Dear Friend,
E-mail marketing is hands down the most powerful and effective form of online marketing.
Nothing comes close. Seriously. Even search marketing with all its hype and tried-and-proven success can't even hold a candle to just how effective list marketing can be.
Its easy to see why, survey after survey, marketing firms keep putting e-mail marketing at or near the top of their advertising preferences.
Through e-mail marketing, you can get in front of the eyeballs of your audience members anytime and anywhere.

That's right. You can be at a beach in the Bahamas somewhere writing an e-mail update.
Plug that in to your e-mail service provider and your audience, regardless of where they may be in the world and regardless of what they're doing, are sure to get your e-mail.
After all, most people check their e-mail inboxes. Isn't that awesome?
Here's where my advice for you comes in.