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SEO 2.0: The Game Has Changed...

Here's The Exact Blueprint An Underground Link Ninja Used To Rank Multi-Million Dollar Corporations For EXTREMELY Competitive Keywords, And How You Can Do The Same Starting TODAY...

Here's How To Drive FREE High Quality Traffic To Your Site And Start Generating Cash In Less Than 24 Hours...

MYTH: SEO is a long and slow process that can take weeks, months or even years to start driving real traffic.
FACT: Using Rapid Link Indexing (RLI) and following my step-by-step blueprint to building high quality links, you can rank have your content and links indexed in less than 24 hours, and start driving targeted traffic and sales in less than ONE WEEK.

From: Andy Fletcher
Date:  Monday, March 17, 2025
Search Engine Optimization Specialist

I'm not going to waste your time telling you how valuable a strong knowledge of SEO really is... You already know that traffic is the lifeblood of any website, it's where the money comes from.

We all know that a steady stream of FREE high quality traffic coming from the search engines is the “holy grail” of internet marketing... Unfortunately the search for the "holy grail" usually ends up as a wild goose chase that leads to one dead end after another...

That's why I've created Backlink Flood... It's your proven blueprint to getting ranked for highly valuable keywords, getting tons of links and traffic, and making money from your site in the shortest amount of time possible.

I've developed a step-by-step blueprint based on my 6 years of SEO experience that allows you to....

Use my Rapid Link Indexing system to get your high value links indexed by Google and other major search engines... Driving traffic and sales in less than a week...

I'll teach you everything I've learned about SEO during my 6 years as a specialist... And more importantly the little known tactics that are working right now, in 2009.

I'll show you everything from the basics of SEO all the way to the most advanced techniques out there... All of them are EXTREMELY effective and most have NEVER been published anywhere before...

I know I've made some pretty bold promises... But if you stay with me for just a few minutes I'll prove to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything on this page is possible, that SEO doesn't have to be a long and slow process, and how you can get a MASSIVE edge in any niche you choose...

Some of you may have hired me in the past for your own SEO projects... For the last 6 years I've been working as an SEO consultant for many multi-million dollar companies.

I'd love to tell you all about them, and how much money they've made off of the keywords I've ranked them for using the exact techniques that you're about to learn...

Due to the incredibly huge sums of money I've made them, and non-disclosure agreements, if I did, I'd definitely be hearing from their lawyers, and I might even end up with some unwelcome guests knocking on my door...

So, I'm going to do something even better... I'm going to prove to you what's possible, I'm going to show you the most advanced SEO techniques I've ever seen published before, and I'm going to show you exactly how you can use them to gain a massive competitive edge in ANY niche, literally overnight.... But first I have to warn you...

These Techniques Aren't For Everyone, And This System Might Not Be Right For You...

Backlink Flood isn't about writing a few articles and commenting on a few blog posts... These techniques aren't for the faint hearted or “website hobbyist”...

These techniques are for serious entrepreneurs who want to build REAL businesses, I'm talking six figures or more... These are cutting edge techniques known by only a few lucky entrepreneurs, and this information can truly transform your income and your life...

But just like anything else in life, if you want to get ahead, you're going to have to put in a little bit of extra effort...

I'll show you plenty of shortcuts along the way... I'll provide you with tools and resources that can cut hours of work down into just a few minutes, but you'll still have to dive in and get your hands dirty...

And although my system focuses on earning money as fast as possible using Rapid Link Indexing and finding high traffic links for an immediate traffic boost, the ultimate goal is long term rankings, high quality backlinks, and building a REAL authority site that generates traffic and cash for years to come...

Are Your SEO Or Article Marketing Efforts Going To Waste?

There's a good chance that they are... Because most people do EVERYTHING dead wrong... You might be able to simply submit an article to Ezine, get lucky, rank for a long tail keyword, and generate a little bit of traffic...

But the truth is, that same article could be ranking for high traffic and high dollar keywords, so even if your articles ARE bringing in traffic now, there's a very good chance they could be bringing in 20x or even 100x more traffic then they are now...

In a nutshell, it's extremely likely that you're leaving thousands of dollars a year on the table, just because you're skipping a few critical steps...

And the same rings true for your other SEO efforts... Without a more advanced understanding of the how and why's of SEO, it's impossible to get ahead...

Isn't SEO Just About Building Links And Creating High Quality Content?

In short, no.

High quality content is definitely king... But using the techniques I'll teach you you'll be able to rank ANY kind of website, I'm talking single page mini sites, in record time...

And this is important: ALL LINKS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL...

There are many kinds of links that can and WILL hurt your overall site rankings...

And if you're using “blackhat” techniques to rank your money sites... Link spamming, comment spamming, those kinds of things, there's a very real chance that your site will be de-indexed by Google...

All of that hard work can and will go straight down the drain... I've seen it happen countless times, people focus so hard on building tons of links, they spend thousands of hours trying to rank for various keywords, just to see thousands of hours of hard work turn into wasted time and an empty bank account..

