official Internet Marketing Technical Training Course!
Pause, rewind, re-watch!
sail away with the education and experience that will lead you to
fulfilling your dreams of financial security.
Your "OPPORTUNITY" To Discover The Help You'll
Never Get From Others.!
Dear reader and future tech Guru,
I show you the letters WWW and .COM what do you think
of? Seriously, just STOP and
think about that for just a second. How many times have you seen those
simple little letters? If you have been around for any length
of time at all in this life and not hiding someplace in the dark ages
still I can say it is a safe bet that you have seen them almost every
day of your life. If your reading this right now I guarantee that
you have seen those letters today just to get to this page.
I am so excited about the times we live in today and so should
you. At no other time in the history of the world has a
single human being been able to reach so many people for so little
of people from all around the world have set up successful small
business websites, personal websites, and blogs and began making money
from the comfort of their home.
I can safely say that WWW is probably one of the most
incredible 3 letters that most people will ever experience in
their lifetime and yet if your anything like I was I can also honestly
say that they can also be the most frustrating 3
letters you can experience in your lifetime.
You have heard all the hype and have probably even seen all of the
sales pages from all the Internet Marketers from all over the world
that are just setting in their homes and offices telling you that they
are making incredible Jaw-dropping incomes just by using the Internet
or the World Wide web, and what a massive opportunity you are missing
out on if you don't join them right now.
I bet it is even safe for me to say this is something that really
intrigues you.
Well of course who would not be highly intrigued by these claims
especially in today's economy when so many people are looking for ways
to make extra income just to survive.
But seriously the question on your mind has to be can this tech stuff
really be achieved by someone just like ME?
Well if you listen to the pitch from all of the sales pages, check out
every single Big and Bold
Benefit Laden Headline, read all of the wonderful sales page
testimonials, and listen to all the incredible income claims I'm sure
that indeed it does seem that, YES anyone can actually accomplish these
same results.
But seriously.. Does this really mean ANYONE?
is exactly what it means. All you have to do is get creating your
awesome website just like all the BIG Gurus have out there and get
a website is not that hard at all, it is actually really quite easy.
You just have to get yourself a domain name, register it, get hosting
to host the domain, change the DNS settings so it can be seen, and then
just start building it.
now that you know that, I am guessing you are perfectly capable and
ready to jump right in and Get-R-Done so let me be the first to tell
you good luck creating your new site!
I know lets put the brakes on for just a minute and start this over
If I was to take a look back at my own online business startup I would
remember very quickly that when I first got started I was also drawn in
by the incredible income claims being made and just new that this was
the answer to all my problems.
did some simple research...
understood the concept of online Marketing...
knew without a doubt that I could make a tremendous income.
also knew that I just needed to get myself noticed with a web presence.
My First Mistake
understanding and knowing what I did know, I knew that I just needed to
put up a simple website.
Just like you I received the GREAT NEWS about how easy this was going
to be and I believed it...
But thinking the word easy was probably my first mistake...
I began locating Training courses and quickly finding myself in over my
head as I tried to understand the things they were trying to teach me.
I had to have an FTP program, I had to change the DNS settings for my
domain, I was going to be doing some HTML coding, working with
Wordpress, editing pictures...
What in the world is this stuff I remember saying to myself. I had
never heard any of these terms before in anything I had ever learned
throughout my education. Everything quickly became very
The initial drive and enthusiasm that I had been feeling just days
before was now being replaced by something that way to many people
become accustomed to very fast when it comes to the technical aspects
of Internet Marketing. Enthusiasm quickly is replaced by Frustration
and feelings of failure.
I bet if I was to ask you how many times you have come to that place in
your life you could quickly fill in a nice novel for me to read.
Well just like most others I was ready to quit once again. But
something in me this time said that quitting was not acceptable and I
refused to be beaten down once again.
finally found some help through a great coach that helped me to really
understand the technical terminology in simple and understandable
language and he helped me get going and really understand what I needed
to do. My coach also showed me how to do a lot of outsourcing
so I didn't have to do all the things I just was not wrapping my mind
But we have to be careful when it comes to outsourcing because there
are a few drawbacks. Hey I still outsource myself still to
this day and even more, but trust me when I say outsourcing does have
some drawbacks that are no more fun than not knowing how to do the tech
say you just do not understand what needs
to be done yourself, how are you
going to explain it well
enough to ensure the outsourcer does it just the way you
want it done?
What if your outsourcer does not get things
done in a timely manner and you have to
postpone your product launch
which causes JV Partners to get a little upset because
they have to
reschedule your promotion? (Sometimes they don't have an
reschedule you in and you
loose out on a boat load of money)
What if you can't find someone to outsource
your needs to when you need it the
So guess what
usually happens when one of these 3 big catastrophes happen?
