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Dear Friend,

If you do any sort of marketing online, or you have a website of your own, you know that one of the biggest things that always comes up when ever you have a new site are website graphics.

So to save you hundreds or thousands of dollars on custom graphic design fees, I've put together a brand new collection of over 2,500 high quality web graphics that you can simply copy and paste into your websites and blogs, in minutes.

These graphics are already pre-made and pre-formatted, and are already in a "web ready" format. So it literally takes just a few minutes to stick them into your website. AND they're really high quality and polished, so you WILL actually want to use them on your sites.

Take a look at these graphics for yourself...

As you can see, these are really professional graphics. They were all designed by a real graphics pro who charges up to $100 an hour for custom work, so this is really high quality stuff (something that would cost you an arm and a leg to have custom created for you).

The quality of these graphics is what makes this package different from most other similar packages out there. So even if you already have a graphics library, this will make a great addition.

Another thing that makes this package special is that all graphics come in either Transparent PNG format or Animated GIF format.

Transparent PNG means that you can use the graphics element on any color background, not just white, and it will still look nice. So this gives you great flexibility with your color schemes.

White background:

Same button,
color background
(still looks good):

Animated GIF means that these are simple animations on some of these graphics, to make them stand out further. When used sparingly these simple animated graphics make a big impact, and make certain areas of a site (like the call to action button) really POP, and increase conversions.

Static button:

Animated button:

So that's what you'll get with this package: Really high quality web graphics, in transparent PNG and Animated GIF formats.

Here is a closer look at all of these graphics, giving you a break down of everything you get, along with full size samples...

84 Checkmarks and Bullets (in Transparent PNG). The checkmarks come in 2 styles ("checkmark" and "x mark") and in 6 colors and 6 sizes. The bullets come in 2 styles x 1 size x 6 colors.

144 "Call To Action" buttons (in Transparent PNG). The buttons come with 8 phrases x 6 colors x 3 sizes. The phrases are: "Add To Cart, Continue, Get It Now, Join Now, Order Now, Register Now, Sign Up Now, Subscribe Now".

144 "Call To Action" buttons (in Animated GIF). These are the same buttons as the PNG ones above, and come with the same phrases, colors and sizes. What makes them different is that they're Animated GIF files, that have a slight animation effect to make them stand out more.

18 Guarantee signs (in Transparent PNG). There are 6 different colors and 3 different sizes.

6 Guarantee signs in animated GIF. Same as above, but they come in Animated GIF format.

468 Letters (in Transparent PNG). Cover all the letters in the alphabet from A to Z. Each letter comes in 6 different colors and 3 different sizes.

You can use these as drop caps on your sales pages, you can spell things out with them, etc..

162 Numbers (in Transparent PNG). Go from 0 to 9. Come in 6 different colors and 3 different sizes each.

Use these numbers to break down different modules, sections, bonuses, offers, etc..

360 Keyboard Signs (in transparent PNG). 20 signs x 6 colors x 3 sizes each. You can see all the different signs in the sample below.

There are a lot of uses for these signs. You can put the quotes next to a testimonial or headline, the number sign next to a numbered section, etc..

96 Arrows (in Transparent PNG). Come in 6 colors x 4 directions x 4 sizes. The 4 directions are: up, down, left and right.

96 Arrows (in Animated GIF). Same as above, but these ones come with simple animations to make them stand out more.

126 Attention Headlines (in Transparent PNG). In 7 phrases ("The Bonuses, The Modules, Yours Free, Limited Time Offer, What You Get. One Time Offer, Special Offer") x 6 colors each x 3 sizes each.

+ Attention Headlines (in Animated GIF). "Stop Wait!!!" and just the stop sign in different sizes each.

You can use all of these graphics to call attention to certain sections on your site (like bonuses or modules) or to make special offers stand out.

162 "Bonus" icons (in Transparent PNG). Bonus 1 - 9 in 6 colors each and 3 sizes each.

36 Headers (in Transparent PNG). Simple website headers with round and square corners, in 3 sizes each (800px wide, 750 px wide, and 700 px wide), and in 6 colors each. You can add your own text to them in any graphics program.

36 Footers (in Transparent PNG). Simple website footers with round and square corners, in 3 sizes each (800px wide, 750 px wide, and 700 px wide), and in 6 colors each.

87 Blank Graphics Elements (in Transparent PNG). All the buttons and badges in this package also come in these "blank" graphics elements. So you can add your own text to these in your favorite graphics program (no special software required, use ANY graphics program you already use to edit these files).

As you can see from the breakdown above, that's quite a lot of graphics files. It total there are 2,661 items and 126.4 MB worth of content in this package.

And these graphics cover pretty much everything you need for your website, from top to bottom.

Plus they come in a variety of different sizes and colors, so you'll be able to find something to match the exact look of your site.

You just stick them into your websites and you're good to go.

It's much easier and more cost effective to use a package like this for some quick graphics touch ups, than to hire a designer for a "small" job. When ever you need some quick extra graphics for your site, just open up this package, and quickly go through the nicely organized collection. Fast and easy.

It's one of those packages that you will use over and over again, and it will become one of your go-to resources. And it WILL save you money and time.

And speaking of saving money, that's exactly what I want to do for you here, so I came up with a very reasonable price of.....

Not $97

Not $77

Not even $67

$27 Only!

But don't let the low price fool you. This is a top notch product that is eaily worth hundreds of dollars in saved designer fees. And I just might raise the price in the future. So if you're interested, grab this awesome package right now for the low price above.

I also have a money back guarantee, just in case that price is not low enough...

Try the product for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

Hope you see the value in this offer and will give this product a try. To place your order click on the link below.

Take Advantage Of The Limited Time Low Discount Price Today!

Yes!  I want to order this amazing package right now, and take advantage of the limited time discount. Give me instant access...

P.S. These graphics are in PNG and GIF formats. Which means they work with any graphics program and you don't need any special software.

*Works on both PC and Mac