ATTENTION: WordPress website owners in search of more page views....

"Increase Your Page Views, Lower Your Bounce Rate, and Grow Your Readership All With One Easy-To-Use Plugin!"

From: Your Name
Re: Are you losing readers?

Dear WordPress Website Owner,

What happens when a new visitor gets to the end of your blog post?

Ideally, of course, you want her to read more of you articles, subscribe to your mailing list, click an ad, or maybe just leave a comment. But more often than not, what she actually does is leave.

Sure, you've got all kinds of enticing stuff lined up, and it's all designed to grab her attention and compel her to take action.

But just like with sidebar ads, we're becoming blind to the array of options that appear at the end of blog posts. Or worse, there's so much going on that we can't make a decision and we simply click away.

Before we talk about an easy way to keep your readers on your site, though, let's be perfectly clear about why...

Page Views and Bounce Rates and Matter!

You've probably seen that mysterious number in your Google Analytics account. The one that's labeled "Bounce Rate"...but what does that really mean for a blogger?

Bounce rate is defined as the percentage of visitors who leave your site without ever clicking through to another page. They read one post and they're gone - most likely never to be seen again.

It should be pretty clear why you would care about this. Obviously, the faster a reader leaves, the less opportunity she has to make a purchase, click an ad, or take some other action that leads to money in your pocket.

Here's another critical factor though: Google tracks bounce rates and uses them as a measure of a website's worth.

That's right - if your bounce rate is high enough, it can negatively effect your rankings.

Page views are another important consideration, especially if you're selling ad space. You want to be able to tell advertisers exactly how many times their ad is likely to be viewed by each visitor. The higher the page view, the better.

So what can you do to both increase your page views and lower your bounce rate?

Entice Your Visitors To
Click To Another Page!

"Of course," you say. "That's the whole reason for..."

  • Related posts links
  • Categories and tags
  • Social media buttons
  • And a host of other options all piled up at the end of your blog post.

It's enough to make a reader cross-eyed. And the truth is, more and more readers simply ignore everything below your final paragraph.

But you've likely noticed that a few big sites have created something different. A reason to click that actually stands out from the crowd, draws the reader's eye, and encourages her to click.

And now you can put that same technology to work on any WordPress blog!


PopOnScroll Plugin for WordPress

PopOnScroll is a lightweight, fully customizable popup that appears only as a reader nears the end of your post, allowing you to capture her attention at the perfect time.

Because it scrolls in from the right, it's unobtrusive as well, and won't blog important text on your post. Not only that, but since it's fully customizable, you can create any type of content in any format. In short, you can give your readers exactly what they're looking for!

PopOnScroll Plugin lets you...

  • Create an unlimited number of pop-up ads
  • Set default behaviors for each ad, but easily override them on an ad-by-ad basis
  • Change the border style and color of your ad with the click of your mouse
  • Change the background color, add images, and even clickable links with the familiar WordPress post editing screen
  • Automatically add "Next Post" links to any PopOnScroll ad
  • Set custom cookie duration so visitors don't see the same ad again and again
  • Set different default ads for posts, pages, and even archive pages
  • Set custom ads on specific posts and pages for maximum effectiveness
  • Embed images, links, and even video in your ads
  • Create a custom ad just for your home page
  • Choose from three border style and endless colors - so you can create an ad that blends with your theme...or not!
  • Set the width of your ad borders, or eliminate some or all of them for a clean, sophisticated look
  • Easily override the default settings so every ad is unique
  • Use all the formatting tools WordPress provides to create exactly the look you want

It really couldn't be easier to create attention-grabbing ads that appear just at the right time.

But don't take my word for it - see what our customers have to say.

Customer Testimonials

"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."

"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."

Your Customer

"A customer testimonial box with a photo area to put customer's photo."

"Integer bibendum libero sed sem tristique condimentum. In ornare scelerisque felis sit amet tempor. Fusce sapien mauris, sagittis vitae condimentum in, pulvinar at sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque dignissim ultrices ultrices. Nulla congue semper sollicitudin. Vestibulum at nunc magna."

Your Customer

Let Your Visitors Know "What's Next" With This Easy-to-Use Plugin

PopOnScroll Plugin for WordPress gives your blog visitors exactly what they're looking for - what to see next. Whether it's a related article, the next post in a series, or an ad for a product you know they'll love, PopOnScroll draws the eye and ensures they don't miss a thing.

And of course, since it's a WordPress plugin, you know installation and use will be super simple. There's no...

  • php code to struggle with
  • Shortcodes to track
  • CSS stylesheets to fiddle with
  • Clunky, easily "broken" javascript

Just a clean, simple interface that makes creating attractive, attention grabbing pop-up ads easy and stress-free.

In fact, I'm so sure you're going to love this new plugin, that I'm offering you my...

Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try PopOnScroll for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

Grab your copy today, and start seeing a drop in your bounce rate and an increase in your page views when you give your readers the best option for what to do and see next on your blog.

Get Instant Access Now

Yes! This plugin is exactly what I'm looking for to help engage my readers and keep them on my site longer.

I understand I'll get:

  • The easy-to-install and configure plugin for my WordPress site.
  • Full user guide explaining the settings and use so I can be up and running fast.
  • The ability to create unlimited ads in unlimited styles for the ultimate in usability.

And since it's backed by your 100% money back guarantee, I know there's absolutely no risk to me!


Your Name

P.S. Remember - Google is looking at your bounce rate. Unless you're giving your readers some other compelling choice, they're moving on, and that makes you look bad in the search engines.

P.P.S. This is the exact technique used by sites like TechCrunch to entice readers to browse other articles. If it works for them, it will work for you as well. Give it a try today.

Disclaimer: Put your own earnings disclaimer or some other disclaimer here. Nulla tempor mi et nisl feugiat non imperdiet nibh posuere. In consequat pretium sapien facilisis condimentum. Cras sagittis lorem consequat nibh pulvinar aliquam. Vivamus aliquam egestas molestie. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula.

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