"Instantly BOOST The Profits Of Your Niche Blogs With Your Own Exclusive, Professional-Quality Blog Themes
...Created In 60 Seconds Flat!



Friday, March 21, 2025

Dear Friend,

Official figures say that there are now over 50 million blogs on the Internet - with thousands more appearing every day.

Visitors arriving at any blog for the first time usually spend just a few seconds looking at it to decide whether to read the content - or to just click their Back button.

That's why the "theme" (or template) you use for your blog really can make or break your blog. After all it's the first thing that visitors see.

Your theme must look professional - and it must be directly relevant to the niche or subject matter of the blog.

Now with our brand new Blog Theme Generator, you'll get loads of different ways to instantly create great looking themes for all your Wordpress blogs...

  Instantly Turn Any Photo Into A Complete Blog Theme In 60 Seconds

With Blog Theme Generator, you can turn any photo into a complete blog theme in around 60 seconds.

Here's a holiday snap of a lake:

Now let's turn this into a blog theme.

It takes about 30 seconds to "crop" the photo (i.e. chop off the bits we don't want - in this case the top and bottom) - and then another 30 seconds to create the theme.

I'll show you the details of the tools in a minute, but first let's take a look at the resulting theme, generated in less than 60 seconds:

I think you'll agree that's a great looking theme - and because it's from a holiday snap - it's totally exclusive too! 




  Instantly Turn Any Header Graphic Into A Complete Blog Theme In 30 Seconds

It's quick an easy to create a theme from a photo - but it's even easier to create a new theme from a ready-made header graphic.

Header graphics are available from lots of sources. There are lots of packages of them available on the Internet - and many private label articles come with matching headers.

There are also many web designers who will create custom headers from as little as $10.

With Blog Theme Generator, you can turn one of these headers into a complete blog theme in around 30 seconds!

Here's a typical header graphic:

Here's a screenshot of the resulting theme, generated in 30 seconds flat:

This offers a quick and easy solution to quickly create lots of great looking niche blogs - with almost zero effort! 




  STOP Losing Visitors And Search Engine Ranking Through Third Party Themes

Most themes available on the Internet include a link shown at the bottom of every blog page, crediting the creator of the theme.

This gives theme creators an incentive to create new themes.

BUT it means that you lose some of your page rank from every single blog page, reducing the search engine ranking of your entire blog.

It also means that you may lose some visitors, who leave your blog by clicking on the link.

When you create a new theme using Blog Theme Generator it does not contain a link to any other site.

This means that simply by using a theme created using Blog Theme Generator, you can increase the page rank of your blog - and avoid losing visitors!




  Instantly Customize Existing Themes

As well as creating new themes, Blog Theme Generator can also be used to customize existing themes.

Customizing an existing theme does mean that you'll have the theme creator's link at the bottom of your blog pages - BUT it allows you to take almost any existing blog theme design and turn it into your own exclusive theme.

There are thousands of ready-made blog themes on the Internet - mostly available free - with a huge range of design features.

With Blog Theme Generator, you can change the header graphic on these themes - replacing it with your own photo or a ready-made header graphic - and you can change the theme colors, too.

Here's an example screenshot of an original theme:

Here's a screenshot of a customized version of the same theme:

The customized version looks completely different - with a different header and different colors -yet it retains all the layout and design features of the original theme.

This offers HUGE potential for creating your own custom themes with any design you want.




Now you've seen what you can do with this software, let's take a look at the three tools in this superb solution...



  Quick And Easy Photo Cropping...

When using a photo (rather than a ready-made header graphic), you need to crop the photo to a suitable size first.

You can crop the photo using any graphics program - but it's much easier to use our "Photo Crop Tool", shown below:

Click the "Select File" button and select your photo.

Now just slide the sliders at the top, bottom, left and right of the photo. As you move the sliders, parts of the photo will be hidden with white.

When the result looks correct, click the "Save" button to save the result.

That's all there is to it!

Now you can turn this photo into a blog theme using either the "Create Blog Theme Tool" or the "Customize Blog Theme Tool". 



  Quick And Easy Theme Creation...

It's quick and easy to create a new theme using Blog Theme Generator.

