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Prepare For A Full Scale Invasion On Resell Rights Profitability...

"You're About To Launch A Resell Rights Attack  So Deadly That Your Visitors Will Instantly Throw Up Their White Flag And Surrender To Your Will, Buying Anything You Want Them To And Stuffing Your Pockets Full Of Cash On Command..."

To win this war and make more money than sin you'll need to report to special ops training immediately soldier.

Mar 15 2025

From:  Generals Liz Tomey & John Hostler

RE: Your Orders For Profit

Recently we sent out some of our finest troops on a critical Reconnaissance and Surveillance mission.

The sole purpose of this mission was to secure intel as to who was actually pulling down real money online with Resell Rights, and who was falling flat on their face...

Making no money... no profits... no nothin'.

The results of this important mission were less than satisfactory

It turns out that far too many were struggling to get by, eeking out a few dollars here and there if they were lucky, but not making the kinds of mind blowing cash that is possible.

Money like this...

4 Star General Money...

The shot above reflects only Resell Rights, and are products that I sold just last year.  This is only one of my many income streams.

And here's another shot of what I've been doing with Resell Rights this year.

Yep.  This is the kind of 4 Star General money you can make too, when you know how to battle with Resell Rights like I do... and when you have the kinds of weapons in your artillery that make sending shockwaves of profits into your bank accounts as simple as lock and load - point and click.

As you can see, I know what it takes to generate ludicrous sums of money with Resell Rights products, and as you'll soon discover, it's so easy to do once you've been properly trained.

Imagine yourself waking up in the morning, rolling over and checking the alarm clock to see that it's 10:00AM.

You're fully refreshed... completely revitalized because the alarm didn't shock you awake like it used to... no, now you wake up when you wake up, because you're simply not tired anymore.

Next you take a leisurely stroll down to your computer, coffee in hand, and turn it on.  After it boots up, you check out your merchant account balances and they have seen a heavy flow of incoming payments, just since you went to bed.

Hundreds... maybe even thousands of dollars with your name stamped all over them are just sitting there waiting for you to spend them however you see fit.

The rest of your day is yours to do as you please... maybe you throw in a couple hours of work (if you could call it that), and then you're off doing the things you love, mindful that you never have to worry about money again.

You are finally free...

Sound like a wild fantasy?  It's so much more than that and can soon be your reality.

My 1st tour of duty...  

I wasn't always a 4 Star General.  At one time I was a private too.  When I first tried my hand at Resell Rights I struggled to make money with them.

In fact, I became so frustrated early on that I nearly packed it in and gave up on them altogether.  Thank goodness I didn't because now I'm bringing in paydays like the one below on a regular basis...

Paydays you'll be bringing in too... if you want it... if you're finally ready...


That's right.  I went from no-cash to more money than I know what to do with, because I stuck with it.

And the difference wasn't one big mysterious secret that "struck me like a bolt of lightning" one day when "I cracked the code".

Nope.  That's just crappy copy talk.  The secret is that I'm one stubborn chick and me and failure are mortal enemies.

So, I dug in deep, locked myself away in my office for several long, grueling months, and I studied every successful Resell Rights marketer in the industry.

I spied on them, I 'borrowed' from them, and I closely watched their every move.  I started seeing consistency... I started catching methods and strategies...

Some of this stuff was pure genius.  Some of it was stupid simple.  And almost all of it was a license to print money.

Finally got my stripes...  

Once I realized what these top gun 6 figure Resell Rights marketers were doing, I began implementing these same techniques into my own business.

I started testing them, tracking them, and tweaking the hell out of them.  I was on a mission, and there would be no stopping me.

Suddenly, things started happening.  I'd start getting a sale or 2 a day.  I'd tweak and add new techniques into the mix, and then I'd get 4 sales a day, and then 8.

It was like a giant snowball made of money that kept getting bigger and bigger, all the while I was constantly tweaking and improving, until I had a step by step formula that could be plugged right in to withdraw cash anytime and anywhere I wanted to.

In just a few short months I became one of the most recognized Resell Rights marketers and was easily pulling down 6 figures with Resell Rights alone.

And, this step by step formula I developed...

Well, I've journaled this stuff since day 1, every ounce of potent money making strategy, and I'm about to impart this knowledge to you, step by step, the entire 6 figure Resell Rights system... if you want it.  If you're ready for that kind of success...

Time for your online physical...

When John and I recently sent out our troops on that Reconnaissance and Surveillance mission I mentioned  earlier...

The results were saddening.  People... marketers... good folks just like you, were on the verge of giving up.  Some of the many unsettling things we heard were:

"Burned out, tired, mislead, jaded, cynical..."

"Unable to make money online and wonder if it's really possible..."

"Information overload meltdown and very little good information at that..."

