Discover How To Drip-Feed
Yahoo® answers! To Your
WordPress Blog On Auto-Pilot!

...Watch as your blog, if like magic... grows automatically with highly targeted questions & answers for your niche... 100% Guaranteed!


From: Your Name

Dear Friend and Blog Owner,

Content is King, you've heard that before right?

It's true, content is what drives traffic to your site and without it your site is like a just ghost town... lifeless and completely DEAD. And if you're trying to sell or promote products, you guessed it. ZERO profits!

Unique content is by far the best, but writing it yourself takes time. And that's the biggest downside, zapping your time, especially if you have multiple niche sites. Keeping a site fresh requires contant attention with new content. Leaving it even a short preriod of time could have a bad effect, resulting in less traffic...

Today I'm going to Solve That Problem for You!

If you use the WordPress blogging software, you're in luck. Because I'm giving you access to a plugin that adds Yahoo Answers content to your blog on auto-pilot. Simple activate and setup the keyword based on your niche, and let the plugin do all the hard work!

WP answers! It not only retrieves content in the form of questions & answers from Yahoo Anwsers, the content is highly keyword targeted.

The plugin will post and drip-feed content hourly or daily, it's your choice. Not only will it post the actual question in the form of a blog post...


It also retrieves the "best answer" and adds as a post comment...


Here's the very simple process of adding a keyword search term:

As you can see from the image above, just 5 simple options and the search term is setup.

  1. Enter the keyword or phrase to search Yahoo answers.
  2. Enter how often you want to post a question & answer.
  3. Select one of your blog categories.
  4. Select the post author.
  5. Select if you want to publish, pending review, daft or private.

The other cool part to this plugin, you can humanize the posts, for example if you setup a keyword to post every 3 days, the humanize feature can post at random times, so it looks like a real person is updating your blog!

Now your probably thinking...

Can it Really Help My Blog?

The simple answer is yes. What ever your niche, WP answers! can help keep your blog updated with fresh content, plus it's also highly targeted. AND remember... setup the keyword one time, then it's completely auto-pilot.


WP answers! Branding...

The plugin has an element of branding in the form of a footer link, once the plugin is activated, it's displayed at the bottom of the blog:

The branding is found on the following: Lite and Pro versions. Only the Elite and Developer versions, have the branding removed.


WP answers! Version Options...

I've given you three options, from the Lite version which gives you a maximum of 20 keywords (search terms), Pro a maximum of 50 and the Elite with unlimited keywords + the branding removed. It all depends on your requirements in the niches you target, but...

More Keywords = More Blog Content = More Traffic!

ALL versions can be installed on unlimited domains that you own.

Payment Button

WP 2.7 and higher


Your Name