ATTENTION: Anyone who offers limited time specials....

"Discover the Simple Solution to Posting Expiring Content Without Ugly 404 Errors or Endless Manual Updates"

From: Your Name
Re: Limited time offers are easier than ever before

Dear Online Business Owner,

If you sell anything online, then you know that special offers are proven to drive sales. They offer a sense of urgency that compels buyers to take action, and they enable you to raise your prices later with no regret.

The only trouble is, managing all the sales pages and related content - especially on a busy site - can be pretty cumbersome.

How (and Why) a
Limited-Time Offer Works

We're human, and we procrastinate. And because of that, those last minute sales can really add up! Top marketers have been taking advantage of this very human trait since the first salesman pitched his tent.

Not only that, but when buyers know they are going to miss out on a potentially great deal if they don't act fast, they are more likely to take action.

Both of these facts can add up to big sales for you. But of course, there's a downside as well.

Managing a Limited Time Offer Can Feel Like a Delicate Balancing Act

Let's face it - there are a lot of moving parts to keep track of:

  • Shopping cart links
  • Coupon codes
  • Email schedules
  • Promotional material
  • Affiliate support
  • Blog posts
  • Landing pages
  • The list goes on...

It's easy to see how quickly a special offer can get out of control. You need a whole team just to keep track of the timing!

Luckily, we've got a lot of tools at our disposal to help make this task easier. We use email managers that schedule our emails, shopping carts that allow us to set expiration dates on coupons, and WordPress, with its ability to schedule blog posts ahead of time.

But what about landing pages?

Expired or Missing Offer Pages
Make You Look Unprofessional

At one time or other, we've all clicked a link that promises a fantastic offer, only to land on a 404 page (Oops!) or be redirected to some unrelated content without warning.

While it's easy to create a special offer - whether it's a free sample or a full-blown sales page - it's much more time consuming (and often simply overlooked) to go back and rework those pages later. So when the offer ends, you wind up with a bunch of loose pages that go nowhere, and only serve to annoy and confuse potential customers.

That can't be good for business.

Of course, you can simply take them down. That's what "draft" mode is for, right? The problem with this scenario is that links to those pages still exist out there in the wild. Your affiliates have banner ads, guest blog posts link to your offer pages, ebooks contain references to free gifts.

You cannot possibly account for - and change - all the links that are out there, which leads to a 404 error nightmare...not to mention some very unhappy affiliates.

Save Time and End Frustration With Retiring Posts

Retire Posts PluginWhat if you could set up your posts and pages to automatically redirect to a different page on a specific day and time? Now, rather than backtracking through all of your promotional material and trying to figure out what should be removed when, you can easily set up the system ahead of time, for hands-free results you don't have to even think about.

Here's how it works:

Simply install the plugin in any WordPress site, choose a few simple default behaviors, and then change the status on any post or page to "retired" for an elegant solution to issues caused by expiring offers.

Retire Posts plugin is easy to use and maintain, without...

  • Difficult shortcode syntax to configure.
  • Messy and unpredictable javascript code in your posts.
  • A dizzying array of options and settings to leave you feeling as if you need a PhD in php to manage.

It's a simple, concise solution that just works - exactly the way you want it to, every time.

Retire Posts plugin lets you...

  • Set a global redirect for all retired content, so users never see another 404 error page again.
  • Override the default settings on any single post for complete control over your special offers.
  • Retire both posts and pages, so you can control every aspect of your marketing funnel, from blog posts to opt-in pages to sales pages - as long as they're a part of your WordPress site, you can set them to retire.
  • Choose the exact time and date of retirement - no more waiting until midnight because your cart says you have to.
  • Automate the process, so you don't have to rely on a VA to remember to redirect a page on the right day.
  • Manually set any page to "retired" with the click of a button, so you can skip the setup and still benefit.
  • Create custom messages for your readers, so they know exactly why they're being redirected. No more confusion over missing offers!
  • Redirect your retired pages anywhere - even to an affiliate offer.

Plus, since Retire Posts is a WordPress plugin, you know that it:

  • Easy to install using the one-click built-in installer.
  • Works perfectly right out of the box - no fussy configurations to mess with.
  • Works with any theme and won't interfere with your current style sheets.

Customer Testimonials

"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."

"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."

Your Customer

"A customer testimonial box with a photo area to put customer's photo."

"Integer bibendum libero sed sem tristique condimentum. In ornare scelerisque felis sit amet tempor. Fusce sapien mauris, sagittis vitae condimentum in, pulvinar at sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque dignissim ultrices ultrices. Nulla congue semper sollicitudin. Vestibulum at nunc magna."

Your Customer

Quickly and Easily
Automate Your Offer Funnels

Retiring Posts plugin takes the work out of managing your limited time offer funnels, leaving you with more time to create great content and offers. Not only that, but it will make your advertisers and affiliates happy, because they'll know the traffic they send your way will find a professional setup that always makes sense...even when the offer has ended.

Of course, we're so confident that you'll love Retiring Posts, that we're offering our...

Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try Retiring Posts for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

Turn those leaky, broken funnels into profit pulling, automated systems that simply work. Add Retiring Posts plugin to your site today, and start seeing the benefits of automation in your workflow.

Get Instant Access Now

Yes! I need this plugin!

I understand I'll get:

  • The easy-to-install WordPress plugin with complete instructions.
  • The ability to easily and quickly "retire" posts and pages when the offer ends.
  • Happier affiliates and readers, who will no longer be faced with 404 pages or confusing redirects to pages they didn't ask to see.

I also understand that I'll....


Your Name

P.S. The old way of doing things just won't work any more. Stop sending your traffic to unrelated posts or worse - 404 pages - when they click on an old link. Use the power of Retired Posts to present a relevant offer instead.

P.P.S. Don't forget - this plugin is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you find it doesn't work as we described, simply email for a full refund. There's absolutely no risk to you!

Disclaimer: Put your own earnings disclaimer or some other disclaimer here. Nulla tempor mi et nisl feugiat non imperdiet nibh posuere. In consequat pretium sapien facilisis condimentum. Cras sagittis lorem consequat nibh pulvinar aliquam. Vivamus aliquam egestas molestie. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula.

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