ATTENTION: Brand NEW Video eCourse w/Rebrandable Unrestricted Transferable Private Label Rights!
Much FREE Blog Content
Would You Take If I Told You Exactly Where to Get It,
And How To Turn It Into An Unstoppable Traffic
Public Domain Content Is
Nothing New... But You Are About To Learn The Public Domain Content SECRETThat No One Has Been Telling You About!
Marketers have
been using content from books that are in the
public domain for years to create new derivative
I am
about to tell you about a public domain secret
that no one ever talks about... up until now
this has been just too valuable of a secret to
share, but at the risk of making a bunch of my
Internet marketing guru friends mad, today I'm
going to share the big secret with you.
Read below to learn how all of these "In The Know" marketing
gurus exploit a rarely used part of the public
domain to create all the free blog and article
content they need, and use that content to drive
tons of traffic to their websites!
From: Date:
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
There's no doubt that if you
have been creating information products or marketing online for long you know
about the value of taking public domain books and using the content in those
books to create new products. You may even already be taking some of that
content and turning it into articles that you can use on your blog or on article
websites for driving traffic anyplace you want it to go.
Public domain books are a great source for
getting loads of good free content, but the problem is in getting that content
into a form that is usable on a website.
Have you ever tried to create an article from
the middle of a book, that actually reads like a great article? If you have
tried to create an article from the middle of a book then you already know it's
pretty hard to get an article that will stand on its own without relying on the
content that may have been in the rest of the chapter that was taken from to
sound right.
Sure many of the public domain books available
are hundreds of pages long with tons of great usable content, but trying to
break out a 700 word section from all of that content that makes sense and
doesn't need on the rest of the content it came with it to make sense. Creating
a great article from the middle of a book can be incredibly hard.
What I want to talk to you about today is how
you can quit struggling to turn in a few pages from a book into an article, and
how you can start going directly to the source and get content that was
originally created to be an article in the first place.
I'm going to let in on the secret to
getting great free content you can use as articles right now...
you do not have to buy my product to get the secret, I'm going to give it to you
right this second for free.
The secret is so simple it's ridiculous, and it
will save you a ton of time once you know what to do with it.
Trying To Create Articles From Public Domain Books, It's Way Too Much Work!
Trying to create an article out of the middle
of the book is incredibly hard it's almost easier to just write the article from
scratch in the first place. That may sound crazy but unless you've ever
tried to get a stand-alone article that makes sense from the middle of a book I
assure you it's not.
The best way to get articles that you can use
on your blogs, and in your article marketing is by using public domain content
that was already an article to begin with. The best place to get this type
of content is from old magazines that are in the public domain.
Public domain articles started out as an
article usually in a paid magazine. The reason this is great news for you
is because it means many years ago some print magazine paid a writer to research
and write an article on a specific subject.
Once that writer finished the article it was
then sent to an editor!
Do you understand the value of that statement?
Someone was actually paid to edit the article that we are talking about right
now, and someone else was paid to write it in the first place. That means
you already know from the get go that this is going to be a world-class piece of
The content has already been professionally
edited and approved, so you know it's going to be top notch quality content!
If you have ever purchased PLR content then you
know first hand that most of the articles you come across are usually pure junk.
You get guys that are paying writers $5-$10 each article and then selling those
articles to hundreds and hundreds of people all to use his or her blogs and also
as article content.
This means that not only are using content that
was written by an inferior writer, it's also being used by hundreds of other
people right now. They are getting access to the content at the same time
that you are so the Internet is getting flooded with that content from multiple
different sites at the same time.
Sure you can pay someone to rewrite the content
and make it unique but it was still written by a $5 to $10 or writer in the
first place, and likely your pain a $5-$10 rewriter to change it up.
It is also hard to get content on the exact
topic's that you want it to be about when you use only PLR artices.
How many feature magazine writers do you
currently think work for $5-$10?
I assure you that most magazine writers get
paid thousands of dollars to write feature articles in today's magazines.
The reason that is important to you is because
all of the public domain magazine articles that you're going to be using were
also created by professional magazine writers. Now sure back in the days
when they wrote these articles Magazine writers were not earning thousands of
dollars per article in those times.
But what they were earning when you consider
the cost of inflation during that time versus what money is worth now would
still be equivalent to the same thousands of dollars that magazine article
writers are currently getting for a feature article in a magazine.
That means that you can take articles written
by real professional writers that were getting big money to write that content
and use it as your own! The content I am talking about has also already gone
through a very strict editing process before it ever made it into the magazine!