"Completely frustrated and unsure who to trust..."

"Generally discouraged and ready to pack it in..."

No doubt about it, these folks were dying for some kind of real help and not getting any at all... their wallets were getting lighter, not fatter as they should be... because that's what this is all about right?

Getting online to make money so you can enjoy your life.  Not struggle miserably...

If any of the above rings true for you, I want you to know something.  You CAN do this.  You CAN make more money than you ever imagined possible.

And you can do it without having to go through the heartburn and heartache of product creation... once you have the formula I'm about to impart to you with the... 

 Resell Rights Bootcamp




Add testimonial #1 here...

Resell Rights Bootcamp is EXACTLY what you need to easily transform yourself into a Resell Rights mercenary, capable of creating cash out of thin air, and completely on command.

This intense and enlightening program is the culmination of my years of hard work, and thousands upon thousands of dollars in research and testing.

It has been engineered to quickly and easily transform you into a lean, mean, money machine, and is a complete step by step formula that you can replicate over and over again for a life time of mind boggling profits.

Here's a peak at how the bootcamp breaks out for you...

Drop and make some money soldier...


The Resell Rights Bootcamp "Live" was a big ticket 6 week intensive in which we turned 20 recruits into ultra high powered Resell Rights mercenaries and profiteers.

This Resell Rights Bootcamp version is designed so that any marketer can participate in special ops training, regardless of current financial situation or experience level.

When you join today, you're getting all the same potent methods and techniques, and you're getting it in a format that allows you to work at your very own pace.

If you want to take your time with it, then you can take your time with it.  If you want to start making money tomorrow, then you start making money tomorrow.

Here's a snapshot of what you'll receive...

Bootcamp Teleconference Recordings 


Special Ops Training #1 - Your Profit Funnel


Discover how to create a profit funnel utilizing only Resell Rights products, and you'll find out why this technique is like an enormous cash sucking vortex, snowballing your profits in no time.

Uncover my own secret techniques for getting customers to purchase multiple products from me in one sitting, on a regular basis, sending my profits through the roof (and no, this is NOT an OTO).

Find out how you can create an enormous Resell Rights income regardless of the number of products you sell.  Market one, or market a hundred... your money isn't based on your "catalogue".

 And More (Classified Top Secret until you get to bootcamp)


Special Ops Training #2 - Your Own Reseller Store


Discover the secret techniques for creating your own "niche stores" that include a number of sizzling hot and profitable products for you to generate cash with.

Find out how to take your business from one niche store to a worldwide chain, all sending you floods of cash every day, on autopilot, as you put your expansion mode into overdrive.

Uncover the stupid simple methods for locating hot new Resell Rights products that you can quickly and easily plug into your whole chain of "stores" for fast cash.

 And More (Classified Top Secret until you get to bootcamp)


Special Ops Training #3 - The Resell Rights Master Strategy


Find out my secret tricks, tips, and techniques for pounding out best selling products at warp speed.  This is so powerful you're gonna have to agree to never reveal it to anyone, soldier.

Discover how to use affiliate links as "viral bombs" that will explode your business into a powerful chain reaction of cold hard cash every day.

Uncover the science of full scale replication which allows you to easily and automatically repeat the process over and over again, sending you a neverending stream of profits.

 And More (Classified Top Secret until you get to bootcamp)


Special Ops Training #4 - Authority Reseller Strategy


Discover how you'll create an army of blogs that suck up traffic like an anteater on steroids and send hordes of hungry customers to your Reseller sites.

Uncover my potent and ultra powerful review techniques that will completely disarm your visitors and nearly forces them to buy whatever you're selling, before they even know what hit them.

Find out how to easily integrate these two weapons into one massive and unstoppable force of laser targeted traffic and buyers, sending you shockwaves of profits at every turn.

 And More (Classified Top Secret until you get to bootcamp)


Special Ops Training #5 - The Resell Rights Chain Strategy


Utilize the power of leverage and generate more cash with much less effort through the process of Resell Rights "chains".  You're gonna love this one;)

Discover how to build an enormous list of buyers, yes buyers, anytime and anyplace, even when you have absolutely nothing of your own to sell yet.

Uncover the stupid simple methods for creating an autoresponder system that drives your prospects into a buying frenzy on an almost daily basis.

 And More (Classified Top Secret until you get to bootcamp)


Special Ops Training #6 - The Content Is King Strategy


Uncover the incredibly potent techniques for creating powerful content sites to sell your Resell Rights products and generate cash on command.

Discover my diabolical methods for driving server crushing and ultra targeted traffic from the Search Engines almost at will, and with the greatest of ease.

Find out how to transform your Resell Rights into the most profitable arm of your own business at warp speed.  You'll soon wonder if you should ever even do anything but Resell Rights.

