Discover How To Post YouTube™ Videos To Your WordPress Blog On Auto-Pilot!
as your blog, if like magic... grows automatically with highly targeted
videos and increasing your blog traffic... 100% Guaranteed!
From: Your Name
Dear Friend,
How many times
have you read how adding fresh content to your site or blog on a
regular bases is one of the best ways to generate free traffic?
Well one thing
you soon realise, is you need to be able to make time to create and
post that content on a regular bases. Which you probably found out very
quickly is time consuming! or even worst you get sidetracked with other
projects and you forget to create new content to add to your blog...
And so what
happens is your blog starts to get less and less visitors, your blog
goes stale and goes down in the search ranking!...
Well Today I'm going to Solve That problem for You!
If you use the
WordPress blogging software, you're in luck. Because I'm giving you a
free plugin that adds YouTube videos to your blog on auto-pilot. Simple
activate and setup the keywords based on your niche, and let the plugin
do all the work!
WP VideoTube can
post and dripfeed videos hourly or daily. Not only will it post the
actual video, but also the description, the tags and also the

The other cool
part to this plugin, you can Humanize the video posts, for example if
you setup a keyword to post videos every 3 days, the humanize feature
can post at random times, so it looks like a real person is updating
your blog!
Now your probably thinking...
Can it Really Get Visitors to My Blog?
The simple answer
is yes. I activated the plugin on 2 blogs shortly after the
plugin was finished. The first was using a brand new test blog, I've
not added any other content, nor any promotion. I've setup just a few
keywords and let the plugin do the work and the visitors to the blog increased every month!
Auto-pilot traffic... setup the plugin and let it run...

The more videos
that are added, the more visitors find my blog. As mentioned above, the
stats above are just for a test blog with NO other content except for
the YouTube videos.
Just a quick
note, my main reason behind the plugin was due to a couple of my niche
blogs had about a 50% bounce rate. I wanted to find a way to lower
that, without me constantly adding videos manually, so the idea for WP
VideoTube was born!
I needed the
plugin to post videos automatically so it was handsfree, and make my
blogs more sticky. My programmer did his magic...
Take a look at one of my most popular niche blogs.
It DOES have
other unique content I outsourced to writers (added BEFORE the plugin
was activated). The plugin was activated at the same time as the test
blog, as you can see below the videos increased the visitors
dramatically. Plus the bounce rate has also dropped...
Now, you could
add videos manually to your blog which would without doubt boost your
visitors. But WP VideoTube will automate the whole process and save you
the hassle searching for related videos, it doesn't get anymore
handsfree then this!
Download the WP VideoTube plugin and try it, I'm confident you will like the results ;)
WordPress 2.7 and higher
Download / User Guide
Notification Updates:
your name and primary email address to be notified when updates are
available. On the odd occasion you may receive an email related to
WordPress blogging and plugins.
Signup form for free version
** Free version is limited to a maximum of 3 keywords, and also has a footer link:

The branding is found on the following: Free, Lite and Pro versions. Only the Elite and Developer versions, have the branding removed.
WP VideoTube Upgrade Versions...
Simply allows you
to add more keywords, if your blog has more then 3 related keywords in
your niche (which I'm sure it does!) one of the upgrade versions is
probably for you. Why?
More Keywords = More Videos = More Traffic!
Please download
and try the free version before buying an upgrade version. If it does
what it says on the tin, you like it and want more visitors then
upgrade ;)
Payment Button
WP 2.7 and higher
Your Name