stop digital product theft in it's tracks!

if you are using a standard download page for your products, they are being stolen and you are losing money.

See how you can set up a protection system using all free resources.

Monday, March 17, 2025
From The Desk Of: xxxxxxx

Dear Reader:

Having your own digital products is a great business model. Your cost of entry is low, you have an international reach, and delivery is all automated. In fact once you have set up your digital products the whole business can be automated. You can run this business out of your home which saves a lot of money on office expenses.

You can work it full or part time and the business is easy for anyone to learn. And the fact that you can start a business for under $50 is something that makes it open to everyone.

To run your own internet business profitably you need a few tools.
You need:

  • A domain name (www address) - about $14 / year.
  • A hosting account. (Sites and file storage) - about $6.00 / month.
  • An autoresponder (lead collection and promotion) - about $15 / month.
And that is about it. The rest of what you need you can get for free.

But one thing so many people skip is a Download Security System!

Digital product theft can be a big problem if you do not protect your products. If you are using an ordinary download page, someone can purchase your product and share either the link to your page, or the link(s) to your downloads with potentially millions of people.

There are paid solutions to this out there that you can use that work very well. However if you are not able or don't want to pay for these products there is a free alternative!

You can set up a free download protection system using free tools. This system:
  • protects your download page with an individualized expiring link.
  • protects your download links with an individual IP address encryption and expiring links.
  • can be styled as you wish. (brand with your header etc).
  • can be used with Paypal (free version).
  • Set up the script once and use it for all your products. (individual download areas need to be set up for each product. Takes about five minutes).
And did I mention it's free?

Here is just some of what you will learn:
  • How to install the required scripts.
  • How to set up your encrypted payment buttons.
  • How to upload files to a protected area.
  • How to theme your download area site.
  • How to create your download areas.
  • and lots more...

This video series is going to show you everything you need to know about setting up your own Protected Download System.

Don't wait - grab your copy now!

Personal Use Only

Click The Button Below To Get Your Copy Instantly Via Download for only $27


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 If you want to be able to sell this product to your customers you must be a Gold Level member of Video PLR Monthly.


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PS. Get your copy of the video series now before the price goes up. This is an introductory price and will go up without notice.