Announcing The Brand New, 11 Part, Step By Step Video Course...
How You Can Rebrand Any Private Label Rights Ebook or Report With A Few
Simple And Easy Tweaks, So That You Can Begin Running Your Profit
Pulling Machine On Autopilot...Starting Today!"
You Get Access To Step by
Step Videos That Show How To Do It The Right Way, From A Private Label
Rights Expert That Has Seen What Has And Hasn’t Worked. This Is
From Real Experience, Not Theory.
the Desk of:
of the fastest ways of making consistent viable income is to create
your own product and sell it. The problem is that not everyone
has the time or the expertise to do so. You see, if you don’t
have your own product, branded with your own name or company brand,
then you’re leaving money on the table.
While creating
an ebook or report can be easy at first glance, the research involved
can end up being quite time consuming.
Imagine... from
the point of figuring out what topic to create your product on, to
finding whether or not the niche is profitable, to researching the
topic, to writing the ebook or the report, to formatting, and… well,
you get the point. But it doesn’t have to be hard at all, because
the solution that I am about to give you will allow you to start from
nothing and grow to something great. This is not a get rich quick
scheme, but a viable business model. It takes some work to get
there, but if you watch step by step over my shoulder, you can create a
profitable business.
The solution?
Fortunately there are
premade products out there with Private Label Rights, a right that
allows you to reposition it in your own brand name.
Is that it?
And I’m about to teach you a few things to increase your profits.
Now, a lot of people, when they buy these types of products with these
rights, simply stamp their names on the product. While you can
make money this way, this is probably one of the biggest mistakes you
can make.
Simple. The original Private Label
Rights product creator normally creates the product and includes
graphics, sales pages and more to allow the member to sell the
product. Now, just think about that. Let’s say that a
product creator has 200 members. That’s 200 members that are
selling this product; possibly with the same sales page, same graphics,
marketing materials, and more.
If you look like everyone else,
then the ability to sell your products will decrease. While that
of course depends on your situation and is not always true... my point
here is that it is easier to sell something when it is totally
unique. So, for example, if you were to change the sales letter
headline, sub-headline, introduction, graphics, and some of the
product, then perhaps add a few things of yourself, then your product
will be quite different and will stand out.
Now, while that sounds like a little more work, it really isn’t and that’s what I’m about to show you in this video series.
Simple shortcuts and easy methods of repositioning a product angle, that will allow you to get ahead of everyone else.
that said, you can put it all into action and start creating your
profit pulling machine today and avoid the mistakes that everyone else
makes - just by watching this video series.
Surefire Branding Machine
11 Part Video Course
step by step, 11 part video series takes you by the hand and shows you
how to take your private label rights ebooks or reports to the next profit level.
You’ll learn strategies you can
use starting today that will bring you closer to your end
Here's a list of this 11 part video series in more detail:
Video #1 : Introduction to Rebranding
In this specific video we will be talking how rebranding works and
how it is vital to do this correctly to increase the profits of your
private-label rights ebook or report. You’ll also be given an
overview of the video series as a whole. Having an idea of how the
video series works together as a whole will allow you to better
understand how to implement this system so that you can begin
rebranding your private rights ebooks and reports the right way.
also be given a mind map to show you step-by-step how the whole system
works in a little more detail. You’ll also learn what tools you can use
to properly edit the products/graphics/sales page/squeeze page and much
more. While most of the tools we will use are free, it is obvious that
if the product has PSD files, then we will require Photoshop.
We’ll show you super low cost ways to edit Photoshop files or how to
get others to do it for you.
Video #2 : Analyzing and rebranding
In this specific video, you will be analyzing the private
label rights ebook or report. Depending on what you have
received, we’ll discuss how you can effectively rebrand the specific
product into a new brand. For example, we will cover what things
you should ideally receive in this type of product and how you go about
producing those items you don’t receive.
Also, before
you can rebrand a product you need to understand your audience, and you
need to understand why you are positioning it a certain way. In
addition, other important things will be shown, like how to go about
changing the title of the product, the subtitle, and how to effectively
increase the perceived value of the existing product so it stands out.