You need to break down and just do it yourself just like I have to
So even though I do not
enjoy the tech work I still am very glad I know how to get it done when
it is left up to me. Sometimes I even amaze myself when I set
back and look at the things I can do.
I want you to be able to
take a look back on things and be amazed at yourself!
With that being said
let's get you going!
Your Picture
My name is Your
Name Here
Before we get going I have to let you know
that... "I
Might Be Raising The Price You Will Find At The End Of This Letter At
Any Minute!" I am only allowing 50 more copies to go out the
door at this price
Most of my offline friends and relatives know I work full time on the
Internet, and as such many of them come to me asking how they can make
their own websites. Instead of trying to explain the basics to each
one, I tried to find a simple online tutorial to help them
out. After some research I couldn’t find anything I liked, so
I decided to create one. That is the story behind my latest project:
already said that I understood what needed to be done to make money
online, but when I went to set up my website, upload my product I
created to the download page, and get the whole sales process up and
working properly I was at a loss and once again I was back in the boat
with one ore going round and round in circles getting no where.
I was told what I needed to do and then just turned lose to get it
I could do the same for all of my relatives and friends and I could do
the same for you as well.
I said I found help!
I found help And today, I'm here to help YOU!
It's Your Turn!"
do I care about you and your success? Because I know Frustration
and feelings of failure when it comes to all the
technical side of making money online and It's not a feeling I would
wish on my worst enemy let alone you.
We still live in an amazing land of opportunity and IT'S YOUR GOD GIVEN
RIGHT to live in peace and prosperity.
And I made a promise that when I figured out how to make this "Internet
thing" work, that I would dedicate my life to helping others as well.
I want you to know what it's like to live the good life
So it's a win-win situation for the both of us. You get to see my
proven technical blueprint to the one huge thing that has kept you from
making money on the Internet, and I have the satisfaction of knowing
your life has the possibility of being as awesome as mine.
You see we are a perfect match.
So Easy To Make Money Once You Know how to "BREAKTHROUGH" the technical
Can you imagine that? Try it for a second. See how it feels to be able
to peel back the gloom and doom to a brighter future ahead that will
allow you to get the forward momentum you need to make every dream you
ever had become reality.

OK now that you took a minute to imagine that let's get your attention
back to the direction we were heading, that being you getting
Okay, so here it is...
It's very easy.
My technical training blueprint was created in a way that "almost any
beginner" would understand. So yes, it's what I call "easy".
It's a piece of the puzzle that most people can only dream about
finding, and I put in a ton of time and money to build it for you!
"Now you won't have to!"
Here Is The Technical Training
Will Receive The Moment You Decide
This Is Truly The Technical Training
You Have Been Waiting For!
The most up to date 8+ volume set of
step-by-step technical training video tutorials
the Internet!

Management and C-panel
Autoresponder Training
Managing your List
Creating Editing Websites and
Download pages
Graphics and Images
Tech Side of affiliate
Tech Basics of FTP
Your Quickest Source For Only
Help Your Searching For!
Each on of the above volumes is
broken down into separate videos to walk you through the step by step
process of achieving the tech help you are specifically looking for.
