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Is Your Sales Page a Profit Sucking, Dead- in-the-Water, Band-Width Eating, Online Dud?DON'T DELETE YOUR ONLINE EMPIRE JUST YET!Spruce Up That Sales Page and Start Selling Now!Learn the fine art of persuasive copywriting and make thousands of more dollars in conversions, sales, affiliate enrollment and pay per click income every month!Learn the Tricks of All of the Greatest Gurus When It Comes to the Grand and Daring Art of Shameless Self Promotion...A-Z of Super-Effective Sales PagesAre you sick of spending a lot of money on a super-sleek website only to have nobody ever visit it?Perhaps you want to write your very first sales landing page and do it right the first time by learning the secrets of marketing pros!Either way you have found the right copywriting resource for you!Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer!Launching your own product or service on the internet is not easy nowadays. It seems that everybody has their own website and trying to sell one thing or another. In these rough economic times it also seems that every absolute beginner has the same idea - "why not start my own part-time online business to make a bit of extra money?!" Of course if you already have an online product or service that you are trying to sell then you are well aware that this usually does not happen overnight and that you have a lot of competition out there that wants the bucks from the same people that you do! Has the following happened to you? -- You spend a lot of money on a glitzy website, read up on web 2.0, line up your auto responders and other doodads and do everything the big marketing gurus tell you to do in their $97.00 How to Guides and in the end you sit there with no sales wondering what you are doing wrong. Of course when I am talking about myself and chances are you have had a similar experience. And if you have not had the above happen just yet because you are a newbie I predict that you will experience it unless you learn how to avoid it all by reading my new eBook -- A-Z of Super-Effective Sales Pages Let me tell you my story and about the hard and expensive lessons I learned about selling online and commissioning sales letters. About a year ago initially started what was supposed to be a stellar little income generating online business based on a single keyword. I created an excellent informational product complete with bonuses and offered it at a special price. I had high hopes that this self-created product would be the niche that made me rich but this just did not happen! I also noticed that I had two rivals online mining the same niche topic. One was doing as lousy as I was when it came to selling the product but the other competitor was killing us both. He was just raking the sales in while the rest of us gasped in awe at how ruthlessly he was knocking us out of the sales ring. Just this one guy online seemed to have all the sales no matter what we did to try and hijack even just the tiniest bit of his business. He also continued to monopolize the market long after both I and the other "loser" online lowered our prices to almost zilch! So what were we doing wrong and what was Mr. Internet Money Bags doing right? I made it my business to spy on my successful rival to see how he was managing to exalt his profit margins in so profoundly. In the end it was evident that the secret to his success was the well-written, compelling copy on his sales landing page. Seriously this sales page was a real work of art. I hope he printed it out and framed it. It was an absolutely compelling creative work that I personally could not stop reading until I reached the Buy Now Button! Of course I decided that what I needed was a savvy, super-selling sales letter just like it to be my landing page! So then I went ahead and tried to find a sales copywriter to write this super-selling masterpiece for me. Soon I discovered that the good ones just don't come cheap. In fact the best in the world can cost thousands of dollars to hire. You might be thinking right now that no writer is worth thousands of dollars. However consider this --the best copywriters in the world can also bring a web master over a million in sales on the very first day of a launched product. A very good example of the kind of famous copywriter who can create this raging success is Michel Fortin who wrote copy for John Reese. He made a million for this internet guru every single time a product was launched. He charged a five figure sum for each sales letter and Reese was willing to pay for it because he just knew he was good for the money after Fortin completed the copy! Employing the services of a top copywriter makes sense if you are rich but if you do not have money to burn then you have two options -
