"How to Create Simple
for FREE...
That Draw People to Your Website, Sell Your Products,
and Build Your Business Faster Than Ever Before!"
In the next 34 minutes you could be creating your own simple to make video slideshows... just like the ones you see online every day. And the best part is that you don't have to spend a cent on any software... because the software is FREE!
Now you might wonder why no one has shown you...
How to Make FREE Slideshow Videos
The reason is easy... no one makes any money selling free software. So who wants to teach you how to make videos for free?
Recently I was watching others teach how to make video slideshows using Microsoft PowerPoint software. And I was really surprised to see how many teachers don't seem to understand what you need to do to make these video slideshows using PowerPoint and a screen capture software like Camtasia.
While I was researching all this I discovered a way of making video slideshows using free software. And the cool thing about it is that these free video slideshows look just like those you make using expensive software, like Camtasia ($300) and PowerPoint ($150).
And no one is showing you this method that's the...
Free And Easy Way of Making Video Slideshows!
That is until now.
Introducing "PDF Video Books"
You will get all seven of our videos delivered in your own eVideo Book. The videos are embedded within this PDF book so you don't have to worry about losing them in your computer, or knowing which one to watch next. And since they come in the PDF format you can watch them right in your computer WITHOUT having to be connected to the Internet.
This is a simple way of creating your own video slideshows without having to spend money on ANY expensive software. PDF Video Books has seven quick to watch videos that show you step-by-step exactly what to do to get your own video slideshows created and ready for the Internet. |
Don't have the free Acrobat Reader? We'll give you the link to download it immediately so you don't miss a minute of watching all the videos in PDF Video Books.
Some of the things you'll discover in the videos of PDF Video Books are:
- Discover the one thing that makes your customers watch your videos. Hint: they are probably doing this right now and you will reap the benefits.
- Learn the three reasons you must be making this type of video and how you can make them without pending a cent on video tools.
- How to set up a power point slideshow for free and why your customers will not be able to tell the difference from your free version and the $150 one.
- How to animate your slideshow so your customer enjoys watching it right to the end. Hint: most people learned to do this the wrong way and end up with an angry customer.
- Discover video software that captures your screen just as well as Camtasia. Hint: this is free software that makes great Flash videos just as well as the $300 per copy Camtasia software.
- Find out the right way to make your slides so that your customers learn more. Finally the controversy between short and long slide copy is answered for training videos. Follow this and your video making will be easier than ever before.
- Discover the step-by-step procedure for capturing your slideshow on video. Most people teach this wrong but you won't have to worry since you'll know the simple steps to get it right.
- Learn how to set up your screen capture video recorder so that your videos show everything needed while not being so large that it takes forever to download... even with a cable or DSL Internet connection.
- Discover how to get software that includes a free "power point" slide show creator... get this and you'll never have to worry about Microsoft's high prices again. And you get free updates too!
- Learn how to make your videos play no matter what web browser your customer is using. This is handy if most of your customers are using FireFox to browse the web.
- Discover the "Rule of 3" for making your slides before you start making your video slide show. This will cost you hours of clean up if you miss this.
- Learn where your videos are stored in your computer after you make them. Believe me, this will mean you won't have to search your computer for those hot videos you just made.
- Find out the simple "one-step" process for turning your videos into Flash videos. You don't even have to use another software product to convert your videos into Flash. And remember, Flash videos will play in just about any computer in the world.

And when you get PDF Video Books you'll get the following bonuses:
Bonus #1
YouTube Express
I've added an extra video bonus section to show you the steps for quickly uploading your video slideshow directly to YouTube. YouTube is the Number 1 video sharing site on the Internet. Over half of all videos shared online come from YouTube. In our bonus video I'll show you the steps to take to put your videos on YouTube so you get the benefits of getting traffic from this great video sharing site.
Some of the information you'll learn in this bonus is:
- What you need to do to upload your videos to YouTube so that they play. Don't think you can just make the Flash video and upload it to YouTube... there is one thing you must do first.
- The simple Two-Step system that you will want to use for your longer videos. Only takes about an extra minute but can save you hours later.
- The trick to getting more people viewing your videos. Easy to do once you know the secret. But most people just try to wing it but you won't need to worry since you know the simple steps.
Bonus #2
Resource List for Making Your Videos
We'll send you a complete Resource List so you can get started without having to write down the links we give you in the videos. Plus we'll add some extra links that will be helpful in your video slideshow making.
We'll include the Resource List right in your eVideo Book, PDF Video Books to keep it simple. That way you won't have to search for it when you need it. All the videos PLUS the Resource List are all in the same document and easy to locate.
You are probably wondering how much all this is going to cost. Especially since I'm showing you how to create money making video slideshows like all the big names on the Internet use. Well, to be honest with you, I want to get this information out to as many people as possible so I'm keeping the price low for now. But I must admit that I'm getting pressure from my friends to raise the price... which might happen at any time.
The price is just $17.99!
Right now while you're thinking about it you need to click on the Buy Button below before my price goes up.

I'll even Guarantee Your Satisfaction and Success
Here's how it works: Grab your copy of PDF Video Books.
You'll get instant access to download your PDF copy.
Go over the seven easy to watch videos. They only take 34 minutes to watch. Watch the bonus videos. Create and upload your first video slideshow to YouTube. You have 30 Days from joining to decide if it works for you...
If for any reason at all this video training program doesn't meet your expectations, just contact me and I will immediately return every penny of your purchase.
Remember, you have nothing to lose since I'm taking all the risks. If you can't create online videos after going through PDF Video Books I want you to ask for your money back.
So click the buy button below...

But you really must act now...
I'm selling this program for $17.99 as a market test, but I'm planning on RAISING the price in the very near future. In fact, if you leave this page and come back later you may find the price has already doubled. So you must act quickly. Click the buy button below...

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P.S. Remember, all the risk is on me when you order PDF Video Books today. You have a full 30 Days to tryout our product to make sure it works for you!