Management and C-panel - 12 Videos
1 - Registering Domain Name
2 - Buying Bulk Domain Names
3 - Buying Hosting Hostgator
4 - Buying Hosting Bluehost
5 - C-panel Basics
6 - Pointing Domain Name
7 - Setting up email account in Cpanel
8 - Setting up email forwarder
9 - Web Analytics
10 - Fantastico Overview
11 - C-panel autoresponse message
12 - Deleting Fantastico Installations With Cpanel
Beginnings - 13 Videos
13 - Wordpress Setup
14 - Cusotmizing Your Wordpress Theme
15 - Navigating Wordpress Dashboard
16 - Wordpress Settings - Going Live Part 1
17 - Wordpress Settings - Going Live Part 2
18 - Wordpress Plugins
19 - Spam Free Wordpress Setup
20 - Managing Wordpress Default Themes
21 - Wordpress Links and Blog Roll
22 - Changing Wordpress Headerand Background
23 - Adding Your First new Post
24 - Adding Your First New Page
25 - Adding Your Contact Us Forms to Wordpress
Training Managing your List - 12 Videos
26 - Creating New List with AWeber
27 - Creating Follow Up Sequence
28 - Creating Your Web Form For List Building
29 - Installing Your Aweber Web Form
30 - Trouble Shooting Your Aweber Web Form
31 - Aweber Web Form Statistics
32 - Understanding Aweber Reports
33 - Managing Your Aweber Subscribers
34 - GetResponse Campaign Setup
35 - GetResponse WebForm Setup
36 - GetResponse Installing Web Form
37 - GetResponse Sending An Email
& Editing Sales Pages and Download Pages - 10 Videos
38 - Editing & Rebranding PLR Sales Page Part 1
39 - Editing & Rebranding PLR Sales Page Part 2
40 - Adding Your Disclaimers and Privacy Policies
41 - Sales Page Final Editing
42 - Saving Your Sales Page changes (Important)
43 - Adding your picture to your Html website
44 - Setting Up Download Pages
45 - Monetizing Download Pages
46 - Editing PLR Minisite
47 - Adding Sales Copy to PLR Minisite
Editing of Graphics and Images - 6 Videos
48 - Resizing Images
49 - Creating PDF Document
50 - Creating a zip file
51 - Extracting a Zip File
52 - Creating Exit Pop
53 - Jing Free Screen Captures Tutorial
Basics of FTP - 7 Videos
54 - Filezilla FTP Installation
55 - FileZilla FTP First Steps
56 - FileZilla FTP Uploading First File
57 - FileZilla FTP Creating File Names & Folders
58 - FileZilla FTP Creating Download Links & More
59 - FileZilla FTP Uploading Website & Work With File Names
60 - FileZilla FTP Protecting Files With Snooper Pages
Forums and Special Offers - 9 Videos
61 - Forum Special Offers Part 1 Account Setup
62 - Forum Special Offers Part 2 Profile Setup
63 - Forum Special Offers Part 2 Posting Your Offer
64 - Warrior Forum Setup Account
65 - WarriorPlus Pro Sell Product
66 - WarriorPlus Setup Affiliate Marketing
67 - Warrior Special Offer Setup and Posting
68 - JVZoo Adding A Product
69 - JVZoo Managing Affiliates
Desk - 3 Videos
70 - OSTicket Support Desk Install
71 - OSTicket Manage Support Desk
72 - OSTicket Support Desk Advanced
Advanced - 8 Videos
73 - Wordpress Media Overview
74 - Inserting Images In Wordpress Post
75 - Inserting PDF In Wordpress Post
76 - Inserting Video In Wordpress Post
77 - Inserting Affiliate Links In Wordpress Post
78 - Setting Up Wordpress Menus
79 - Creating Opt-in Box For List Building
80 - Adding Additional Users to Your Site
Services - 8 Videos
81 - Google Account Setup
82 - Google Adsense - Adding To Site
83 - Google Analytics Setup
84 - Google Analytics Advanced
85 - Google Calendar
86 - Gmail Account
87 - Google Webmaster Tools Setup
88 - Google Webmaster Tools Advanced
Side of Affiliate Marketing - 16 Videos
89 - Amazon Part 1 Become An Affiliate
90 - Amazon Part 2 Getting Affiliate Link
91 - Amazon Part 3 Advanced Affiliate Methods
92 - Amazon Part 4 Using Promotions Hub
93 - Amazon Part 5 Finding Good Products To Promote
94 - Amazon Part 6 Category Banner Links
95 - Amazon Part 7 Linking To Search Results
96 - Amazon Part 8 Add Product HTML Code To Site
97 - Amazon Part 9 Add Banner To HTML Site
98 - Amazon Part 10 Add New Amazon Product Preview Script
99 - Inserting Affiliate Banners Into Website
100 - JVZoo Affiliate Account Setup
101 - JVZoo Finding Products To Promote & Affiliate Link Setup
102 - New Clickbank Introduction & Sign Up
103 - New Clickbank Marketplace: Find Products To Promote
104 - New Clickbank Creating Affiliate Links
These trainings are the EXACT same Step-By-Step technical training I
went through, and it will show you the very things you need to do or at
least understand how to do to start making your life the amazing life
you are intended to have.
The best part is that this technical training is laid out in a very
simple start here first format for you to follow.
I understand that if your a beginner I can't just hand you a
complete technical training encyclopedia and expect you to know where
to start first.
I needed a start here and end here plan and so will you.
I also understand you do not want to watch a 2 hour video just to find
one little step that you are not understanding. You want to
skip all the things you do understand and get right to the help.
That is why I took this entire course and had it broken down into
several short 5-10minute video's that are clearly marked and labeled to
give you the quickest answers and help as possible.
"But This
Sounds Like An
Expensive Course"
know, I couldn't wait to get to this part because I know that you're
going to be pleasantly surprised.
