leaving your window wide open and turning a blind eye to money blowing
Going Mobile Is The Next Website
Trend Smart Marketers Are Quietly Keeping
Under Their Hats!”
Dear Online
Last year was a ground-breaking year in the world of cyberspace, and
it’s going to affect each and every one of us.
You see, last year, for the first time, the
rise in mobile phone usage exceeded the growth of personal computing.
What this means, to you and me, is that people
are abandoning their PC’s because they’ve
discovered they can do just about everything they need to on their
mobile devices.
Including access – and use – the internet. And all
their favorite mobile-ready sites.
And it all boils down to this simple fact…
whose businesses are mobile-ready and optimized are going to become the
new online business leaders of this coming decade.
And those who choose to ignore it are going to be left
I’ve never been more serious. The writing really is on the
wall. In big, bold letters… for those who are smart enough
to stop and read the words.
Used to be that
Internet Marketers could Pick and Choose…
But Not Any More!
Until recently, if you
chose to ignore a trend you weren’t comfortable with, sure,
you lost a few opportunities but it didn’t affect your
overall financial performance enough to really hurt. (Well, maybe it did…
but you convinced yourself it was a choice you could be comfortable
Mobile marketing is not
going to be something you can ignore… without paying a hefty
Dismiss it, and you can expect to watch others:
- Surge past you to take
over the lead roles
- Become the authority
figures for the new generation
- Take
a serious piece of your pie – and then go back for a second
- Leave you with an empty
plate – and an
internet business that is no longer viable
- Leave you unable
to compete. Just the way that
Commodore computers blew away on the wind before the onslaught of the
Microsoft empire
This is not just my opinion. The rise in cell phone internet access
last year was not only jaw-dropping, but it even extended to two groups
traditionally not in marketing play at all.
I’m talking about those over 55… and children.
People are
Naturally Drawn Towards
Whatever is Most Easy…
are two groups who traditionally either ignored technology…
or weren’t considered ready to use it yet.
Yet mobile use by those over 55 has been hitting a growth of
approximately 200% in the last decade (but what alarmed me
was… most of it being in the previous two years!)
Children, too - the next consumer generation - are using mobile phones
more than ever before. Not just to keep in touch with their parents,
but to:
- Browse
- Play games
- Look
up information for school projects
- Keep in touch with
friends on Facebook and FriendFeed
those over 55 use their mobile phones mostly for information,
Facebook… and shopping.
(Not to mention getting directions.)
These children are your target customers of the future.
And the 55-plus group is one that many internet marketers are not
tapping into, when it comes to the mobile market, right now…
are you Going to Do, If You Let Yourself Become One of the
by the time the kiddies are all grown up, many of us will be the
55-plus generation. The ones saying: “Thanks, I’ll
stick to my old technology” – except that current
55-pluses are already leaving us behind!
And that doesn’t even take into account the age group between
17-39. The ones who make up the
biggest percentage of mobile phone internet access users!
It all boils down to a really simple reason: Using your mobile phone or
PDA to access the net is something that people are increasingly finding
to be really, really easy.
Think about it. It’s something you can do while
- Out
and about, rushing from one appointment or class to another
- Waiting for school
computers to become “free” (if you’ve
been to college, you’ll know exactly what I’m
talking about. There’s always a lineup… and you
can never get on a computer right when you need one)
- Leaving
your clunky laptop at home – it’s so much easier to
browse the net on the cell phone you put in your pocket nowadays
- Making good use of
traditional “dead” time, while finding yourself
caught waiting for delayed public transportation… or riding
as a passenger in someone else’s car
- Away
at a conference… or visiting the in-laws (the ones who
don’t like anyone else touching their computer)
- Sitting in the
doctor’s office… or waiting for your kids in the
school parking lot
Having a Mobile-Ready Website
is only the Start
of the Race!
already goes without saying, your website should either be
mobile-ready… or at the very least, automatically direct
people to your mobile mirror site.
And that’s just the beginning. Did you know you could be
letting money you don’t yet have blow out your wide open
window if you ignore:
- Mobile
advertising – and the different-from-your-PC rules you need
to know
- How to get your mobile
site found and accessed – before most of your competitors
even know it’s there!
- Letting
your site be one of the small, mobile-optimized minority people
gratefully bookmark and return to
- Ways to easily boost
your promotions – ones that aren’t even available
via PC
- The
most important difference between mobile devices and PC’s
– the one that’s making it possible for even new
businesses to prosper
may be busy as a bee, learning all about traditional ways of internet
marketing. You might have your arms up to the elbows in PPC
advertising, affiliate marketing, podcasting, review blogging, making
videos, social networking, being a busy VA, and so much more.
