"Get 80 Extra Book Cover Templates, Full Developer's Rights, PLUS More Premium Graphics For A 72% Discount!"

Dear Ecover Maniac Customer,

I have some real treat for you today! As my brand new, valuable customer I'd like to offer you an outrageous 72% discount for the Ecover Maniac - X3 Profit-Booster Elite Upgrade. This outrageous dicsount may end at any time, so pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION!

This exclusive upgrade consists of 3 key profit boosters:

Let's go through each one. You'll be blown away!

PROFIT-BOOSTER #1: Full Developer's Rights

Imagine being able to take all these 60 bestelling book cover designs... and SELL it to online or offline clients for BIG PROFITS!

With full developer's rights you'll be able to use all of these fantastic cover graphics assets for your clients work. It gives immense opportunities to make money and it's alone well worth the investment of this upgrade!

PROFIT-BOOSTER #2: 80 Extra Book Covers

YES! You'll get 80 blazing-hot, "bestseller quality" book cover templates to have even MORE selection! Inside you'll get 40 fiction and 40 nonficiton book covers in various styles and niches making it the ULTIMATE PACKAGE!

The book covers again are easily editable in Microsoft Powerpoint or Open Office. They are also 100% compatible with Amazon Kindle and could be used as ecovers on your site too!

Here's the preview of the additional book covers that will blow your socks off!!

40 Nonfiction Book Covers
40 Fiction Book Covers
PROFIT-BOOSTER #3: 31 Extra Graphics Modules

Module 1: Facebook Covers
Module 2: Facebook Newsfeed Ads
Module 3: Google+ Covers
Module 4: Mobile Squeeze Pages
Module 5: Web 3.0 Minisite Template
Module 6: Full HD Video Backgrounds
Module 7: Business Characters
Module 8: Relationship Characters
Module 9: Weight Loss Characters
Module 10: Ecover Templates - Health
Module 11: Ecover Templates - Sport
Module 12: Vector Stamps
Module 13: Banner Templates
Module 14: Graphical Headlines
Module 15: Viral Quotes
Module 16: Headers
Module 17: Testimonial Boxes
Module 18: Product Boxes
Module 19: WSO Sales Page Design
Module 20: Flyers
Module 21: Dating Object Graphics
Module 22: Health Object Graphics
Module 23: Business Cards
Module 24: Pricing Tables
Module 25: Royalty-Free Photos
Module 26: Hand-Written Fonts
Module 27: Text Layer Styles
Module 28: Transparent Photos
Module 29: Vector Backgrounds
Module 30: Multipurpose Video Graphics
Module 31: Secret Module

Get Access To Ecover Maniac - X3 Profit-Booster Elite Upgrade!
Full Developer's Rights - 80 Extra Book Cover Designs - 31 More Graphics Modules

Are You Impressed? Well, This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!

I am sure that after checking out the contents of this incredible, one-of-a-kind book covers upgrade you have already realized the IMMENSE value that it has.

Yes I want to absolutely overdelivery for you, that's why...

I'm About To Give Away 2 Exclusive Bonuses Absolutely FREE - Only If You Act Now!

FAST-ACTION BONUS #1 - Graphics Magic Box V1 PLR
VALUE: $47.00
Graphics Magic Box is a magnificent collection of 5-star quality marketing graphics & templates that will amaze your customers! All of the graphics are new, fresh & modern based on the newest design trends.

After over 5 years of graphic design & internet marketing experience my goal is to deliver stellar-quality graphics that actually CONVERT. I make sure they incorporate direct-response principles to give your subscribers higher conversions, increase in sales & profits!

You'll receive exclusive resell rights to the product, so you can slap your name on it and resell for 100% profits!

Click Here to Preview!