Video #3 : Minisite / Ecover Rebranding Yourself
In this specific video we will talk about how you can rebrand your
minisite and ecover graphics. In most private label rights ebooks and
reports you will be given Photoshop files to be able to edit the
graphics. Bear in mind though that Photoshop files (as you may know)
require that you use the Photoshop program to effectively edit these
designs. However, instead of paying hundreds of dollars to accomplish
this, in this specific video I will show you how you can rent Photoshop
on a monthly basis to keep your costs low if you choose to change the
graphics (which we highly recommend that you do).
You will learn
how edit the Photoshop files, edit layers, resize images, change the
title, the subtitle, replace images, and much much more. While
there are some limitations (because you may not necessarily be a
designer), in video four, you’ll be given a quick video on how you can
outsource the graphics to a professional designer.
Video #4 : Minisite / Ecover Rebranding Outsourcing
you don’t want to learn how to rebrand the the minisite graphics
yourself, and want to save time, then you can always outsource this
type of work to a professional designer. A professional designer will
be able to create a design that might be closer to your liking and a
more professional design. Outsourcing the minisite creation is actually
very easy to do, however there are a few things that you will need to
keep in mind, so we will actually cover all the aspects from step one
to completion. You’ll learn where you can find these designers to
design the mini-site that you like.
Video #5 : Sales Letter Rebranding
In this specific video we’re going to be talking about how you
can rebrand the sales letter; everything from changing the sales letter
title, subtitle, and the introduction. We’ll also show you how to edit
the actual sales letter (which you would normally receive in web HTML
format). Fortunately we will be using a free HTML WYSIWYG tool, which
is simply a tool that will allow you to edit the files. Now, don’t be
afraid by the sound of HTML, because if you understand how to edit a
Microsoft Word document or any type of word document then using this
specific tool will be just as easy.
Video #6 : Rebranding the Product
In this specific video we will be discussing how you can rebrand the
actual product, from start to finish. For example: how to rebrand the
header, the footer, the graphics, the author name, your website, title,
subtitle, chapter headings, table of contents, fonts, images and much
much more. Now don’t worry, if this sounds complicated then rest
assured that it really is not, if you have done the proper planning in
video two. The actual implementation of rebranding the product
will be much easier..
Video #7 : How to convert the rebranded Word .doc file into PDF file
This specific video will be quite straightforward. You will learn
how to convert a rebranded word document into a PDF file. It will
be wise to convert it to a PDF file; this way anyone who does not have
a program that can read Microsoft Word .doc files can read the final
rebranded product. You won’t want to leave out potential
Video #8 : Marketing Materials - Squeeze Page
In the specific video, you will learn how to customize your squeeze
page. Everything from start to finish is shown, for example how
to edit the graphics, implementation of your auto responder HTML
sign-up form, how to set up your thank you page, and your main sales
letter page.
Video #9 : Marketing Materials – Follow-up Messages
In this specific video you will learn how to take the existing
follow-up messages and insert them into your auto responder HTML e-mail
system. The purpose of your follow-up messages depends on your
end goal. You could either be preselling your product or you
could be using it to build a stronger relationship with your
list. If however you do not have follow-up messages, you will be
shown a quick and easy method to writing your follow-up messages.
Video #10 : Setting Up A Thank You Page
In this specific video, you will learn how to set up your thank you
page, showing everything from start to finish. The thank you page
allows you to deliver your private label rights e-books or report
product so your customers can download it onto their computers. You
will learn in full how to create a thank you page, all the way to
connecting your downloadable product to your thank you page.
Video #11 : Automated Payment Delivery System using Paypal
Now it is time to set up your automated payment deliveries. To keep
things simple we will be using the PayPal payment processor. You’ll
learn how to connect the main sales letter to the PayPal payment button
on your main sales page, which will lead to your thank you page.
So...with that said, grab this video series now and learn
how to rebrand your private label rights ebook or report... so
you can start your profit pulling branding machine the right way!
Add this
product to your cart now for only....
$67 $47
P.S. Finally,
learn how to rebrand a private label rights ebook or report the right
way. Save both time and money by watching these easy to implement
shortcuts in this video series!
P.P.S. Gain
access to these step by step videos that show you how to build a profit
pulling rebranding machine… straight from a private label rights expert
who has made the mistakes so that you don’t have to. This is all
based on real experience - not theory!