You can use either a ready-made header graphic or a cropped photo.

Here's a screenshot of the "Create Blog Theme Tool":

Click the "Select File" button and select your header graphic or cropped photo. It's instantly resized to the correct size for your blog theme.

Now just select the appropriate color for the band at the top (shown in blue above). This is where your blog title will appear. The same color is used for the border around your blog.

You can select the color using a standard Windows color selection dialog. Alternatively you can move the cursor over the photo and click to pick the color currently under the cursor. The result is shown instantly, so you can change it until it looks correct.

Now just click the "Save" button and the new theme will be saved to your PC, ready to upload to your Wordpress installation.

It really is that easy to create a complete, ready to use, brand new theme!




  Quick And Easy Theme Customization...

It's also quick and easy to customize an existing theme using Blog Theme Generator.

Here's a screenshot of the "Customize Blog Theme Tool":

Click the "Select File" button and select the header graphic file (usually header.jpg) from the original theme.

Now select your new header graphic or cropped photo. This will be automatically resized to the same size of the original theme header graphic and then displayed.

All the colors used in the theme are shown underneath as big squares of color. You can replace each color with a new color, to match the new photo. Just click on any color square to highlight it and then pick a new color for it. You can either use a standard Windows color selection dialog - or you can move the cursor over the photo and then click to pick the color currently under the cursor.

When you've finished, just click the "Save" button and all the original theme files on your PC will be updated, ready to upload to your Wordpress installation.

As you can see, it's a quick and easy process to create your own fully customized version of an existing Wordpress theme.



All This For One Low Price

More and more people are discovering the income potential of blogging.

Unlike ordinary websites, blogs are easy to setup and require no complex HTML editing.

However with so many blogs now appearing, it's important to make your blogs look professional, with high quality attractive themes

...and there's no easier way to do this than using Blog Theme Generator.

With all the benefits of this superb software, you might expect to pay a lot for it.

However if you order right now, you can get your own copy of everything for just $27!

Even though I'm offering this software at such a low price, I still want you to be 100% certain that it will really work for you.

That's why the software comes with my cast iron 30-day, no risk, 100% money-back guarantee...

Your 100%, No Risk, No Questions Asked,
Money-Back Guarantee

If you still have any lingering doubts about purchasing, let me reassure you now with the knowledge that your copy of this superb software is covered by my 100% cast iron, no questions asked, no risk guarantee.

If at any time during the next 30 days, you decide that this software does not meet your requirements, just shoot me a quick email and I guarantee to refund your money in full, no questions asked.

All this means you can take a full 30 days to check out this great software for yourself, with no risk whatsoever.

In other words...you have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

I expect a lot of demand for this superb software, so this low price could increase at any time without notice.

So please don't delay. Order your copy right now...

Please Order Now For Just $27 

You'll receive instant access to your package, even if it's 2 o'clock in the morning.

Totally secure payment is through Paypal

This software is for use only on PCs running Microsoft Windows. All themes are for use on Wordpress blogs only.

Theme Terms Of Use
New themes created using this software are licensed under the GPL and may be freely distributed and used however you wish.

When customizing an existing theme, if you own copyright or private label rights to the theme, then you may do whatever you want with the updated theme.

If you do not own copyright or private label rights to the original theme, it is recommended that you check to make sure the creator of the theme allows customization. Most theme creators publish the terms of use on their website or inside the theme zip. Almost all themes available on the Internet can be customized for personal use on your own sites by changing the header graphic and the colors. Some themes can even be customized in this way for distribution. Many themes are offered under the GPL License (allowing total freedom to modify and distribute the theme) or the Creative Commons License (allowing customization of the theme as long as the backlinks and copyright notice are preserved).

Limitations Of The Customization Tool
The customization tool works with most themes, but it is not possible to guarantee that it will work with every theme in existence. In addition, some themes contain additional images (besides the header graphic) which may limit the scope for changes.

Earnings Disclaimer
Although we provide powerful tools which can help boost the profitability of your blog, the results are dependent on many factors outside our control, including of course the quality and nature of your blog content. We are not therefore able to give any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by using this software. We will however happily refund your money in full in the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your purchase.