The potential downside of the first option could be that the copywriter is charging far less than anyone else for writing simply because he or she not that good at it in the person. In this case you may have saved a little bit of time but you may not make thousands of dollars in sales! This may not always be true (because sometimes a sales letter catches fire for no special reason at all) but it only stands to reason that if someone you are employing for $200 could ask for a fee of $2000 or even more per sales letter they would! Also as with most things in life you get what you pay for in this situation. The less you pay the less you get ...the less sales! The second option is to create the sales copy yourself and of course there are several drawbacks to doing it yourself. For one thing you could have no talent as a writer. Yet another challenge is the amount of time it can take you to actually get the sales letter done! However, talent or not, writing sales copy is a skill that can be mimicked or learned and if you follow the guidelines in this eBook there is every chance that you will definitely be able to a better job than someone to who you would pay a few hundred bucks to from or Also if you do learn how to write your own compelling sales letter you can save yourself a lot of money. Trust me. I know. I have been there with the bad writers who are late with their copy, run off with the advance and who...ahem ...can't WRITE! I hired five writers in a row off of to redo my sales letter. In the end I probably spent about $1400.00. Two of them took the advance and ran. Two of them produced sales letters that were barely comprehensible. I was able to use the fifth sales letter which seemed compelling and well written but GUESS WHAT. The letter just did not succeed in selling products to my site's visitors. It just wasn't a superseller! I wrote this eBook so you could learn to write your own sales letter! You are probably shaking your head right now and saying "That is all very well and good but I just am not a writer." I am here to tell you that - You Don't Need Talent to Compose A Super Selling Sales Letter!Such a skill is one that is in great demand. Trust me. I went from someone who was hiring incompetent and desperate moonlighters to one of the most sought after copywriters on the internet. I am so good at copywriting I do not even have to advertise my services. People have heard of my success through word of mouth and they simply find my email through my many successful websites. How did I get to be so good? How do you get to Carnegie Hall? The answer is "Practice, practice, practice!" How much better off would you be if were pocketing $200 or $500 or even $5,000 for every sales letter, rather than giving that money to other people to do an inferior job? That is exactly what this book is all about - teaching you to write outstanding sales copy even if you have never considered yourself to be capable of doing so before. However I also want you to keep this in mind... This is NOT just an eBook about copywriting. It is about conceptualizing a product that can accommodate a great sales pitch in the first place! In the A-Z of Super-Effective Sales Pages I discuss such creative and conceptual matters as --
... and many more issues that are absolutely pertinent to having a product or service that can actually support the content of a great sales letter! It might seem to you like you are "putting the cart before the horse" by putting the salesletter BEFORE the conceptualization of your business but that is EXACTLY what a lot of very rich internet gurus do to make money. One thing that I did not realize until I had really researched the art of writing newsletters is that there is just not one single super successful way of writing a salesletter. In fact one of the most daunting things about writing these sales letters is that there are som any different types of styles to choose from - so many that it makes you want to throw up your hands in the air with frustration. That is what I did at first until I settled down and realized that I absolutely had to learn to how to identify all of the different styles of persuasive sales letter writing and master them or I was always going to be poor. The result is a chapter in this eBook that helps break down the elements of the different styles so that you can make decisions about what type of persuasive copywriting is best to use to sell your stuff! In A-Z of Super-Effective Sales Pages I discuss such crucial things as -
And much, much more! Believe me I leave no stone unturned when it comes to how to construct these salespages. Each lesson in this eBook is also replete with images, screen shots and step-by-step instructions so that you cannot get confused, exasperated or go wrong in any way! Do You Want a Number One Product Selling Like Hotcakes On Clickbank?Learn How to Write the Salesletter That Sells It!...I discuss a lot more than the types of structures that your sales letter can take in the A-Z of Super-Effective Sales Pages. I also get into the nitty gritty of how to communicate with your customers so that they will want to get out that credit card and buy from you! In this eBook I teach you --
And many other things you should consider to create the most effective sales copy letter including the advisory to warn PayPal just before you launch with your new salesletter. This is because sometimes PayPal will freeze an account that suddenly receives an unexplained influx of cash! In fact that is exactly what happened to me after I deployed my first successful saleletter! It was easy to straighten this out with PayPal but I wish I had warned them first! Time to ask yourself -- Are You Ready to Write Salesletters That Actually Sell?
If the suggestions put forth in this report don't help you create effective sales pages as quickly as YOU want to, I'll refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked. Why am I taking all the risk on myself? Because I believe in the methods that I have written about in The A-Z of Super-Effect Sales Pages. I believe they work. I KNOW they work - I have tried them all. I believe in the results I've gotten for thousands of businesses, and because of that I believe that this method will work for you.
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