Who Seek to Reduce Their Screen Time
Finally! Gain More Time, More Energy, And Feel Free From Distractions!
It is becoming very challenging to put the phone down.
Just look around you. Not only are most people working in front of a screen all day.
Besides, most people will turn on the TV as soon as they arrive home from work.
Several people go home after work and sit in front of the TV and browse their phone.
We live a digitalized life. Over 80% of the population owns a mobile device, and 57% of them have more than one type of device.
We waste about 3 hours a week just picking up our phone, which is around 215 times a day.
This omnipresence of technology begs the question, how can we escape an addiction to the digital world?
What you need is to switch where you spend your energy.
Anyone has the opportunity to choose how they will spend their time and attention.
With some help, you can find new ways to spend your time and energy that is bringing more fulfillment in your life.
You can break the cycle of dependence toward screen time and reconnect with your life.
The most astonishing finding of the impact of technology on our behavior and mind is how it stimulates the dopamine.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for pleasure, desire, ambition, addiction, and sex drive.
Research now shows that social media users experience a similar dopamine cycle as individuals who are addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
Increasing our awareness of how we use
technology is key to succeeding in adopting healthier behaviors. Not
only are we more likely to change our habits, but we are also more
likely to change our life by being in control of our screen time.
Our relationship with technology doesn’t have to be non-existent,
but we have to find a balance and reduce screen time. Don’t let all
your energy and time go to waste on browsing social media and
entering a rabbit hole after looking at the weather on your phone.
That’s why we’ve created a detailed and informative guide that will
give you guidance on how YOU CAN regain a life that is fulfilling
and experience a reality that is more rewarding than the digital
I’m proud to introduce you...
How To Spend Less Time In The Digital World and More Time In The Real World
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