And that's exactly why you need a system... A proven system that I've personally used to rank my own websites and my clients websites for extremely competitive keywords... Let me explain..

Here's How To Build A Real Authority Site, And Start Generating Cash From Day One...

The ultimate goal of SEO is traffic... And the ultimate goal of traffic is making money, and that's what this system is all about. Building REAL authority sites that generate TONS of organic traffic, while earning money within the very first week...

SEO is all about knowledge, and until now it was also a game of patience... A few years ago you could slap a few spun articles up on some authority sites, put in some relevant anchor text, and start seeing rankings in just a few days...

But things are MUCH more competitive now... And believe me, your competitors are out there looking for every edge they can get... I'm about to show you how to get a MASSIVE EDGE over your competition...

I'm not a patient person... I like to see results from my work as quickly as possible... And by results I mean traffic and cash.

That's how this system was born... I was tired of building links, paying for links, and trying everything possible to get my websites ranked for the keywords I wanted to rank for... But it was a slow and painful process...

No matter what I did, or how many links I'd build, I'd have to wait for weeks or even months to see any progress... That's IF I was lucky enough to make any progress...

I'd put links on blogs, forums, articles, guestbooks. Web 2.0 sites, links I found from backlink packets... I was building links, just like I was taught to do...

But here's the problem, I wasn't getting credit for the majority of my effort, and I wasn't seeing results. We've all made the same mistakes before, but the fact of the matter is that search engines have evolved, and simply “building links” like you did in the past just doesn't work anymore...

Here's Exactly What IS Working, Right Now, In 2009...

The search engines are smarter now than they where even a year ago, not just Google, but Yahoo, Bing and others as well... At the same time your competition is smarter than they used to be...

Everyone and their brother knows what SEO is, they know how to build or buy links... And your bigger competitors are already enjoying great rankings, with established authority sites and tons of relevant links.

However there is something you CAN do to get an edge, and it works FAST...

Following my step-by-step blueprint you will learn...

How To Exploit Rapid Link Indexing... Get your links noticed by Google and other top search engines in hours, not weeks... And start driving your websites up the SERP's and receiving organic traffic in the least amount of time possible...

The Correct Way To Use Parasite Hosting... Parasite hosting is using 3rd party websites to post your content and links... It's nothing new, but most people don't have a clue as to how to use it the RIGHT way and create a powerful linking system that actually produces RESULTS and doesn't get flagged as spam.

How To Build An “Authority Wheel” That Works... If you thought linking directly to your site from 3rd party sites was enough to get the job done, you're probably not ranking as highly for keywords as you'd like to be, and chances are you're missing this critical tool in your SEO arsenal.

Multi-Level Linking Explained... Think beyond direct linking, go one step further than building an “authority wheel”, and finally push your traffic and rankings to the next level using Multi-Level Linking... And make sure you do it right the first time so all of your hard work doesn't go to waste.

Will Google Really De-Index My Domain? Absolutely, and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about... However, there are a few measures that you can take to make sure that it never happens to you, you can read all about it on page 26.

Keyword Research Done RIGHT... This is another MAJOR area where people mess up and throw away all of their hard work... And it's probably the most critical step in all of SEO, trust me, you want to get it right the first time... That's why I've included a special software and separate guide specifically to ensure that you're performing your keyword research in the correct manner.

My Personal Tools To Help You Automate The Process... I'll go into more detail below, but I'm also including 2 of my own tools that I personally use to cut hours of work down to just a few minutes, and they'll help you to do the same.

A List Of Over 250 Web 2.0 Properties That You Can Use To Build High Quality Links... And more importantly, I'll teach you how to use Web 2.0 properties the RIGHT way... So that you get high quality links from high authority domains, without being flagged as a spammer and getting your domain penalized.

How Social Bookmarking Can Rapidly Boost Your Link Building Efforts... Very few people I know realize just how powerful social bookmarking can be... Again, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. I'll show you how to use social bookmarking in the most effective way possible.

An In Depth Understanding Of How Links REALLY Work... What sites pass link juice? How far does it go? What get's you flagged as a spammer? How you can protect yourself... The anatomy of a backlink, why anchor text works the way it does, and much MUCH more...


Here Are Some Tools I've Developed To Help You Succeed...

I've included a couple of my personal SEO tools that I've developed to help with my own SEO projects... Both of these tools can help you to automate part of the SEO process and allow you to get maximum results for every minute of work you perform.

Article Flood

The first tool is Article Flood... It's an advanced article spinner that let's you provide word, sentence or even paragraph options, which it then combines to produce dozens if not hundreds of unique articles so you avoid Google's duplicate content penalty, produces unique articles that don't read like spun garbage, and can cut hours of article writing time down to just a few minutes.

You can check out the video below to get a better idea of how it works...

Keyword Flood

The second tool is something extremely special... It's a keyword research tool, and while there are many on the market, this one is unique... It allows you to quickly collect and analyize important keyword data on the fly, including search volume, top competitors, competing pages, domain data and more...

