Using My 'Tips Approach' Solution...
IAS Software Makes Your Content Achieve
90% Up To 100% Uniqueness
In A Few Clicks!
Want Proof? Watch The Video Below...
Check The Honest Reviews
From Reputable Marketers!
This is a very unique approach to getting my blog content unique.
I picked this up and have watched the some of the videos. I must admit they are
well done and informative.
Thanks for all the work you did to explain
everything for us!
Big, big thanks for this powerful package.
It contains all the things I need for article marketing. I have just created a totally unique article in ten
minutes or less.
I think, with this tool I can get the maximum from article marketing and create great content with ease for my websites.
By the way, "using tips for articles" method is really good and make the article creation more easier and effective.
Big thanks! And keep up the great work!
imi82 from warrior forum
It made the content UP
TO 96% UNIQUE. CS PASSED! And wait all the
articles were human readable.
Thanks to the mastermind!
entri3 from warrior forum
Your IAS came in the nick of time, I was
wondering what to do when the Google Farmer thing hit us but you saved the day.
Yes, I like the tool, very easy to use yet so
Jetsenze from warrior forum
From: <YOUR
Dear Friend,
I normally HATE writing long sales letters but for this one...
You deserve an explanation and I'm going to spill the beans right here, so bear with me as this will help you a lot in your business!
There's a very structured approach to always get a 100% uniqueness when you are writing and spinning content.
Combined with this small piece of technology (IAS), duplicate content will NEVER be an issue if you follow the instructions that I'll be providing you
on this page.
You see, apart from trading in the IM niche, I also own many niche content sites (close to 200 sites) which are making me a decent income from adsense and affiliate marketing every month.
So, as you probably know to handle content sites like these, you need to spend a lot of money on writers to get them to write fresh and unique articles every time...
Whether it's for my own sites or to build backlinks by submitting these spin content to other places.
Added to this with the new Google Farmer Update, Google is hitting HARD on those duplicate content sites. So, if you were used to spin content at 30-50% uniqueness, it's still NOT enough. Sooner or later, google will track down those articles and your backlinks won't count.
The BIG Failures With The Traditional Way
Of Spinning Content
Let's face it, the traditional way of spinning content has MANY failures. Whether you use the best spinning software on the market or not, there will always be footprints to track down all your spun articles if ever you are going to use them to build backlinks.
These footprints can be:
(1) Your site url
(2) The structure of the article
(3) The same idea behind each spun paragraph
And many more...
Look, let's not fool ourselves... If YOU can easily notice the similarities, why would google not able to do so?
But listen... I've the solution to all these problems...
What's The Solution?
Watch this...
YES... I call this the TIPS APPROACH...
What is this all about?
The idea is VERY simple...
Instead of writing articles the traditional way, we build up a database of tips based on the niche topic. The beauty of using the "tips approach" is that each tip can stand alone and there's no need for a continuous flow in the article, yet the article will still be of very high quality.

Once the database of tips is built, you get the writers to spin the content the traditional way.
Now, here's the little twist that I'm adding...
Once the content is spun, we add this to a module in the Instant Article Suite software, which is called The Shuffler and guess what...
All the tips are shuffled in random order to create unique content all the time.

There's also an advanced module inside the shuffler where it groups together many paragraphs to build a SUPER ARTICLE which has been spun at an EXTREMELY high level. This was demonstrated in the video above.
And now think about it for a moment...
If you apply my strategy, you WON'T need to continuously spend a lot of money on writers in the long run.
You WON'T have to worry about duplicate content all the time when you are going to submit these super articles to build backlinks.
Do you see how a SIMPLE idea solve all these frustrations?
We are not re-inventing the wheel... we are just adding a little twist to those things that we are already doing to make it even more effective. 
So let's get to what exactly you'll be receiving when you get this product today!
Watch This LAST Short Video To See
The 3 Awesome Software You'll Receive!
YES! You heard it right...
Upon ordering this offer, you'll NOT only receive one software BUT THREE Software, worth at least $47 EACH if I was to sell them separately.
There's NO trick attached. NO upsell or downsell to this Offer.
I want to make you happy and over-deliver with this product...
You get the THREE software below:
(1) Instant Article Shuffler: This is the CORE software that will help you achieve more randomness and uniqueness to your content.
I've added those 2 software below as BONUSES because I want to open the doors to newbies who are low in budget and they don't need to invest in other tools:
(2) Instant Article Spinner: This is a brand new never released spinning software.
(3) Instant Article Submitter: This tool helps you to populate YOUR wordpress blogs by mass uploading articles very easily.
All these 3 software combined make the Instant Article Suite (IAS) software.
The price is a real no brainer. I promised to over-deliver and that's what I'll do...
You get all the THREE components of IAS software at an insanely LOW price of $37 ONLY!
You don't have to sit on the fence!
It's a genuine product and you'll be pleased with it.
Click on the order button and
make your purchase right away!
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