Dear Business Owner,
You have almost assuredly heard of Facebook. It is THE social networking site on the internet. Plain and simple. Half a billion people have chosen to use it. The media frenzy over Facebook has even included a full length feature film.
Saavy businesses are already tapping into Facebook and its 500 000 000 users. If you are not marketing your services on Facebook,you can be sure that a competitor is.
It is never too late to launch your business into Facebook's stream of potential leads. Getting your business on Facebook NOW is the single best step you can take to properly position yourself online.
If you don't think you can generate business on Facebook, then check out these stats:
- Facebook has over half a BILLION active users (and growing)
- Half those users are logged on in ANY given day
- The 35+ Demographic represents more than 30% of users
- 206.2 Million active users in US alone
- Every 20 Minutes on Facebook 1 million links are shared
- These users are constantly asking for business and service recommendations

This introductory course will take anyone with any level of experience from knowing nothing about Facebook to having a personal profile and then ultimately having a lead generating business fan page.
This course will break down the reasons you should be on Facebook, and the steps to take to maximize your exposure. Below, are some of the steps this guide will teach you:
- Your Businesses' Targets
- Signing Up
- The Power of the Personal Profile
- Building Your Business Fan Page
- Promoting Your Business Fan Page
- Tapping into Laser Targeted Facebook Ads

This course is delivered as a series of 8 in depth videos and a step by step PDF guide that you can use as you watch the videos. Invest just an hour or 2 you will have all of the knowledge you need to make Facebook a major part of your sales and marketing department.