Watch New Content Get Added To
Your Blog Every Single Day, In Any Niche You Choose For The Next 8 Years,
Only 3 Mouse Clicks!
"Set It And Forget It" Technology Automatically Drip Feeds
Fresh New Content Into Your Blog For As Long As You Choose!
How Would You Like To Build The Biggest Blog In
Your Niche With 3 Simple Clicks Of Your Mouse,
Just One Time?
Do you dread creating content for your blog?
Does blogging seem like more of a laborious chore than you ever imagined it would be?
Would you like an easy way to fill up your blog with content
on auto-pilot that you don't even have to write?
Maybe you'd like a tool that could automate and post all of your content on a schedule that YOU choose!
about to discover a very powerful and brand new breakthrough in blogging technology
that can do just that!
From: Greg
Lloyd & Mike Mazzella
Sunday, March 16, 2025Friday, January 15, 2010Friday, June 26, 2009
Dear Friend,
By making your way to this web page, I can accurately say that you've probably done at least a little blogging yourself or at the very minimum have been planning to start a blog.
Blogging is an awesome way to generate traffic, subscribers and customers that you can follow up with for a lifetime of profit.
A good blog creates tons of free traffic that you can send to any affiliate link, web site or sales page that you want.
Many marketers are coming to the realization that a blog can actually be more effective than having an e-mail list!
This is because of all of the cool "subscribe" and syndication features that are now available for a blog.
The one thing that most of us realize is that creating content for a blog can be a whole lot of work which is why we use...
Modified PLR, Outsourced & Borrowed Content...
It's no secret that many blog owners use other people's content to create blogs jammed with info rich content.
This has become somewhat of a necessity with the introduction of so many successful blogs hitting the market on a daily basis.
Most of these big named blogs have
guest authors that regularly contribute to the site so that the blog
owner has to contribute very little, or no content at all!
Having guest writers is a
great idea but the harsh reality is that you can't find them unless you
pay them a fortune or have an already highly trafficked and profitable
blogthey can plug into to get traffic to their sites.
The solution for people like you and I is to use content that we get from alternate sources.
These sources can be article sites
or blog content sites that offer tons of content that can be published
under your name. I highly recommend for this.
You can also use articles
from article directories and publish them with the authors name as a
kind of "non-exclusive" guest appearance. The best one which is a great place to share for anyone is
These options provide you
with tons of content and if done "right" can actually provide you with
a lifetime of content you don't have to write.
If you do nothing but use the
information I just shared with you on your own blog, you will be in the
clear for creating content for a long time.
But there is something you may NOT be aware of yet...
"Using Borrowed Content Still Takes Tons Of Time & Effort!"
Using the tricks I just shared
with you for getting tons of content are awesome ideas that can
literally solve your content problems forever.
Unfortunately, there are some underlying problems that you
may not be aware of that pop up once you start using the types of content I just mentioned.
One is that it still takes a ton of time to get an article, login to
Word Press, paste in the title and the body, select a category, select a publishing time, etc.
All of these
little things added up and multiplied by hundreds of articles or blog
posts ends up being dozens, upon dozens of hours and if you have more
than one blog, you could be talking in the hundreds of hours or more!
Most people just starting a blog don't realize this until they start working on their blogs and then realize that they are still required to do a lot of work to get those blog posts up.
Worst of all, you have to do this all the time to keep your blog up to date and keep your blog fresh with the search engines.
So what can you do to solve that problem?
Well, unfortunately, there is no "process" that will help make this work go away for you but all hope isn't lost!
What if I told you that there was a solution that eliminated ALL of the tasks above that I just mentioned?
What if I further told you that this solution also posted the content to your blog automatically for years (if that's what you want) while you sleep, hang out or vacation?
Would you be interested?
Most people would be which is why I'm so excited to announce the release of...
Blog Post Automator - The Ultimate Blog Automator!
Remove Yourself From The Blog Maintenance Equation!
Plug In & Use Simplicity When It Comes To Auto
Feed Implementation On Your Word Press Blog!
Eliminate 99.7% Of The Work You Do Posting Content On Your Blog!
Automate Your Blog Posting For Years In Just A Few Clicks!
Upload Text Files, Click A Few Buttons And Walk Away. Yes, Really!
Absolutely The Easiest Piece Of Software You've Ever Used For Word Press
Post Automator Is A Complete Solution...
Adding Content To Your Blog Can Be A Big Time Consumer Without The Right Tools In Your Overall Plan In Internet
Blog Post Automator is the ultimate tool for automating your blog posting activities forever!
It doesn't matter what kind of content that you have,
Blog Post Automator will take care of it!
The best part is that all you have to do is upload your
content as text files to a folder on your web site and Blog Post Automator will detect it all automatically for use in
Word Press and do all of the hard work posting on any schedule you choose all
with 3 simple clicks of your mouse!
You truly have to see this thing in action to believe it!
Greg & Mike,
Blog Post Automator opened up my eyes to a whole new world of free
traffic generation.
Thanks for opening the doors to your
business and sharing this with me!