But all the time you’re doing this, more and more of your
potential customers are cutting down the time they spend on their
personal computers. They’re viewing different
ads and websites – ones created specially for mobile phone
users to see.
They’re ignoring your site – and your offers and
services – only because they
simply can’t see them.
Because your mobile-ready sites are simply
not there!
(One of the things we’re all going to have be familiar with
soon is how to set up our websites to be easily seen on the average
mobile device’s tiny browser screen.)
Have my Visitors Dropped So Much,
these Last Few Months?”
sad fact is, everybody who says this is busy blaming the
economy… and ignoring the significance of the massive rise
in mobile phone internet access use!
I realized this myself, and after doing what I had to, to make sure my
business ventures positioned themselves firmly up on the leading edge
of the market, I knew this was knowledge I absolutely had to share with
you too.
So I’ve written a Special Report, “Mobile
Website Profits”,
which you can easily choose to download. I’ll warn you,
it’s not techno-heavy: If you’re expecting a
“how to” manual on mobile XHTML, this really
isn’t the product for you.
But what it does do is show
you all the hidden ways to maximize your business for the mobile
internet world.
As well as provide you with resource
links that aren’t currently easy to find
without investing time you may not want – or have –
to spend.
After all, this is all about not taking any more time from your
business, right?
If my Special Report tells you quickly what you need to know, and shows you
an easy way to go mobile within an hour,
it will save you the headache of all that initial research…
leaving you free to zero in only on what will work for you in the
mobile world… and allow you to take less precious time away
from your business or family.
And in an age where you’ve probably already noticed that more
and more internet marketers are jacking up their prices
(out of a change in focus that’s more on money-making and
less on you), I’m keeping my prices at a level even beginning
marketers can still afford.
Best of all, there’s still absolutely
no risk to you…
“Mobile Website Profits”
Offers You My 100%, Unconditional
Money Back, 30-Day Guarantee”
And here it is
– in writing…

My New Special Report
Website Profits"
Will Help You Quickly Get the Picture About
Mobile Marketing, and Where
You Need to Be
I guarantee that if you read through my report, you’ll find
mobile marketing easily and clearly explained – without any
techno-babble – full of solid tips and actions you can
quickly take!
I’ll even
tell you all about more than one way to make your website mobile-ready
that’s easy as 1-2-3.
I hope
you’ll take advantage of my unconditional, 30-day guarantee
to check out “Mobile
Website Profits”…
entirely at my risk.
I’m sure that you’ll find this information valuable
and easy to read – and you’ll realize how it can
quickly set you on the mobile profit path you need, without wasting any
more of your already thinly-stretched time.
– any time at all
within the next 30 days
– even if it’s 2:47 a.m. – you can
request and receive an instant refund.
And of course, even if you do ask for a refund, you get keep my Special
Report – with my thanks for taking
the time to decide if mobile websites really are necessary for you and
your business.
see, it’s not just about mobile websites –
it’s about the best ways quickly optimize and use them to:
“just do it”. Take advantage of this
quietly-exploding trend and download “Mobile
Website Profits”
Hit the button below and you’ll be granted instant access.
I really want to
learn more about mobile website profits – and all the ways I
can easily and painlessly go mobile and increase my business presence
and income potential, right
me my copy of “Mobile Website Profits”
– so I can decide if it’s as easy as you say to go
mobile, without having to experience another huge learning
I fully understand
your Special Report includes:
easy but essential ways to supercharge my mobile website SEO
access-killing elements mobile websites I need to avoid at
all costs!
most of all, “Mobile
Website Profits”
will save me hours of time learning
technological information I really don’t need to know!
Click Here to Claim Your
Copy Now
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wait to discover the 9 hot areas that mobile users constantly search
and plunder, eager for more information.
Hurry – be one of the drivers of those mobile bandwagons
– instead of huffing and puffing, out of breath, to catch up
on foot… while trying to ignore the fact that
you’re falling miles behind.
Wishing you easy mobile
website profit – and resounding success!
Oops. I almost forgot to tell you about the 10 solid,
unique mobile money-making ideas
I lay out for you, in detail, in Section III of my report!
Download your copy right
and find out how to add extra profit by choosing areas you
feel comfortable exploring.
I also tip you off about 8 mobile
evergreen topics
to explore and share with others – to your profit! Download
your copy of “Mobile Website Profits”
today – before any more marketers quietly hurry ahead!