Why Settle For Pennies From Adsense, When You Can Make Hundreds Promoting Free Webinars?
New Wordpress Plugin, Strategically Promotes Free Webinars, Which Can Bank You $38.80 Per Referral!
This WSO is for my brand new WP plugin that allows you to tap into one of the Most profitable ventures in marketing today: WEBINARS!
- Don't settle for earning pennies per click with Adsense. Are you kidding me?
- Forget about promoting 'Blind' push button Clickbank offers you wouldn't be proud
to sell to your own Mother.
- Who really cares about 5%-10% Amazon Commissions if you're only selling $100 in
products per month?
HIGH TICKET INSTANT commissions, paid directly to YOUR PayPal Account.
How Affiliates Can Profit From Webinars:
- First Join: WebinarSwaps.com!
- Next Install the WebinarSwaps Promo Plugin For Wordpress.
- Allows you to PASSIVELY PROMOTE webinars!
- WebinarSwaps.com offers the BEST, highest-converting webinars with a proven track-record.
- You can now get AFFILIATE LINKS to promote webinars that convert at 40% in in the top or bottom of every post and/or page on your wordpress based blog!
- EVERYONE who registers is cookied to your affiliate link for every webinar they watch!
- WebinarSwaps.com will track conversions, sales rates, and a full battery of stats so you can see EXACTLY what’s converts!
The WEBINARSWAPS plugin will add non-obtrusive friendly links to your blog posts and pages footers or headers,
sharing today's top converting marketing webinars.
Tap Into The Success Of Great Webinars
With The WebinarSwaps Promo WP Plugin!
As An Added Bonus:
Top 5 Webinar Formats Your Viewers Wil Love!
A simple question and answer format makes it easy for you to choose the perfect webinar format for you comfort and experience levels.
A detailed examination of each format so you learn why each is likely to be successful and fun, not only for you, but for your audience as well.
The required skill levels for each format, so you don't accidentally set yourself up for failure by selecting a technically complicated platform you're not ready for.
Answers about whether to choose a paid webinar or offer it free – and how you can profit even when you don't charge a thing.
Information about how to weigh the potential cost versus expected profits, so you can get the best return on your investment.

Order button here
Truth be told - I should be selling this for much more. But as of right now at least, I'm setting the price at a dirt cheap amount that will go up as more sales come in, even though the plugin Has A potential to bring you hundreds in pass affiliate sales!
Why? Simply put - I want to wow you with a great deal today... and reward the visitors that take action right away! =]
Once you get a wonderful deal from me today... hopefully be very interested in future offers and products I create!