 And More (Classified Top Secret until you get to bootcamp)

Bootcamp Video Series


Hey, I know from first hand experience that it's one thing to hear someone say, "Do this, do that, and watch the money flow in."

But when you see it live and in person it's like a giant lightbulb flash.

That's why I added the Bootcamp Video Series to supplement the powerful teleconference recordings, and kick your earning curve into high gear.

When there's a certain technique or method that needs a visual demonstration in order to hit home, you're getting it and then some with these incredible videos.

It's as if you and I are in the room together, and you're looking over my shoulder as I guide you every step of the way.  Your success is my priority and nothing has been left to chance with the Resell Rights Bootcamp.

Bootcamp Worksheets  

With the Bootcamp Worksheets you'll get step by step details for everything you need, and all that you'll have to do in order to implement each special op training into your business.  This is A-Z, no stone unturned.

You'll find out the exact free and inexpensive resources I use in order to get my Resell Rights products so that you can begin profiting almost immediately after completing each session.

And you'll uncover links to the specialized training vids within each worksheet to ensure you're able to successfully complete every training and go from no money to more money than you ever dreamed possible.

Bootcamp Check List

Where other programs leave off, Resell Rights Bootcamp excels.  When you follow this system you have only one option... complete and total online success.

With these checklists, included with every training, you won't ever miss a single item that needs handling.

Each and every time you'll be prepared to flood your accounts with cash, because it's all right there in black and white, and takes you from A-Z.

Just check it off and profit!

Bootcamp Process Maps 

The most profitable marketers in the world utilize mind maps for a reason.

They are "profit models at a glance", and will allow you to quickly and easily develop your own cash cranking strategies in just minutes.

These process maps, provided with each training session, can be printed off and followed to the letter for maximum monetization of every campaign you create.

Combine these maps with all the other incredible tools in Resell Rights Bootcamp and you'll quickly become an unstoppable force, creating cash out of thin air!


This bootcamp is not your run of the mill program.

As you can plainly see, we've taken great care to ensure that every aspect... every technique... and every powerful method is in your hands... immediately after you sign on.

This is the kind of stuff that simply cannot be taught in some 50 page ebook and puts you light years ahead of your competition.

Once you've completed your special ops training, you'll be a Resell Rights mercenary, able to profit at will, and live the life of your dreams.

It's that powerful.

 The low down...  




Add testimonial #2 here...

You may be wondering just what the bottom line is here...  just what it will take to get you in the Resell Rights Bootcamp.

Listen, I'm not gonna candy coat this for you.  That's just not my thing.

If you were expecting some "Get Rich With Resell Rights Ebook" for $7 then you're in the wrong place.

This complete system, which includes everything mentioned above is so powerful, that once you've completed it, you'll have the ability to become a 6 figure marketer.

How can I be so sure of that?  Easy.  Because this is the culmination of all my own strategies and that's the kind of money I make with them.

Weeks ago, 20 marketers, not unlike you, paid me $497 to participate in this exact same bootcamp.

And they were happy to do it, because it's like buying profits... grabbing a sure thing...

Now, I'm not going to ask you to commit to $497, even though it's more than worth it, because that would defeat the purpose of what John and I are trying to do here.

We're trying to cut a break to the folks that have become disenchanted, frustrated, and worn out by the hype and garbage so rampant in this industry.

We're trying to help those folks that so desperately need it.  And we won't reach them at $497.

So, that's why, for a very limited time, if you make the commitment to your success, we're willing to let you in... for the low one time investment of only $97.

Yes!  Only $97 for everything mentioned above.  You've probably spent that on 50 page ebooks that didn't provide you 1/100th of what this Bootcamp will.

But you need to take action immediately, because this is a very special, and very limited offer.

Not only that, John and I are so confident in your ability to profit like mad with Resell Rights Bootcamp that we're going to remove any iota of risk for you with our iron-clad...

 100% Satisfaction Guarantee...


I know these methods and this bootcamp can turn you into a mega profitable Resell Rights mercenary. 

I am 100% confident in that, because these are the exact same techniques and methods that I use today to generate my own incredible income.

If you follow the simple but powerful Resell Rights Bootcamp formula, you WILL succeed.  Otherwise, you'll get back every cent, and we'll part as friends.

So long frustration... hello money... 

When you sign on for the Resell Rights Bootcamp today, you'll become a member of our elite unit of profitable Resell Rights master marketers.

You'll get in depth, step by step training that you have always wanted, and were beginning to think non-existant.

Once you sign on you'll have instant access to everything mentioned above.  You'll be getting...

Over 6 hours of Special Ops Training Calls - No weak ass ebook for you, because you're getting in the trenches with me, on video, as I walk you by the hand through every profitable technique and cash cranking method I know.

