Now you can get free, highly targeted search engine traffic without worrying about Pandas or Penguins!

Do YOU Want to Rank YOUR Videos on Page #1 of Google..... In Just a Matter of Hours?

If so, read on...and discover a simple bit of software that will help you do that time & time again!

From: Your friend
Date: Sunday, March 16.

There are some people who can consistently rank their videos on page 1 of Google as well as on the first page within YouTube for their chosen keywords.

For many, however, it remains a mystery. They try and time again they always seem to get their videos buried down the rankings in no man’s land.

One of the main elements of ranking a You Tube video is the optimization done in the settings – you know, the title, description, and tags. You need this important text to do two things:

  • Optimize your video for a high ranking for your keyword
  • Make people want to click on your link to find out more!

This can be tricky and time consuming – especially if you have little experience of VSEO and writing good copy.

This is why I developed The Tube Optimizer Wizard


This easy to use software does all of the heavy lifting for you.

You just answer questions about your video by typing or pasting the information into each box. Then hit finish. It’s as easy as that.

You get perfectly optimized titles, description and tags for you to simply copy and paste into the settings as your video is being uploaded.

You get perfect results every time. It takes less than 5 minutes from beginning to end!


Its powerful & effective

I originally made this for my own use, just as a time saver. I use this software to get my own titles, descriptions and tags fully optimized to help get my videos ranked quickly and on page 1 for my keyword every time.

One of the super cool features of the Pro version is that it auto-spins the description whilst retaining the optimization. That means that you are very unlikely to get the same description twice and that you won’t put up a load of videos with the exact same description around your keywords.

But the best thing of all about this software is that it is so, so simple. Often the best tools are the ones that simply get a job done – perfectly every time. You don’t even have to think about it, just pull out the software when you need it, confident in the knowledge that it will produce compelling and optimized copy for your video. …Job done!

  • No more struggling to write good copy that makes people click your link
  • No more second guessing the search engines trying to optimize your video
  • No more wasted time…get it done perfectly in less time than writing it yourself

This software is also perfect to give to a VA who can upload your videos. You can be confident that, by using the Tube Optimizer Wizard that the job will be done perfectly with zero language issues and involving no training.




All of those videos were optimized with a very basic version of this software…BEFORE I added the spinning function and improved the source text

I am so confident that you will love this product that I am giving a 60 day guarantee. If you don’t save a bunch of time and get better optimized videos by using this tool, just ask for your money back.


Please note: This software is designed for Windows PCs. It will NOT work on Apple Macintosh operating systems


“So, what’s this fancy software going to set me back?”

Glad you asked me that, bro. The answer is not anywhere near what you are probably expecting.

You see I just want to get this into your hands as I know you will be using it for every video you upload. Now if it was priced at $47 or $37 (it is a software application, remember), not so many people could afford to grab hold of it. No, I want the price to be a complete no-brainer for you…so you don’t have to choose between this and paying the electric bill this month.


  • Easy to use, fast, simple software
  • Produces fully optimized titles, description and tags
  • Automatically spins description text so it is unique every time
  • This is the full version! All the bells and whistles!

This software is yours for just...


click here to order

PS: Don’t forget my guarantee…You have no risk in getting this product. If it doesn’t work, no problem I will refund you.

PPS:  The quicker you get started, the sooner you will get your videos ranked and the quicker you will start getting that lovely free traffic flowing. Take action and grab this now….It will become one of those ‘can’t do without’ products very quickly!

PPPS: Don’t forget this is a product made for Windows. If you can use it with an Apple product using Windows, fine, but I can’t offer support for Apple users.