Build High Converting Sales Videos and Video Squeeze Pages with this Easy-To-Use Software
Creating Stunning Sales Videos Has Just Become So Easy That You Will Jump Off The Chair After You Figure Out How It Works Without Any Technical or Artistic Knowledge Whatsoever
From Anwesh Rath and Jayson Benoit
These software cost you hundreds of dollars and include a long learning curve especially when you are not A Technical Superman
Uncover the Secret,
Successful Marketers use, to increase optins,
up conversion rates and simple just make more sales
with just a few clicks of the mouse...
it is that Easy!
It is truly the quickest, no stress way to make Sale Video Presentations and
Video Squeeze Pages, that are Stunning, 100% customizable, and have the ability
to add a Call to Action Button
INSIDE The Sales Video Itself!
I use to struggle to create beautiful Sales Videos
that would look Professional and have that "Wow" factor.
Sure there are some Software Packages on the market that makes this
possible, but the price tag, quickly had me thinking twice. ..
most even have monthly subscriptions...
I knew there had to be a better way, that is when we put our heads together and
came up with the VideoSalesFactory to help
fellow Internet Marketers that were wanting to build the same exciting,
Eye-catching Videos just like the so-called Gurus.
Created It...We Tested It ...and NOW
Recommend It
Typically a Good looking sales Video Require You to have 1) Microsoft Power Point
3) Knowledge of creating
stunning "High Converting" squeeze pages 4) Know How about Flash
Audio Player/JQuery etc
5)Skills to be able to create slick Video Squeeze Pages |
We Created This Fully Functional Video Squeeze Page in 9 minutes including the 60 Seconds Intro Video
So You Need Techie Skills To Churn Something Like The Page You See Above?
With our
"Video Sales Factory" you can
literally create your very own
Sales Video and Video Squeeze pages from scratch without having to learn
the technical stuff or paying someone hundreds of dollars to get one
created for your page
This software has all the
fantastic Cutting Edge Features you would want and expect in a quality Video
Producer for a fraction of the cost!
In Fact You
Can Do Things That Even Softwares Like
Easy Video Player Don't Allow You To Do!
You can create videos from scratch , Add your background music and render the video all from within the script without having to use ANY third party software.
That's NOT All.
The BEST Feature That I personally Love is the ability to have
OPT-IN FORMS Right inside the video
You can have Call To Action Buttons or Order Buttons too!
Just Imagine the possibilities
Add HTML into your Videos:
This means you can have
anything you want in HTML format.
Notes | Add TO Cart Button | YouTube Video | and just about anything
that you can fetch an HTML code for
Check this out!!
In fact you can use them any where or any place where making a huge impact is Critical
- Picture yourself placing an inspiring video on your Blog just before a BIG product launch.
- Let your affiliates use your sales video so they can put it on their own websites and produce more sales $$$.
- Place it on top of your sales-letter and watch the Bottom Line Sky Rocket through the ROOF!
- Use it in your Opt-In page to Institute Curiosity and show the professional proof of your products.
- Upload it to online video sites and drive social traffic your way.
- And use anywhere else you can think of! The
- Possibilities are ENDLESS!!!

Be up and running within Minutes Not days or even Weeks!
Fast Action
Converting Video Squeeze Page
(Worth $27)
60 day Money Back Guarantee
Get this NOW...Take the software for a quick Spin...And If you already don't immediately feel like you've gotten ten times your money's worth, then send us a private message and we will refund your purchase. Better still, take a full 60 days to use and benefit from this. Then if for any reason - or no reason at all - you're still unsatisfied, let us know and WE WILL BUY YOUR SOFTWARE BACK! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!"
P.S. Box
Ah! May be I can Do Something !
You Want Go For a Test Ride?