Do you think that kind content is going to be any good?...
You bet it is, this is going to be some of the
greatest content that you could ever imagine... Say goodbye to your PLR content
creator forever and start using good professional content that's going to make
your readers come back for more again and again!
While all of this public domain magazine
content will be great for driving traffic to websites, even more important is
the fact that the content will be so good that it will actually keep readers
coming back for more again and again.
You Will Be Getting Content
That Someone Has Paid Big Money To Create For FREE!
One thing that I want to point out about using
old articles from magazines is that this content may require a little bit of
editing and updating. Think about it, back in 1922 they didn't talk quite
the same way that we do now, but that's not a big deal because this editing is
minimal compared to trying to edit a piece of PLR junk written by a five dollar
English school dropout writer today.
There are so darn many ways that you can use
this content it's not even funny!
Use the articles to
turn into Scripts that you can use to create video
Use them to create
content for your blog!
How about content
to blast out to all of the article directory sites!
Use the article as
outlines to create full-blown information products!
Start a content
delivery network and sell the content to your
I could go on and on there are a million ways
you can make money with this type of content, and if you're head is not already
spinning with ideas of how valuable this secret is then you might not want to
waste your time reading any further.
Just think about all the traffic that you
could drive to a website in any niche topic you can imagine when you start using
hundreds and hundreds of articles that were written by total professionals in
those niche topics.
You will be able to dominate any niche you
choose and leave all of your competitors wondering how the heck you're creating
so much fresh content so fast. They we'll also be jealous with envy
wondering how you're affording such high quality writers to create that content.
Today I Share
This Secret With You FREE Of Charge, Knowing At The Same Time You Will Be Smart
Enough to Want More!
So I've given you the main secret that is
contained in my video course about using public domain articles for content as
my gift to you.. but let me assure you there is much more to learn.
There are hundreds of ways that you can use this content for your own personal
gain... hopefully by now you see that.
But there is so much more...
I've created a short video course that will
help you take the months and years of information that I've learned about using
this type of content for my own personal gain, and put to work for you
immediately without doing all the studying and research that I did to learn how
to make it al work.
I'm going to give you a virtual shortcut to
success and tell you everything I know about using this type of content for
profit right away.
Everything is explained is an easy, step by step fashion so that you can start doing what you need to do quickly;
to generate more traffic, to get articles for your blog, and more articles to
help sell more your products!
The best part is you're not going to need to
spend days or weeks watching videos. As I mentioned I've broken down this simple step-by-step
program into a simple short video set that is so easy to understand even a total
article marketing newbie can handle it.
Start Getting FREE Content In As
Little As Two Hours...
As soon as you get started with my
step-by-step system and actually do what I tell you, you can literally start
getting all of the free high-quality content that you could ever need within two
Now I'm not going to lie to you
and tell you that this is some easy pushbutton automated system that's going to
allow you to flip a switch an auto fill your blog with content that will be
relevant to your niche.
If you're looking for that kind
of pushbutton system for getting content then you should leave this webpage
right now, any content that you get with a system like that is not going to be
good content and it's not going to be relevant content!
Of course you're going to find all
kinds of people that will promise secret pushbutton content creation techniques all over the Internet, if you
already have been studying how to use articles for your blog to get traffic for more than a few days..
you probably are already aware of the shysters promising pushbutton results that
require little or no
Anybody that promises you
quality content
without a little tiny bit of research and work is a liar so if you are looking for
that type of content
you will be sorely disappointed with my system.
But if you're looking for real
killer content written by professionals that has been edited, and gone through
everything that it takes to get into a real print magazine then I can save you a
ton of time in figuring out how to get this kind of content quickly.
Now if you are the kind of person
that doesn't like to get your hands dirty and do too much of the hard work
yourself you can certainly pass my videos along to your outsourced employee or
one of your in-house employees if you are lucky enough to have one and get the same kind of results
and killer content in any niche you choose for free assuming they
follow the system step by step.
I'm going to show you get top-quality content in any niche that you can
imagine and use it like it was your own.
There will be some work in
researching and finding this content, and then extracting the content so that is
is easy-to-use on your website. The work is not overwhelming by any means, in
fact it's so easy once you learn what you're doing something like this could be
done all by yourself not matter what your age- this is truly so easy a child
could manage it!
