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From: Your Name RE: A New, Leaner You Dear Friend, If you’re interested in losing weight or obtaining a better body shape while feeling fitter, healthier and more energetic than ever before I suggest you read every word of this letter... With the help of several dieticians, a certified personal trainer, a nutritionist and hours of scientific research, I have created a prgram called the Lifestyle Diet Makeover. The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is a lifestyle reconstruction program that will enable you to feel fitter and stronger while losing weight... The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is not just another fad diet where you starve yourself for a while and lose weight only to put it back on at record speed when you begin to eat again... This unique weight loss method involves reconstructing your diet rather than eliminating meals. This means that weight loss is healthy, natural and most importantly permanent... The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is the result of hard
work from dozens of dietitians... Over the span of 16 months I have read countless diet and nutritional guides and combined the best aspects of each, coupled with scientific theory, to create the Lifestyle Diet Makeover... Robert Atkins, Pierre Dukan, Arthur Agatston, Marie Almon, Jenny Craig and Stanley Burroughs are just a few of the dietitians that I’ve studied the work of inside and out... This effort and dedication along with months of testing and tweaking while working personally with a certified personal trainer has enabled me to create what I believe is the best Lifestyle Makeover plan on the market today... A Lifestyle Diet Makeover beats a "fad diet" hands down... The problem with most fad diets such as ‘Atkins’, ‘Master Cleanse’ and the like is that they are unhealthy, unnatural and temporary. Yes, you will lose weight but you will also be tired, lethargic and experience side effects such as bad breath and double vision... Hardly worth it... Especially as the weight loss that you experience on these diets is often temporary and will pile back on when you return to a normal lifestyle... Reconstructing your lifestyle will enable you to eat well while losing weight. This means that you will feel better than ever while seeing huge benefits on the scales... And after the first month you’re not going to pile the pounds back on either... In fact, you’re going to continue to look better and better... You have the choice to continue being
overweight or make the change... The fact you are reading this page is proof that you’re not happy with your weight right now... You have two choices: A) Keep *thinking* about making the change but you don’t have to start right now. You can start tomorrow... Or next week... Or next month... Or... B) Actually take action and start losing weight right now... If you fit into category A then I’ve got some bad news for you. Tomorrow will probably never come. You see, you’re already making an excuse to continue with your unhealthy lifestyle and losing weight is practically impossible if you’re in the “excuse business” Think about how unhappy it makes you that:
And those are just problems that you are experiencing now. Imagine how it will feel in later life when you visit the doctor with chest pains and he tells you that you’re a heart attack patient waiting to happen... You have the chance to change your life before that conversation ever happens... With that in mind... Starting the diet right now is the only way to go... Are you ready to change your life? Introducing The Lifestyle Diet Makeover! ![]() The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is a fantastic program for anyone who is trying to lose weight regardless of your situation... If you are a big eater who is scared of dieting because you will be hungry and tired then you do not need to fear. The Lifestyle Diet Makeover enables you to be well fed while losing weight... If you’re already muscular and scared of dieting because you will lose muscle as well as fat you do not need to fear. The Lifestyle Diet Makeover suggests you eat plenty of lean protein which will help you maintain your muscle while burning fat... Here are some of the features of The Lifestyle Diet Makeover...
The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is more than just the science of food and drink. This program also contains several psychological lessons which will enable you to beat the food cravings for the first time in your life... I Also Created A Complete 4-Week Workout Guide To
Supplement Your Lifestyle Diet Makeover Perfectly... ![]() This 4-week workout plan is designed to give you maximum gain in minimum time. This is achieved by eliminating cardio (the boring stuff) and using high impact circuits to build muscle while simultaneously burning fat... Ask yourself how would you feel if...
The Workout Guide Contains All The Information You
Need To Start Building Rock Hard Muscle Straight Away... With our Workout Guide you will not need to waste a single second on researching the best methods to add exercise to your Lifestyle Makeover... I have included absolutely everything you need...
