Subject: Struggling for extra traffic?
Dear Friend,
There’s no doubt that social and viral traffic can make the difference in your blog.
Most of the online business owners usually waste their hard earned money in PPC, Seo and unprofitable media buys.
But what if I told you that there’s a simple and inexpensive “wp hack” that can virtually melt down your serve with targeted, viral traffic from social sites?
Yes, I know.
You probably are skeptical about what I said, mainly because you’ve heard all before when it comes to traffic.
If you keep reading, I can promise you that traffic will never be an issue for you again.

There’s something that most bloggers ignore.
And that is exclusivity.
Yes, as it sounds – Exclusivity mixed with a bit of secrecy can make your visitors salivate over your content.
It doesn’t matter if it’s images, products or even services.
The thing is that if you make your content a bit “unaccessible”, your will definitely pique their interest, and they will want to know more.
Listen to me: there’s no better marketing than exclusivity.
Now, this is the secret that I was talking about before.
But you’re probably asking yourself…
What does exclusivity have to do with increasing traffic to your blog?
You’ve probably seen many blogs require their users to pay money or register to access the content.
While I won’t question this method, I do believe that there’s a better way to get more traffic and increase your sales…
And that way is to let user “pay” with a like, a tweet or a “share.”
Can you see the potential of this?
The average user of Facebook, for example, has 100 friends.
If he goes and likes your blog, he’s indirectly sending you “100 friends.”
Just imagine that these 100 friends have also 100 friends and so on…
You blog can literally get viral, and in a very short time you can have instant and massive traffic.
Listen, over the last year I’ve been working hard with my favorite “Wordpress Geek” that created for me a really cool WP plugin that locks the content of your blog…
…And users have to “pay” with a tweet, a like or a share!
Let me proudly introduce you to…
“WP Social Locker” is the definitive answer to your traffic struggles. This is very easy to use plugin – just quickly and easily install it in less that 30 seconds, customize it and watch the social traffic literally flood your blog.
Social Locker Plugin Preview

Social Locker Plugin - Usage Statistics Preview

Social Locker Plugin - Button/Template Layout Preview

Easily lock your content of your Wordpress blog until a visitor clicks in one social button: Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Linkedin.) |
You can add any URL to like, share, tweet or +1. You can easily set a URL for each social button or a common URL for the all social buttons. For example: you can assign a tweet for a current page, a like for fanpage, or Google+1 for your site main page. This is very easy: just set required URLs and you’re ready to rock and roll! |
In-depth, useful analytics tools that will allow you to analyze your viral traffic. It’s no secret that metrics of your blog will provide you important information about your traffic that you can use in order to improve your blog. |
WP Social Locker” provides a vast range of option when it comes to social actions: Facebook Like, Facebook Shares, Twitter Tweets,Twitter Follows, Google +1, Google shares (experimental phase) and also LinkedIn Shares! |
Several eye-catching preset styles and effects to bring variety to the table: you can take advantage of professional preset styles and effects that will enhance your visitor’s experience. |
Special BONUS: You have also the chance to lock videos! This will dramatically increase your response as we all know that video is all the rage right now. |
And much, much more! |

You can now take advantage of my unique and out-of-the box WP plugin that I’ve been using for a long time in order to increase my social traffic.
Now it’s your turn to do the same.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an online marketer, offline business owner or even a regular blogger - “WP
Social Locker” will help you to transform your WP blogs and put them into overdrive with viral traffic.
The question is…
Are you going to keep struggling with traffic (and making sales) or are you going to leverage the power of an inexpensive WP plugin that can literally transform your WP blog for ever?
Thanks for reading!
PS. Remember that you’re protected by solid 60-day money back guarantee that removes all of the risk here. There’s nothing to lose to get MASSIVE viral traffic heading to your blogs!
PPS. If you’re reading this PS, it means that you’re clearly interested. Just give it a try and I promise you that you’re going to be astonished! |