social networks are booming all over the Internet.

you can learn how to set up your own social network step by step using Elgg - a free social networking script. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
From The Desk Of: xxxxxxx

Dear Reader,

With the popularity of social networks these days it is no wonder that more and more of them are popping up. In fact, you probably belong to at least one social network right now. If you are like most people you probably have more virtual friends than real ones. That is just how things are these days.

Social networks are a great place for like minded individuals to mingle in cyber space. These groups of people converse with each other, plan activities and do lots of other things depending on the group. It is truly fun to be a part of a social network that aligns with your network.

So why would someone want to create their own social network?
Well besides the great social connections you can make and the fun you can have meeting these individuals - there is also a part of the puzzle that is very important. Social networks can be very profitable. Look at Facebook and Twitter. These networks make their owners billions!

Now I'm not trying to tell you that setting up a million dollar social network is easy. It is far from it. But the profit potential is there and it is fairly easy to make passive income from a social network once it starts to grow.

But how does the little guy create their own social network? The software and hosting could cost thousands. That is a big pill to swallow.  Well - that is where Elgg enters the picture.

Elgg enables any person to set up a social network using their free software. You will need web hosting and a domain name, but that cost is minimal. It is a very inexpensive alternative to trying to reinvent the wheel.

The power that Elgg puts in your hands for nothing is truly amazing. They have thought of everything and have provided it to you for free. All you have to do is take advantage of their generosity.

In this video series I will show you all you need to know to set up your social network!

Here is just some of what you will learn:
  • How to install Elgg on your server
  • How to set up the basics
  • Using plugins and themes
  • Making your site design responsive (mobile friendly)
  • Using the back end admin features
  • A walk through of how it all works
  • and lots more...

This video series is going to show you everything you need to know about setting up a social network using Elgg.

Don't wait - grab your copy now!

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