I even include four unique ways to increase the intensity of your workout to burn even more fat whenever you become comfortable with the circuit... And if you choose to incorporate cardio into your workout we’ve got you covered with full instructions on how to add cardio to your regime with optimum results... Are You Ready To Become Leaner, Stronger, Fitter
And More Confident Than Ever Before? It is no secret that people who are in shape and generally more confident that those who aren’t. Ask yourself, would having a hard body increase your confidence? Confidence will help you in both your personal and professional life... Instead of holding your belly in during sex you will now be able to relax and have a torso that makes your partner think *wow*. I bet that would make you feel great, right? Imagine being able to go to a work meeting in your suit and simply knowing that you were the sharpest dressed person there. I think that would impress your clients and colleagues, right? A new you isn’t as far away as you think... Hit the buy button below to start changing your life right now... But in case you're not decided yet, let me sweeten the pot a little more... These 3 Bonuses Make This Offer A "No-Brainer"
BONUS 1: Visual Food Reference (Value $19)
BONUS 2: Online Calorie-Tracking Program Video Tutorial (Value $19 ) is free to use but has a small learning curve. Our
Video tutorial will eliminate that learning curve so you can start tracking everything in minutes.
BONUS 3: The "Pocket Workout Cheat Sheet" (Value $17) The Pocket Workout Cheat Sheet is a version of the Workout
Plan that is condensed onto 1 sheet of paper. The Cheat Sheet shows all
exercises, reps and sets that you need to do and is great for putting into your
pocket to take with you to the gym. Now you may be asking yourself... "Can This Really Work For Me? Can a Digital Program Really Help Me Lose Weight?" Our case study student lost 15lbs in 28 days by following this program. And despite losing 4lbs per week, he “never felt hungry once”... Now obviously, this program can't eat healthy FOR you. It won't lift the weight for you, either. You're going to be doing the work. You won't be lost for single second using this guide, but when it comes down to it, you will actually have to do the work. Nothing can replace that... Not a stupid product from a late-night infomercial, no "brand-new" elixer or pill, and there's certainly no "easy button" for getting the body you want. But can you make it happen? Yes, absolutely! My Guarantee To YOU... I’m so confident that you can replicate our student's success that I'm giving you this rock-solid guarantee: Anyone that purchases this program with receive a 60-day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee. So if you’re not satisfied with the information in this guide, your progress, your gains or the reaction of your body after the first 30 days then you can request your money back. Heck, I'm even giving you 30 days PAST when you should expect to see results. How's THAT for taking the risk away? ![]() ...It really is that simple. All the risk is on me, so there's no reason not to give this a shot! ![]() I understand that this is a completely downloadable course and that upon ordering I will get instant access to everything below:
Get instant access to all of these now! Simply click the "Get Instant Access!" button below to be taken to a completely secure processor and you can be going through everything in this package in a matter of moments... Total Value = $122 Click Below To Get Instant Access
ONLY $27 Learn the real mechanics behind restructuring your lifestlye so you can drop the pounds almost effortlessly - without starving yourself or busting your butt on a treadmill for hours on end. Get that body you've always wanted... All that you need is contained within these pages. Get your instant access now and take the first step towards lasting, rewarding weight loss and get the body you want... Beach season is coming, so the longer you wait the more work you'll have to do. Change your life and your body starting TODAY. Here's to a New Leaner You, Your Name The Lifestlye Diet Makeover P.S. The cost of The Lifestyle Diet Makeover program is much cheaper than only one session with a personal trainer and contains more information that you will ever receive from one individual... P.P.S. Losing weight is fantastic but getting in shape really will send your confidence “through the roof”. Those who are in shape are generally regarded as disciplined, serious and knowledgeable. Ask yourself would these attributes help you in your personal and professional life? If so, our workout plan would be hugely beneficial to you... P.P.P.S. Our 60 day Money Back Guarantee shows how confident we are in the information contained in our program. Ask yourself, if this didn’t work would we really give you opportunity to get your money back for 2 months? Final Note: This is a completely digital program. When you order, no physical products will be shipped to your house. Instead, you'll be able to access everything and download the entire program as soon as you purchase it. |