Allen Potash Vancouver, British
This Almost Sounds Too Good To Be True, Is
Blog Post Automator Really 3 Click
Simple? And Will It Really Auto Load My Blog For Years To Come?
Now, I know that you may have this
question running around in your head so I wanted to address it right out of the
There's no doubt that anyone
can make money with the Blog Post Automator Software.
It's so easy that a grade school
student could understand it and even if you're a total "newbie", this
will be totally within your reach of understanding and application.
Listen, when I said that this is
the information right out of my personal playbook during the last few years of
successful search engine optimization, I meant it.
And I'm not a "techie" type of
I don't know how to make a hit
movie, setup complicated software on websites or do any kind of graphic design. What I
do know is how to get things done fast, automated, and in a way that makes money.
What's Included In Blog
Post Automator?
Here's just some of what you'll be
getting in the system...
No Tech Installation -
You have never seen a web based product that installs as easy as this
one does. In fact, even if you've never installed a script, you can
install this to your Word Press blog.
Add Keywords, Descriptions & Title To Each Automated Post -
Not only can you automate your posting but now you can add KEYWORDS ,
Title &
A DESCRIPTION to each Automated Post Via The Meta Tags.
Complete Start to Finish User Video Tutorials -
Install, Using it from Wordpress Admin , Using it to Auto Post text and
html files, & Auto Posting video and audio all with Live Examples.
Upload Text Files Simple -
you have to do to load content that is going to be published to your
blog is upload text files with the content, articles or blog posts that
you want published!
5 Second Use -
Setting up content to be published at specific intervals for as long as
you want and choosing the category takes literally seconds with this
system even it it's 2,000 future blog posts!
Alphabetically Post You Articles - You can
control which article is posted first, second, third and so on...Just
name article files alphabetically and the script takes care of the rest.
Complete Automation For As Long As You Want -
You can setup automation that allows you to set and forget your blog
for as long as you want. I'm talking about setting your blog up for 5
years or more in advance if you want to!
Solid As Steel Operation -
This application was coded with rock solid, streamlined code so that
there isn't a bunch of crazy, out of whack files that make it run slow
or clunky! It's rock solid and will withstand a beating!
Integration With The Best -
This awesome tool integrates perfectly with your new and shiny
Word Press 2.7 blogs in just a quick snap and pop installation!
You Have To
Be Crazy To Manually Post To Your Blog Even One More Day, With My Incredible New
Blog Post Automator System Now Available!
I don't need to make another laundry list of features here to make you
understand the value of the Blog Post Automator software.
After all, what is a completely automated content
filled blog that runs on pure auto pilot worth to you?
What would you do with your time and life if you had enough money coming
from the biggest blog in your niche
to eliminate all worry about financial security & your future?
Can you really put a price on that?
I don't think so.
And before you think that I'm trying to lead up to a ridiculously high price,
let me stop you.
All B.S. aside, this software works and I know it will work for you.
I want to see you succeed and I will personally be there for you via e-mail if
you need help.
I also want you to be able to afford the system that I'm going to share
with you so I'm going to let you grab the software for a measly $[[price]] bucks.
an attempt to sweeten the deal even more for you, I'm also
going to add the following three hot bonuses to your order
at no charge if you try my system right now...
"Complete Video Course
Reveals : WORDPRESS Money Making Secrets"
Marketer Shows You In A Step By Step Guide How To Use
Wordpress to Maximize Your Earnings And Rapidly Create
Profit Pulling Site After Profit Pulling Site
13 Videos
Show You How!
Advanced WordPress Videos That Will Help Drive More
Traffic, Make You More Money and Have a
Better Looking Site.
Videos available for Instant Download.
Links To A Tone Of Other
WordPress Plugins.
Go ahead and grab the software for the cost of a supreme pizza
and start on your own road to financial freedom!
It's easy to get started right away.
Just click the
order link below. Click here to order for instant
digital delivery right now for only $[[price]](even
if it’s 3:00 in the morning, you can download this
software package now)
Mike & Greg,
I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!
INCLUDES: Master Resell Rights!
Order the
Blog Post Automator instant download now for only $[[price]]
Blog Post Automator requires you to have a copy of WordPress 2.7 Installed On
Your Blog. It has been tested to work with other versions of WordPress
but it was created for WP 2.7.
Take Action, And Get Started Now! Not
Tomorrow, Start Today!
You are
minutes away from being able to have the profits rolling
in from your successful online business. Our software will
reveal the secrets that dramatically boost your profits.
Don't you owe
it to yourself to try The Blog Post Automator today?
Greg & Mike
You will be so glad you can finally stop
trying to get your business on the path to success the hard way. Don't spend
weeks trying to "figure it out" let us show you the way!
Greg & Mike,
I have to say that the system you reveal in Blog Post Automator is
the best I've ever read!
This week, I got 400+ new
visitors without paying a cent for them!
Susan Nash,
Lakewood, CA
Have A Great Day
Property of Greg Lloyd's Healthy Living
#40 18975 Ford Road, Maple Ridge
British Columbia, Canada
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