Here's what's inside the product:

  • MODULE 1 - Facebook Covers
  • MODULE 2 - YouTube Covers
  • MODULE 3 - Google+ Covers
  • MODULE 4 - Mobile Video Squeeze Pages
  • MODULE 5 - Web 3.0 Minisite Template
  • MODULE 6 - Ecovers - Vivid Edition
  • MODULE 7 - Ecovers - Dark Edition
  • MODULE 8 - Vector Stamps
  • MODULE 9 - Banner Templates
  • MODULE 10 - Graphical Headlines
  • MODULE 11 - Viral Quotes
  • MODULE 12 - Hand-Written Graphics
  • MODULE 13 - Headers
  • MODULE 14 - Feature Boxes
  • MODULE 15 - WSO Sales Page Design
  • MODULE 16 - Flyers
  • MODULE 17 - Business Cards
  • MODULE 18 - Pricing Tables
  • MODULE 19 - Royalty-Free Photos
  • MODULE 20 - Mascot Characters
  • MODULE 21 - Hand-Written Fonts
  • MODULE 22 - Text Layer Styles
  • MODULE 23 - Powerpoint Video Templates
  • MODULE 24 - Character Pack
  • MODULE 25 - Hand-Written Graphics

  • Here's what you'll get with the reselling license:

    • Module 1 - Graphics Business-In-A-Box ($739.00 Value)
    • Module 2 - High-Converting Sales Letter + Sales Video ($2,500.00 Value)
    • Module 3 - Done-For-You Minisite ($300.00 Value)
    • Module 4 - Done-For-You Affiliate Page ($200.00 Value)
    • Module 5 - Eye-Catching Ecover Graphics ($100.00 Value)
    FAST-ACTION BONUS #2 - Easy Mobile Squeeze Pages
    VALUE: $27.00
    Easy Mobile Squeeze Pages is an incredible collection of mobile-optimized squeeze pages so you can capture two times more leads!

    Inside the product you'll get 10 unique mobile squeeze pages, each one in 5 fabulous color variations.

    The product is worth thousands of dollar if it would be outsourced to a web developer!

    Click Here to Preview!


    Here's What You Get:

    What You'll Receive...
    Number of Graphics
    PROFIT-BOOSTER #1: Full Developer's License
    FULL DEVELOPER'S LICENSE - Sell it to clients for BIG profits!
    PROFIT-BOOSTER #2: 80 Extra Book Covers
    40 Extra Fiction Book Covers
    40 Extra Nonfiction Book Covers
    PROFIT-BOOSTER #3: 31 Extra Graphics Modules
    MODULE #1 - Facebook Covers
    MODULE #2 - Facebook Newsfeed Ads
    MODULE #3 - Google+ Covers
    MODULE #4 - Mobile Squeeze Pages
    MODULE #5 - Web 3.0 Minisite Template
    MODULE #6 - Full HD Video Backgrounds
    MODULE #7 - Business Characters
    MODULE #8 - Relationship Characters
    MODULE #9 - Weight Loss Characters
    MODULE #10 - Ecover Templates - Health
    MODULE #11 - Ecover Templates - Sport
    MODULE #12 - Vector Stamps
    MODULE #13 - Banner Templates
    MODULE #14 - Graphical Headlines
    MODULE #15 - Viral Quotes
    MODULE #16 - Headers
    MODULE #17 - Testimonial Boxes
    MODULE #18 - Product Boxes
    MODULE #19 - WSO Sales Page Design
    MODULE #20 - Flyers
    MODULE #21 - Dating Object Graphics
    MODULE #22 - Health Object Graphics
    MODULE #23 - Business Cards
    MODULE #24 - Pricing Tables
    MODULE #25 - Royalty-Free Photos
    MODULE #26 - Hand-Written Fonts
    MODULE #27 - Text Layer Styles
    MODULE #28 - Transparent Photos
    MODULE #29 - Vector Backgrounds
    MODULE #30 - Multipurpose Video Graphics
    MODULE #31 - Secret Module
    FAST-ACTION BONUS #1 – Graphics Magic Box V1 PLR
    FAST-ACTION BONUS #2 – Easy Mobile Squeeze Pages
    Total Value Today

    Total Value Of This Incredible Package: $2,004.00!
    Claim Your "Customer Appreciation" Discount!