You see, normally a course like this will be sold for
at least $197 and even higher. I know that a lot of marketers wouldn't
hesitate to grab it up at this cost. And for all that you are getting
it would be a steal at that price of $97 that I normally sell this kind
of product for.
But instead I've decided to let you have this for a drop-dead bargain,
so you're not even going to pay anything close to that amount ...
Your investment? ... (drums rolling) .... a meager $97
price here
No, that's not a misprint ..Now you must be wondering what's the catch,
well there's one. You have to do just one thing to get it at
this crazy low price right now... Just take action!
What more can you possibly ask for?
you said?
wait just a second then before you make your decision...let me pour
some more sugar on this deal..."
BONUSES anyone?
For a
Limited Time, Grab this AMAZING Bonus!
guys at the office thought I was nuts to offer this kind of bonus for
additional cost, but I want you to have these valuable extra lessons to
augment your video editing abilities, for absolutely no extra cost.
You get the following fast action bonus:
But hey, I've already made my success so this is all about you and your
"What Kind Of Results Can You Expect Once You Understand
The Tech Stuff?"
Once I figured it all out I was able to start making money on
demand. If I see something I want I don't go and take it out
of my bank account. I either set down and set up a website
ready to sell one of the many products I have and make the money I need
or I quickly explain to my tech team what needs to be done and they set
it up for me.
I still don't like to do the tech stuff but it sure is nice to know I
can explain it so it is clear and understandable to those I outsource
It has become kind of a game to me now. I see what I want and
I see how fast I can generate the income. It's really a whole lot of
fun and I'm addicted to making money now. And I bet you will be too!
"Imagine This..."
Just imagine this for a go to every person that has ever
told you that your "little Internet adventure" just won't work cause
you will never be able to overcome the technical wall no matter how
hard you try.
now look at them and with the biggest voice you have you yell out... "I
told you so!"
yet you know you hold the key to helping them do the very same thing.
you love the cycle of helping. Someone helps you and you in
return can help someone else now.
"They Say Money Can't Bring You Happiness."
I can tell you this. after struggling and being buried in debt up to my
ears I am MUCH happier in the position I am now. It's nice to never
worry about money, to never stress about bills, never wonder how I'm
going to pay for something.
"I Might Be Raising The Price At Any Minute!"
It's true. If you recall earlier in this letter I said the very same
It could be at any minute or any second!
I am
only allowing 50 more copies to go out the door at this price and then
it is on it's way up. Remember I originally sell this course for $97.
So this is it... This is your big chance.
Don't let this chance pass you by while it is the most affordable help
you will find.
Either you can stay in the same boat with just one paddle that you've
always been in, going round and around trying to figure out how to get
the technical aspects of making money online worked out, or you can get
in a new boat and grab this technical blueprint and sail away with the
education and experience that will lead you to fulfilling your dreams
of financial security.
This is it. The choice is yours. Just take action now before it's too
"Here's Your Chance To Discover The Help You'll Never
Get From Others."
I'll want to be your guide! People from around the world are
writing me every single day absolutely amazed at how wonderful this is.
Take a look at what others who have went through this technical
training course are saying.
click on the order now button below and grab your technical success it
for only $YOUR
PRICE HERE today! Yes really!! Just $YOUR PRICE HERE
if you get it right now before I listen to my accountant and raise the
price. I normally sell it for $97 but you can get it for less than half
that if you get it right now!

You just won't find this info anywhere else. That's a solid fact! This
is the ONLY website in the entire world that has this kind of quality
technical support.

"No Tech College Or University In The World Will Give You The True
Technical Training You Need For Your Internet Business .
"Start Using My IM tech 2.0 Training Blueprint Right
Now!" That's right, this very moment.
You have the power to change your life for the better. I'm handing you
the key. All you have to do is accept it.
My Iron-Clad 1 Money Back Guarantee To You: ADD YOUR
really do have total freedom to make as little or as much money as you
wish! But you have to get past the technical Barriers first in order to
have that freedom
Simply Click On The ORDER NOW Button Below To Instantly Access Your
Copy Of This Amazing Technical Training Blueprint For Only $Your Price Here
And You Will Be Forwarded To A Secure Page Where You Can Enter Your
Order Details!

Your friend and technical mentor,
Your Picture
P.S. - This letter is all about you...your life...your
reality...your happiness!
What you face and experience every day can change this very moment
starting with your decision that you make right now to get this. Get my Technical
Training blueprint right here.
P.P.S. - I know you'll make the right decision for your future. But
make that decision fast because like I said above, I am going to be
raising the price at any time. If it is still $Your Price Here Then it is
your lucky day!
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