster. Planning today is NOT too soon.

P.S.S. I'm also including a special bonus report....<insert your bonus copy> Contact support here.