But again it will take a little
bit of work, and this work can be easily outsourced if you choose not to do it
Once you start using public domain
articles at high volume I highly recommend that you outsource the work that I'm going
to teach you. I promise you when you see the kind of traffic
that all of this content can deliver, your new biggest problem is going to be figuring out how you
can find more and more people to join your team to keep the traffic and the
content coming in
larger and larger amounts.
"You Are
Minutes Away From Using My New Secret Content Getting Method, To Get All The
FREE Content You Want"
What I am about to teach you to do
will not seem glamorous once you watch the videos. there is nothing exciting or
flashy about this secret content collection method! In fact after
first watching the videos you may not be incredibly impressed until you put what
I teach you in the action.
Once you put this into action and see
the amount of content that you can find and use for free on your website I
guarantee you'll be addicted.
Learn The Shortcuts To Getting Access To All Of This FREE Public Domain Content!
Increase Your Website Traffic
Using All The FREE Content That You Can Use, Any Time
You Want!
Short hour and
thirty minute
course tells all, you will be up and running fast.
Do this work yourself
or outsource it to scale up!
Start getting
all the content you can use in as little as 2 hours from
getting started!
Do it over and over
again anytime you need extra content for your blog!
So easy even a
child could make this work!
Offline Article Traffic...
Getting traffic to
your website takes content and creating content can be tough when you're just
getting into
Marketing but what if you could get all the
content you need for free?
Again as I have already told you the secret is already
out of the bag you can absolutely do this without buying my videos today but
when you do order my video today you can save a ton of time and start collecting
and using all the content that you want in hours rather than days or months!
It's not a magic pill, and it will require a little bit of
work, but once you see how easy it really is you'll know you've hit the content
Hi Toolman,
You really were serious when you talked
about how much content that there was to be had! After watching your
videos I'm quite confident I will never need to pay another writer again to
create articles for me.
This is the absolute perfect content
Kyle Newman,
Bend, Or
Now, I know that you may have this
question running around in your head so I wanted to address it right out of the
There's no doubt that anyone
can get all the content that they want in the public domain, even without
watching my videos... But when you get my videos today you get a serious
advantage. You will be able to start immediately using my months and years of
knowledge. no need to try to figure it all out yourself.
My videos make it simple to get
started right away.
It's so easy that a grade school
student could understand it and even if you're a total "article
marketing or public domain newbie", this
will be totally within your reach.
Listen, this is information right out of my personal playbook, I mean it.
You are going to get everything
I've spend months and years learning, condensed down into a short little video
that will allow you to get started without the learning curve.
You will invest less than two
hours of your time watching what I spent years learning so you can start
exploiting the kind of content that will drive traffic your website like
What's Included In Offline Article Traffic?
Here's just some of what you'll be
uncovering in this video seminar course...
Intro To Getting Content -
Here you'll learn exactly where I find all the
public domain articles I use for content.
This section will teach you how I
use all that content to drive traffic to any website
that I want to anytime that I want to.
Riches In Niches -
You be able to get content in any
niche under the sun, and exploit the content as if
you had written it yourself.
How Can You Use This Content -
I will teach you exactly how I use
all the public domain articles in my business rather
than having content written myself.
Scale up- You will probably want to
do most of this work yourself when you get started
but it certainly is scalable if you would like to
outsource the heavy lifting once you get going.
Enjoy The
Success - Once you start seeing the new traffic
that you can get with all this free content
you're going to want to do this over and over again!
Don't You Deserve
The Same Kind Of High-quality Content, Traffic, And Success As The Big Internet
Marketing Gurus?
Listen I'm not going to try to sell you on ALL the reasons why you should
take action and purchase my program but if you need content in your business,
and if you need traffic in your business then you need this.
As I previously said I already told you the secret so you can
certainly get started doing this right now without my videos if you don't mind
spending next few months trying to figure out how to make this work at a super
effective level. Or you can get instant access to everything I have
learned about getting and using public domain article content right now without
wasting time searching out how to do it all yourself.
Can you really put a price on that?
I don't think so.
And before you think that I'm trying to lead up to a ridiculously high price,
let me stop you.
All B.S. aside, using public domain article
content works and I know it will work for you.
I want to see you succeed and I want to save you the months of time it will take
you figure it out on your own that I had to go through.
I also want you to be able to afford the information that I'm going to share
with you so I'm going to let you grab my secret system in this
easy-to-follow video seminar for an easy to afford $9.95
That truly is a drop in the bucket when you consider all
the time but you can save on trying to figure out something like this on your
own, is that worth $9.95 to you?
