An Amazingly Simple Sneaky Trick That Can Instantly
Turn Casual Website Visitors Into Eager Newsletter Subscribers"
Are you looking for an effective
way to persuade your website visitors to subscribe to your
newsletter or mailing list?
Are you getting disappointing
results from offering a free ebook or tool?
Here's a novel solution that could
turn it around for you.
Offer your visitors a coupon!
Online coupons have been around
for years now, simply because they work.
After all, everyone loves a bargain!
A coupon is actually just a
special code number. Visitors enter the code number into a box to get
a discount when they order your product.
So how does an online
coupon help you to build your list?
It's simple really. You put a
simple signup form on your sales page telling people that if they enter
their details into the form, you'll send them your special discount
Everyone who's even thinking about
buying your product will almost certainly subscribe in order to get the
special discount.
But you can grab yourself even
more subscribers simply by being a little sneaky!
Instead of telling people how much the coupon is worth, you just hint at it.
You say something like "a
massive discount" or "a price so low your eyes will pop out".
The idea is to appeal to their
curiosity. Visitors who were only vaguely interested in your product
will subscribe just to discover how cheap you're offering it.
Of course your coupon needs to
deliver a huge discount, otherwise you'll have very unhappy subscribers.
But offering a big discount
on your product in exchange for lots of subscribers is a good deal for
you - and a great way to start your relationship with those subscribers.
Your Quick And Easy Solution
There's no rocket science in this solution.
All you need (besides your own
autoresponder) is our simple Coupon List Builder
To use this software, you simply
create two versions of your sales page - a normal sales
page without the discount - and a sales page with the
On the normal sales page you
include a signup form for your autoresponder, so visitors can subscribe
to get the coupon code.
In addition, you include the
special text "%%coupon%%" where you would like your coupon form to
appear, allowing visitors to enter the coupon code to access the
discounted page.
Once you've created ther two
versions of you sales page, you use the Coupon List
Builder software, as shown below:
Simply pick a coupon code word and then enter it along with
the file names of both the normal sales page and the discount
sales page.
The software instantly generates a
single file, which you upload to your web host along with the two
sales pages.
Set up your autoresponder and
you're done.
It really is incredibly
simple to deploy this powerful list building solution.

Your Copy Now
Building your own list of subscribers is an essential part of
establishing any online business.
Coupon List Builder offers you a simple, but highly
effective way of doing that.
Given the huge benefits this software could bring to your
business, you might be expecting to pay a lot for it.
However if you order right now,
you can get your own copy for just $9.95.
Even though I'm offering this software at such a low price, I still
want you to be 100% certain that it will really work for you.
That's why the software comes with my cast
iron 30-day, no risk, 100% money-back guarantee...
Your 100%, No Risk, No Questions Asked,
Money-Back Guarantee
If you still have any lingering
doubts about purchasing, let me reassure you now with the knowledge
that your copy of this superb software is covered by my 100% cast
iron, no questions asked, no risk guarantee.
If at any time during the next 30 days, you decide that
this software does not meet your requirements, just shoot me a quick
email and I guarantee to refund your money in full, no
questions asked.
All this means you can take a full 30 days to check out this
amazing software for yourself, with no risk whatsoever.
In other words...you have everything to gain and nothing to
The low price of this software could
increase at any time.
So please don't delay. Grab your risk free
copy now...
Order Now For Just $9.95
You'll receive instant
access to your software, even if it's 2 am in the morning.
Totally secure payment is
through Paypal

This software is for use only
on PCs running Microsoft Windows. The script requires a web
host that supports PHP (almost all paid for web hosts support
Earnings Disclaimer
Although we provide powerful tools which can help boost
website income, the results are dependent on many
factors outside our control, including of course the quality
and nature of your website traffic. We are not therefore able to give
any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by
using this software. We will however happily refund your money in full
in the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your purchase.