Over 50 minutes of Bootcamp Video Tutorials - When there's a certain potent technique or method that needs a visual demonstration in order to hit home, you're getting it and then some with these incredible training videos.

The step by step Bootcamp Worksheets - These step by step details cover everything you need, and all that you'll have to do in order to implement each special op training into your business.  This is A-Z, no stone unturned.

The no stone unturned Bootcamp Checklist - Where other programs leave off, Resell Rights Bootcamp excels.  When you follow this system you have only one option... complete and total online success.  Failure is not an option for you now. 

The business at a glance Bootcamp Process Maps - These "profit models at a glance", are the same kinds of maps the millionaire marketers use to generate their enormous fortunes, and will allow you to quickly and easily develop your own cash cranking strategies in just minutes.

And the iron clad you must profit guarantee! - I know you'll success if you follow the special ops training and do as I tell you to do, because I generate 6 figures with these same methods.  But, if you're not satisfied than neither am I, so you're fully protected with our iron-clad guarantee!

All of this, which 20 people just paid over $400 for, is yours for the low one time investment of just $97, if you take action today.

It's time for you to end your frustrations, end your struggles, and be on your way to incredible profits, and the life you've always dreamed of.

The life you deserve.

In just weeks, you'll look back at this crossroad, and thank whatever god you pray to that you signed on for Resell Rights Bootcamp.

You've been drafted...

Yep, you've been drafted for the one bootcamp you'll wish you had attended years ago...

Because this one's gonna jam so much cash in your pockets you'll have to get cargo pants with even more pockets just to lug it all to the bank every day.

Listen, this is one of those crossroads in life where you have a chance to shape your future with your decision.

If you recognize this bootcamp as the astonishing value that it is, then congratulations to you for a truly wise decision.

And if you don't... if you plan on going AWOL here... well let me ask you something soldier... what's gonna be different for you?

I think we both know the answer to that... nothing.  If you go AWOL and do nothing, then nothing in your life will change.

Don't let that happen.

You've got the limited and mind blowing opportunity to make your life what you always dreamed it would be.  Starting right now.

As the late General Douglas MacArthur once said, "In war there is no substitute for victory."  Now it is your time to be victorious, and there is no substitute for Resell Rights Bootcamp. 

Report to special ops training immediately soldier.

We'll see you at camp soldier,

Liz & John

PS - 20 marketers paid $497 for this program, and they did it happily because they recognized that this is the equivalent of buying profits.  Handing over X dollars and getting back X plus in hefty profits.  For a limited time, you can put this potent program in your hands for only $97.  But you need to act now.

PPS -If you've been struggling to find your way online... if you've been frustrated... if you've been hoping for someone to tell you how it is and what needs to be done, step by step, then this is for YOU. But you need to make the commitment to your success.  So, are you committed?

PPPS -John and I refuse to put our names to something that we don't stand behind 100%.  We know this will make you more money than you ever thought possible, if you follow the system, and apply it.  And that's why we're guaranteeing your success and satisfaction.  The risk is ours, and the profits are 100% yours!

Yes Sirs!   I understand that I am about to become the leanest, meanest, money making machine there is, by signing up for Resell Rights Bootcamp this instant!

I understand that once I enlist in the powerful Resell Rights Bootcamp I'll receive the special ops training that I need in order to go from no money to more money than I know what to do with, quickly and easily.

This program isn't your run of the mill ebook... oh no, this is stuffed with potent methods and step by step strategies that will not allow me to fail, and will finally bring me the success I deserve!

I understand that when I enlist today, I will be getting instant access to...

Over 6 hours of Special Ops Training Videos - No weak ass ebook for me, because I'm getting in the trenches with you, on video, as you walk me by the hand through every profitable technique and cash cranking method you know.

Over 50 minutes of Bootcamp Video Tutorials - When there's a certain potent technique or method that needs a visual demonstration in order to hit home, I'm getting it and then some with these incredible training videos.

The step by step Bootcamp Worksheets - These step by step details cover everything I need, and all that I'll have to do in order to implement each special op training into my business.  This is A-Z, and all encompassing.

The no stone unturned Bootcamp Checklist - Where other programs leave off, Resell Rights Bootcamp excels.  When I follow this system I have only one option... complete and total online success.  Failure is not an option for me now. 

The business at a glance Bootcamp Process Maps - These "profit models at a glance", are the same kinds of maps the millionaire marketers use to generate their enormous fortunes, and will allow me to quickly and easily develop my own cash cranking strategies in just minutes.

In addition to everything mentioned above, you're making this a very easy decision by protecting me with your iron clad guarantee!

There's nothing more for me to say, other than that I am enlisting right this instant, and clicking the "Order Now!" button and entering my credit card into your 128 bit secure order form.

I'll see you at camp!

128 bit encrypted for your protection





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