    As my brand new Ecover Maniac customer I'd like to give you a special discount for the X3 Profit-Booster Elite Upgrade.

    I normally would charge $97.00 for this one-of-a-kind, exclusive upgrade. Yet, just today you won't need to pay it.

    Just think about it. Just the developer's rights license is worth a TON! And then you're getting 80 EXTRA bonus cover designs. What a bargain!

    Yet, for a limited time I'm offering an outrageous 72% discount for the X3 Profit-Booster Elite Upgrade.

    Your Investment Today
    Will NOT Be...
    Your Total Investment Today Is:
    Only 1 Payment Of Just $27!

    Iron-Clad 60-Day
    Money-Back Guarantee

    Try Ecover Maniac - X3 Profit-Booster Elite Upgrade risk-free for 60 days and if for any reason you won't be absolutely thrilled with these jaw-dropping cover templates, just send a support ticket to www.killermarketing.net/support and I'll refund you every penny. No questions asked, no hassle!

    Lucas Adamski

    Hurry Up - Claim Your 72% Discount!

    Regular: $97.00   Today: $27
    Ecover Maniac - x3 profit-booster elite

    No thanks, I'm not interested in getting 80 extra book cover designs, full developer's rights & 31 extra grapics modules for a 72% discount...
    I understand that I may NOT see this offer AGAIN after leaving this page...

    Money Back Guaranteed
    Full 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. No Questions Asked
    100% Secure Checkout
    Verified & Secure Checkout via JVZoo. Pay Via Credit Card or PayPal

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What License Does It Come With?

    You'll receive developer's license to all the modules from the main product you've purchased, PLUS to all the extra video modules you're getting here.

    Do You Provide Any Support/Trainings?

    YES, absolutely! Once you get your package you'll receive a video training were I'll show behind-my-shoulder how to edit the templates. Also I'm always here for help, just send me a ticket and I'll answer any issues in 24-48h. You will never be left alone. I'm here to help.

    Do You Own A Full License To All The Graphics?

    Yes! You can feel safe using these graphics.

    Does It Work On Mac/Windows?

    The graphics work on Mac and Windows. The graphics templates can be edited in Photoshop, Powerpoint or Openoffice.

    Can These Graphics & Videos Be Used In Wordpress/OptimizePress/LeadPages?

    Yes! You can use these graphics literally anywhere. In Wordpress, basically select the graphic you want and use a Wordpress upload option.

    Is There Any Recurring Payment?

    No. You'll get instant access to the full graphics upgrade for just a small one-time investment.

    To Your Success,
    Lucas Adamski

    P.S. You absolutely don't want to delay! Instead of paying $97.00, you can get the full, ultimate package for only $27. What a saving!

    Claim Your $27 Upgrade Now! ⇢

    P.P.S. You have absolutely, positively nothing to lose! With an Iron-Clad 60 Days Money-Back Guarantee all the risk is on me. Try these amazing, conversion-boosting graphics upgrade for the next 60 days and then decide if it was worth the investment. Don't decide now! And if you actually use these amazing graphics templates and won't see any difference, you'll get all your money back.

    Try X3 Profit-Booster Elite Upgrade Risk-Free!

    P.P.P.S. Just imagine for a moment how much time & money you'll be able to save with this miraculous graphics upgrade. No more hassles trying to find the right graphics guy, no more project delays... Finally, you'll be able to create professional, eye-grabbing book covers to explode your sales!

    YES! I Want To Explode My Book Sales With Hot-Selling New Book Cover Designs!

    YES! I Want To Upgrade My Order To Save Money!
    Full Developer's Rights - 80 Extra Book Cover Designs - 31 More Graphics Modules

    No thanks, I'm not interested in getting 80 extra book cover designs, full developer's rights & 31 extra graphics modules for a 72% discount... I understand that I may NOT see this offer AGAIN after leaving this page...
