From The Desk Of: Paul McDonald
Todays Date:  November 7, 2011

This short, very sweet ebook is the latest addition to my Christian IM Series, and  I hope you will enjoy it as much as you did "How To Pray" & "Jesus, The Gift of Life Everlasting."

Here is what others are saying about my Christian IM Series:

Honestly, I was AMAZED at the Feedback from the Warrior Forum

The approval and kindness that I received from the good folks at the Warrior Forum touched my heart. It also told me that there was a real need for Christian material, not only on the WF...but everywhere!

So...Here it is!

I am adding one more right to this offering, (after thought) You MAY print
1 copy and donate it to your church library if you wish!

Ebook Covers Included

Or...Create Your Own Here

PLUS....A Snazzy Bonus With No Restriction PLR

10 Original Christmas and Christian Power Point Slides

Christian material is in HOT grab your copy NOW!

Only $3.95

Thank You & God Bless!

Any problems or comments? Write me!