Announcing The Brand New, 8 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You ... "Discover
How to Drive Targeted Paid Traffic With Banner Ad Media Buys The Right
Way…Even If You’re A Newbie or Expert, You Will Walk Away With A Step
By Step System That You Can Implement Starting Today!" You
Get Access To This Step by Step Video Series That Will Walk You Through
The Process Of Using Banner Ads to Bring The Traffic You Want To Your
Website. |
From the Desk of: [Your Name] Dear Future Media Buyer Friend, You know you need traffic and that’s why you’re here. FACT: Banner Ads are NOT dead. Yes,
I know you’re thinking… “Those annoying little banner ads…why
would my customers want those in their faces?” Well the fact of
the matter, is there is a right way to do it, and a wrong way to do
it. The wrong way to do is plaster banner ads with blinking
lights that say “BUY ME NOW!”. The right way to do is blend it in
with the existing site. That’s just one free tip I’ll give you
Still don’t believe in the power of Banner Ads?
Did you know that most of the big companies use Media Buying, or in this case Banner Ads to bring in a ton of traffic?
you can save a lot of money if done right. That’s right.
Instead of paying per click, if you’ve done your testing, you won’t
have to pay per click ever again. Plus
you won’t have to worry about Google Adwords banning you from
Adwords. While yes, Google gets a lot of the traffic on the
Internet, you can still get tons of traffic from websites in your niche.
sure some of you have received the most letter that says “Sorry, you
have broken our rules, and your adwords account has been
disabled”. While that can be quite depressing, there is
hope. You
can still get the targeted traffic you need and not worry if a company
with so much power banning you, and your whole business crashing in one
Introducing...Media Traffic Gold8 Part Video Course

8 step video series will guide you through the process of media buying
from the beginning to the end. How to find high traffic sites in
your niche, design banners, get people to click on your banner ads, and
much much more!
Here's a list of this 8 part video series in more detail
 | Video #1 : Introduction to Banner Ad Media Buys and Knowing Your Niche
this video, we introduce you to Media Buys in terms of Banner
Ads. There are a lot of types of Media Buys, but we’ll focus on
banner ads in this one since you can get up and running fairly
quick. You’ll be given an overview of this video series including
what you will be learning and how this system comes together.
This will help you speed things up. You’ll also learn how to
research your niche.
|  | Video #2 : Demographics Research – Find Out What Your Market is Like
you go out and start trying to find sites to advertise on, you need to
know your market, who they are, how they tick, their desires and wants,
and how they act. Knowing this information is crucial in relation
to Media Buys, because without it your traffic won’t be as
targeted. The less targeted, the less conversions, the more
frustration and loss of time you’ll have.
|  | Video #3 : Finding Sites to Advertise Banner Ad Which
banner ads should you buy? Do they need to be on a specific part
of the website? How do you find the sites? How do you
contact the website owners, and what do you say? All these
questions and many more will be answered in this video.
|  | Video #4 : Selling The Click
you’ve set up your banner ad campaign, and it’s live on a high traffic
site, but you’re not getting your clicks! There’s a problem with
your banner and the way you’ve positioned it. This video will
show you how to sell the click, so you don’t make the painful mistake
of losing time and money.
|  | Video #5 : Where to Get Banners Designed
can create your own banners, or you can hire someone. The choice
is yours. In this video, you will be given resources on how to go
about both of these paths. Hiring a professional is obviously
easier, but it costs money, but not a lot. However at the same
time, a banner ad doesn’t need to be super fancy. In fact the
more fancy it is, the more it screams “Annoying Banner!” or “Buy
me now”, which of course may in fact decrease your clicks and sales.
| Video #6 : Banner Ad Networks
this video, we will cover two large banner ad networks and how you can
use these sites to find high traffic but most importantly targeted
sites you can run your banner ad campaigns on. It’ll be short and
sweet; no fluff.
|  | Video #7 : Test, Observe, and Scale the winners
obvious that it’s important that once you’ve tested a campaign and it
is indeed succeeding, it’s time to scale the winners. But how do
you test the campaigns to know they have potential? Just one test
may not always say that the campaign is not going to work, because
there are so many variables. In this video, you’ll learn how to
test, how to observe, and most importantly, how to scale.
|  | BONUS: Video #8 : How to Find Banner Ads Fast
that you have understood the process of finding banner ad sites and
potential traffic spots, you will realize that it is quite time
consuming. That is the only part that takes time. Finding
sites, making sure they are getting traffic, making sure they fit your
market’s demographics, and contacting the site owner.

It can take hours among hours, just like any other traffic system. How can you speed this process up in a matter of minutes? More on that in this special bonus video.
Media Buys costs some money, but if done right can do a lot better than
PPC. Now people can argue PPC is better, SEO is better, or even Media
Buying is better. I won’t go out and say either one is better, because
in the end you have to do the tests and the implementation. Media
buying just requires less time and less knowledge compared to SEO and
PPC. Give it a try and start driving traffic to your websites using
the power of Media Buying.
This method I’ve seen pull in $1000’s
more, but you have to do it right. Do it wrong, and you’ll lose time
and money. More on that in this video.
that said, grab this video series now and learn how increase your
profits by increase your targeted traffic the right way!
Add this product to your cart now for only...
$67 $47 |

– Finally, Discover How to Drive Targeted Paid Traffic With Banner Ad
Media Buys The Right Way…Even If You’re A Newbie or Expert, You Will
Walk Away With A Step By Step System That You Can Implement Starting
P.P.S. - Get your first banner ad media buy campaign up and running, starting today!
