Would You Like To INSTANTLY Publish Your Own Newsletters Without Having To Go Through The Hassles And Headaches That Editors Usually Have To Endure?
"I Am Going To Tell You a Secret That Will Enable You to Produce and Distribute Your Own Newsletters Even If You've Never Had Any Editorial Experience And Even If You Don't Know Squat About HTML Or Other Web Programming Languages."
Dear Internet Marketer,
The money's in your list!
How many times have you heard
or read those words before?
A couple of times? A dozen? A
hundred? A thousand?
Those words have been
mentioned countless times, and you know why? Because they're true... they're
VERY true!
Studies show that, on the
average, it will take 12 contacts with a prospect before he'll decide to
purchase from you. 12 contacts! That's a lot.
It means that seldom are the
times when a prospect will immediately buy from you right after visiting your
sales page for the very first time. Heck, equally as rare are the times when a
prospect will buy from you on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th or even 10th visit.
You have to keep in touch
with him. You must be able to remind him that your business exists and that your
offer stands... and such a reminder must be delivered 12 times - on the average!
This presents some particularly daunting
How are you supposed to contact your prospect for that long a
How are you supposed to keep him interested in your offers?
How can you condition his mind to expect your messages with
anticipation and to accept your offers with an open mind?
The answer, of course, is something that veteran
Internet marketers have long known: email marketing.
Email marketing is also called a follow-up system
because it "follows up" on your leads. You will be able to establish good
relationships with them. You will be able to invite them to your virtual
activities. You will be able to inform them of your current and future offers.
And yes, you will be able to contact them 12 times
- and even more - enough for them to purchase from you.
Hence, the words that ring so
very true: the money's in your list.
Yet, more than 50% of email marketing campaigns fail.
Do you want to know why?
Well, there are many possible reasons, ranging from poor autoresponder service chosen that fails to properly schedule the delivery of the emails, to ill-prepared messages that cannot invite any sales, to carelessly prepared messages that alert the attention of the spam filters.
But the number one reason why email marketing campaigns fail is this:
failure to capture the interest of the prospects.
Before you can capture their contact details, you must first capture their attention.
And to capture their attention, you must arouse their interests.
Then and only then will you be able to get them
to subscribe to your mailing list.
Then and only then can your email marketing
campaign truly start.
But it's not enough to capture their interests.
It is just as important that you keep their interests; otherwise, they'll leave
just as quickly as they've subscribed.
Best Way To Win And Keep Their Attention:
Electronic Newsletters
Electronic newsletters,
or electronic magazines, or eZines as they are fondly called these days, are the
most potent "bait" to lure prospects to your mailing list. The Internet is
fueled by information.
People log online to find the
information they need. Electronic newsletters deliver news... news is the latest
form of information. Hence, if you'd dangle a constant supply of information to
the members of your target market, you'd have better chances of capturing their
contact details and you'd have better chances of making them stay for a long,
long time to come.
I have heard many Internet marketers say, "if you're not publishing an eZine, you're crazy."
I couldn't agree more.
Electronic newsletters, you
see, can potentially increase your subscriber base by as much as a hundred
times, and that is not an exaggeration. Electronic newsletters give them a
reason to sign up.
Electronic newsletters give
them a reason to stay. And electronic newsletters give them something to look
forward to... something that they will associate with you.
And this is crucial.
Why? Because by delivering to them the information they need, they will learn how to trust you, and trust is an integral part of online business. Win their trust and you're halfway through a successful sale.
How Come
A Lot Of Internet Marketers
Aren't Publishing Ezines?
Indeed, a great percentage of online businessmen don't distribute their own electronic newsletters. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons:
They don't know how potent a tactic email marketing can be.
They may know that email marketing is a MUST in this day and age of online business, but they are not familiar with the particular method of publishing an eZine.
They may know the importance of publishing an eZine, but they don't know how to publish it.
The third is the most preponderant reason. Many online businessmen realize how much a solid email marketing campaign, powered by a highly informative newsletter, can do for their enterprises. But much as they want to hop aboard the eZine bandwagon, they don't have the required knowledge nor the required skills to publish their own electronic newsletters.
Publishing newsletters on the World Wide Web is more than just writing a collection of articles. Actually, that's the easy part.
Formatting your newsletter for the benefit of an online audience is the more difficult aspect.
How can you present your newsletter?
How can you make it look professional and enticing?
How can you create a system that will store previous issues?
How can you deliver your newsletter to your subscribers?
The technical requirements of newsletter publishing is just too much for many online businessmen that they give up on the idea altogether.
I Will
Eradicate All Excuses About Not Publishing Your Own Newsletter With This One,
Powerful Secret...
Finally, you don't have to concern yourself with the technical needs of publishing your own newsletter. I am about to introduce a fantastic and novel software that will make newsletter publication as easy as A-B-C...
... and perhaps even simpler than that!
Presenting the first ever program of its kind...
Turbo Newsletter Manager
The Automated Solution To Ezine Publication |
The Turbo Newsletter Manager is a revolutionary program that generates two web pages:
Better yet, previous issues won't have to be wasted. They will be stored on a separate page. They can be picked up by search engine spiders, which will be excellent in winning new subscribers - and new prospects! And your current subscribers will be able to find them ever so easily!
The Turbo Newsletter Manager makes it so easy for anyone - ANYONE - to publish their own newsletters online.
Now, you can ensure that your prospects will stay around until the 12th contact, and even longer than that.