In an attempt to sweeten the deal even more
for you, I'm also going to add the following three hot
bonuses to your order at no charge if you try my system
right now...
Bonus #1:
Aff Video Rebrander Full MASTER Resell Rights Value = $77.00
"Easily Rebrand your Video eCourse with the Affiliate Video Brander"...
A great tool to monetize your video ecourse, easy to use software will let you redirect your visitors to any URL of Your Choice automatically!
Plug it in, and start making money showing simple videos online! The software runs on Windows (including Vista), and is push-button simple enough for anyone to use.
is a great resource, these 3 sites are geared toward Internet Marketing. You now
have full giveaway right to these 3 Cash Cranking sites!
Professionally Designed Lead Pulling Video Squeeze Page!
Go ahead and grab the videos for
about the same cost as a large deluxe pizza
and start on your own road to getting all the content that you could ever want
for free!
My Personal 100% Satisfaction Guarantee To You...
Listen, if you don't
agree that this it the most valuable and easy
use resource
for getting tons of content fast that you've ever
seen, simply
email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot..
No hard feelings and no questions asked.
In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an
entire 1 month after you get
That's right, 30 days to use and get traffic
from my secret marketing mistake. If you don't make at
least 50 times what I am asking
you to pay for it today, then I insist you ask
for (and receive) an immediate refund.
And if you decide to opt for a refund I still
want you to keep the 3 bonuses as my free gift
just for giving this a shot.
There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on
your part. The burden to deliver is
entirely on me.
If you don't like my course for any reason, any
reason whatsoever such as you think it's too much work or
if you think these techniques are just
not giving you the amount of free content that
you thought it would, - then a refund is yours.
I am that sure- that when you see how powerful
this content getting system is, you will not even
think of wanting a refund!
So let's recap what you get when you order today!
1. You get almost $200 worth of Fast Action BONUSES!
2. You get over 2 Hours of No Fluff Step-by-Step Video Lessons/Content!
3. You get to Rebrand The Video Lessons to send them to the url of your choice!
4. You'll get a Secure Thank you page to keep the se spiders from listing your thank you pages!
5. You'll get the Video in Editable form to Edit and Rebrand as your own!
6. You'll get Unrestricted PLR Rights! (Not like the others telling you You can't sell the PLR)
7. You can pass this to your list members, they'll love you for it!
8. You can start your own video e-course!
9. You can get all this for the cost of a large deluxe pizza!
and so much more...
It's easy to get started right away.
Just click the
order link below.
Click here to order for instantly right now for only $9.95 (even
if it’s 3:00 in the morning, you'll still get access to this
video seminar immediately!)
Todd & Tom,
I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!
It Is Easy To Order
Order the
Offline Article Traffic Video e-Course
w/Personal Use!
Now for only $9.95 (HURRY... Only 100 97 Avail.)
Order the
Offline Article Traffic Video e-Course w/Master Resell & ReBrandable Rights!
Now for only $14.95 (HURRY... Only 50 49 Avail.)
Order the
Offline Article Traffic Video e-Course w/Unrestricted Transferable, Rebrandable, Private Label Rights!
Now for only $19.95 (HURRY... Only 25 23 Avail.)
[Yes] Has Sales Page
[Yes] Has Video Squeeze Pg.
[Yes] Can be given away. (Video Course Only - For Obvious Reasons)
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[Yes] Can be used as web content
[Yes] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be added to FREE membership sites
[Yes] Can be added to dime sales (Be smart about it)
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights
[Yes] Can Rebrand the Videos
[Yes] Can claim copyrights
[Yes] Easy to Use Video Rebrander is Included Absolutely FREE!
Take Action, And Get Started Now! Not
Tomorrow, Start Today!
You are
one click away from getting access to all of my
secret shortcuts to getting and using public domain
articles as your own content. Our videos will
reveal the secrets that will save you tons of time
in trying to figure it out yourself.
Save yourself lots of
research and order my Offline Article Traffic now!
P.S. How many different niches do you think you
could profit in if you could get an unlimited amount of free content to us for
each of those niches? Order now and get started!
Hi Tom,
I have been using public domain book content for years, but using articles
for content is so much easier than trying to get articles out of books. I
have been able to save a ton of time and money getting this easy to use content
driving traffic to my sites!
Great work, on these
easy to understand videos, thank you.
Mitch Halleran,
Gallup, NM
Disclaimer: The income examples on this website are not intended to
represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each
individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication,
background, effort and motivation to work. There is no guarantee you will
duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has
inherent risk for loss of capital.