Creating and publishing a website is no longer a mysterious, cryptic task that is reserved only for computer geeks.
Nowadays anyone wanting a piece of the virtual pie can easily sign up for a free
blog in about five minutes.
In addition, there are lots of free WYSIWYG editors available that make creating a beautiful, interactive website a very simple drag & drop process.
In short - putting up a blog or website is now the EASY part.

From The Desk
So what exactly IS
S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization) ?
SEO can be defined as the process of driving traffic to your website organically (unpaid) from the search engines.
That's the technical bit over with.
All you REALLY need to know is that there are two kinds of people in the online marketing world:
1. Those who know the SEO shortcuts and how to use them
2. Those who DON'T
Your online business requires a lot of work.
Chances are you have to be accountant, CEO, marketing manager, sales director, affiliate team leader and a dozen other different roles all at the same time.
Time is your biggest enemy.
But SEO is VITAL to your business.
It can mean the difference between success and failure - it's THAT important.

But when you're just starting your internet business the chances are that you don't have the time to study and undertake your own SEO or the money to outsource the task to experts.
So what do you do?
Well quite honestly, up until very recently you would just struggle along, doing what little SEO you could and hoping for the best.
But now things have changed - and the playing field has been levelled!

You'll discover:
SEO shortcuts for your business in EASY to understand language
What parts of SEO matter and what just aren't worth the effort
How to make sure your content is relevant to the keyword phrases being searched
How to optimize your website with keywords and linking structures
How to build powerful inbound links to your website from others in your niche
The onsite optimization methods that really work
How the search engines work and what they're looking for
how meta tags can seriously boost your SEO
What permalinks do and how they can work for your business
Why sitemaps are vitally important
The truth about 'titles'
What is a
Vital wordpress plugins that can make SEO quicker and easier by FAR
Off site
optimization techniques
and much much more...
Quite honestly if you're serious about your online business you can't afford to be without 'SEO For Busy Marketers'
And for a limited period of time
you can get it for this extremely special price!

It will give you all the skills you need to undertake your own SEO
and optimize your own sites in a very short time.
No expensive outsourcing, and no time consuming methods.
You NEED SEO techniques applied to your sites and blogs.
Here's how to do it

P.S. Without SEO your sites could get lost in the search engines forever
P.S.S. 'SEO For Busy Marketers' will reveal all the SEO 'secrets' that can makes the difference between success and failure online!
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