Once you read the accompanying Keyword Flood guide you'll have a strong understanding of how to do proper keyword research and really take your SEO efforts to the next level...

Check out the video below to see an overview of Keyword Flood in action...

Click Here To Download Now.

Is This System Scalable? Automated? Can It Be Outsourced?

The quick answer to all of the questions is yes.

This system is designed with scalability in mind, meaning that every part of the system works with the other parts, and everything you do builds on top of the work you've already done...

The result is a gradual increase in organic rankings, traffic, and ultimately sales. This is as scalable as it gets.

A Quick Warning About Outsourcing...

I know that some of you who read this page outsource the majority of your SEO work... And I'm a big believer in outsourcing, it's hands down one of the fastest ways to scale out and automate your business.

BUT, and this is a big one, you need to make sure that the people you're outsourcing this work to know what they're doing... That's the single biggest mistake that I run into... People outsourcing link building to "professionals" who have no idea what they're actually doing.

Backlink Flood can serve as a great step-by-step guideline to hand over to your outsourced workers, so that you can rest assured you're getting maximum results on your link building efforts... Even when you're paying someone else to do it for you.

Here's EXACTLY What Your Getting When You Download Backlink Flood Today...

An In-Depth Understanding Of How And Why Search Engines Work, And How You Can Use This Knowledge To Take Your Rankings And Income To A Higher Level...

Detailed Explanations Of Rapid Link Indexing, Parasite Hosting, and Other Advanced SEO Strategies That Can Boost Your Rankings and Traffic, Literally Overnight.... And 7 Other Little Known Traffic Generating Strategies Previously Only Released To My High Paying Clients.

A Complete List Of Web 2.0 Sites That You Can Leverage For High Quality Backlinks... WITHOUT having your domain penalized or being labeled as a spammer.

My personal tools, Article Flood and Keyword Flood, That You Can Use To Automate Your Article Writing, Start Performing Your Keyword Research The RIGHT Way, And Use To Leverage The Powerful Techniques Taught In Keyword Flood.

MOST IMPORTANT: A Step-By-Step Blueprint That Takes You By The Hand And Shows You EXACTLY What You Need To Do In Order To Start Driving Traffic And Building High Quality Links In The Least Amount Of Time Possible.


You Don't Have To Decide Today, Introducing The Backlink Flood Beyond 100% Satisfaction Guarantee...

When you download Backlink Flood, I don't want you to think the information was "pretty good", or "worth the asking price". I want you to look back and say "Wow, learning this stuff was really the turning point for my online business."

I want you to be completely blown away by the concepts I introduce, and more importantly, by the results they provide...

I don't want you to be "satisfied" with your purchase, I want this to be THE SEO blueprint that you use to make money from your sites for years to come...

I'm a big believer in over-delivering on value, and I really do want this information to be worth no less than 100x the price you paid for it... For that reason, you have a full 60 days to try it out, that's plenty of time to start to understand the concepts, and to start applying them to your business.

If at ANY point during that 60 day period, you don't feel like this product is an ENORMOUS value to your business, if you don't feel like the results you're seeing exceed the promises made on this page, or if you're not satisfied for ANY reason, simply shoot me an email requesting a refund.

I'll gladly refund your money within 24 hours, no questions asked. I've bought my share of "not so great" products online before, and I don't want you to worry about doing the same thing...

And if you do decide that Backlink Flood isn't right for you, and you decide to request a refund, you can even keep the software as my way of saying "THANKS" for trying the system out.

So download it today, start implementing the techniques on your own websites, and THEN decide if it's worth the price of admission...

There is absolutely zero risk on your part, all I ask is that you give it a chance, because I'm 100% confident that for the vast majority of online businesses, this information can truly take your rankings and your income to an entirely new level.

Are You Ready To Take Your Traffic And Income To The Next Level?

Are you ready to dominate the search engines in any niche that you choose? Are you ready for an instant flood of traffic, links and income?

Then you're at the right place... Scroll down and press the button below for instant access to your own personal copy of Backlink Flood.

Download Now: Only $67.

Click On The Button Below For Immediate Access To Backlink Flood.

You will be immediately directed to the download page upon payment.

Remember: You're Protected By My 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Customer Guarantee. If You're Not 100% Satisfied, For ANY Reason, simply ask me for a refund within 60 days. It will be given, no questions asked.

It's taken me 6 years and a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears to be able to bring this information to you today... I learned SEO purely by trial and error.

This is your chance to literally learn from my mistakes, skip 6 years of trial and error, and know EXACTLY what's working to get your websites ranked well for your chosen keywords, and this stuff is working right now, in 2009...

This isn't rehashed or repackaged information... I'm providing my own unique insights into how and why SEO works the way it does, and how you can effectively leverage these powerful concepts and apply them to your own business, starting today.

Here's to your success,

-Andy Fletcher

P.S. If your website isn't receiving the organic rankings or traffic that you think it's capable of, Backlink Flood can and will help you get to where you want to be... Take a full 60 days to test drive it, click here to download now.