Hi - this is succesful marketer NAME HERE and owner of COMPANY NAME... And I've got an amazing product just for you that you won't want to miss!

If I could show you how to save money on nearly every ClickBank purchase you ever make... would you be interested?
Of course you would!
The Good News... there IS a way to get discounted prices and free trials for your ClickBank purchases.
The EVEN BETTER... News it's totally legal and legit... you're NOT breaking any ClickBank rules.
By The Way... I'm NOT talking about vouchers, coupons, promo codes, affiliate bonuses, cash back or any other pain-in-the-rear hoops to jump through.
Let me explain how it works...

Here's the secret... it all works using special (but official) ClickBank links!
Did you know that most products and services on ClickBank have MANY different prices and sign-up options? ...Not just the one or two you see advertised to the public!
You can get big discounts, free trials, dollar-trials, and more... just by knowing where to look!
There are TONS of discounted prices, trials and other special deals out there... most likely for products or services you've already purchased at full price!
The thing is, these discounts, trials and deals are available for anyone to buy - it's just that very few people know they exist... and even fewer know how to FIND THEM!
...YOU are about to become one of those few people that know how to find these hidden discounts!

BUT... how do you find out where to look??
Introducting: CB Goldminer...

What This Means...
Use CB Goldminer for your own use... or find great deals for your clients and subscribers.
If you're buying for yourself...
- Uncover the lowest prices that very few people know about... never needlessly pay full price again!
- Find cheap or free trials instead of paying up-front
- Save money on one-off AND subscription payments
If you're selling products as an affiliate...
- Make MORE commissions because you can find YOUR subscribers the best deals! They'll buy from YOUR affiliate link because the offer you found is better than anyone else's.
- ...Or (if you don't care about commissions) just be the hero that can secure deals and trials not found anywhere else!
There's over 50,000 products and services on ClickBank, and in my spot checks I found that over 60% of the products had hidden buying options.
That's an estimated 30,000+ products you're probably paying too much for!
Here's some more examples of what CB Goldminer can do...
- One top-10 IM program sells every day for $47/month, but using CB Goldminer I uncovered a sign-up link for $27/month... saving $240 per year!
- A top-5 Wedding Planning guide was available for 33% off.
- A popular dating guides and membership sites sells every day for $147 plus $19.95/mo but CB Goldminer revealed a 1 month trial offer for $4.95 for the first month, followed by the same $29.95/mo, saving you or your subscribers more than a hundred bucks instantly!
- ...I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea...
Do you think these deals could save you money?!
Do you think your subscribers or clients would LOVE to buy from your affiliate link if you could offer them deals like this that nobody else knew about?
Think about how much extra money you can use to grow your business, when you're not paying more than you need to for ClickBank purchases.
Think about how much more quickly (and permanently) your subscribers will bond with you if you're able to send them unknown deals for products they want to buy.
...See, CB Goldminer is more than just a tool to save yourself a few bucks here and there!
Here's What You Get...
- The easy-to-use CB Goldminer application that instantly uncovers ALL the buying options for ANY product on ClickBank... At the push of a button
- Works on Mac or PC
- Walkthrough video shows you how to get set up and how to use the software
- Unlimited tech support (CB Goldminer is super easy to use, but support is there if you need it)
- Lifetime updates, free of charge

CB Goldminer is the Quickest & Most Reliable Way to Find Discounts & Trials for ANY ClickBank Product!
Remember: This is NOT cash back or coupons or affiliate bonuses... you're buying direct from the merchant on the secure ClickBank site... just like everyone else.
How Much Does CB Goldminer Cost?
The price of this money-saving, hero-making piece of software is starting at $9.00 for a limited time only, so act fast!
...this is a ONE-TIME cost, not a monthly fee like so much other software!
At this price it's a NO-BRAINER!
You've probably ALREADY paid more than
you needed to for your ClickBank purchases.
With CB Goldminer, that stops today.

Looking at the examples I gave you above... You can see how easy it is to make back the whole investment with just ONE saving.
Think about it... If you've purchased more than 1 or 2 ClickBank products, you've probably already paid more than you needed to.
That stops here
Get CB Goldminer Today
If you want...
- Discounts on one-off ClickBank purchases
- Discounts on ClickBank subscriptions
- Unadvertised special offer prices
- Free or cheap trials hardly anyone knows exist
...Pick up your copy of CB Goldminer before this limited time pricing ends.

I 100% guarantee you'll love CB Goldminer... or you get your money back!
If (for any reason at all) you don't think the app is worth TEN TIMES what you've paid for it, I insist you contact me for a full refund of every single penny of the tiny cost!
My guarantee is good for one whole year from the date of your purchase.
If you can't find any deals you like... get a refund.
If your subscribers aren't interested in the discounts and trials that CB Goldminer uncovers... get a refund.
If you're not happy with the software for any reason at all, just ask for a refund. We'll de-activate your software, refund every penny you paid... and we'll part as friends - no harm done.
The ONLY Reason YOU WON'T Get This...
So I've demonstrated how CB Goldminer pays for itself almost instantly!
I've shown how it saves you money in the long-term.
I've explained how it makes you a hero to your clients and subscribers!
...Really the ONLY reason you wouldn't buy is if you don't think CB Goldminer will find any deals that YOU would be interested in.
BUT I say...
- The statistics say otherwise. From my research, I found there's likely TENS of THOUSANDS of hidden and little-known discounts, trials and other purchase options.
- Give it a try! Hey, I'm so confident it'll be useful to you, I'm offering my 30 day no hassle 100% refund guarantee. Either it works for you - and you love it... or you get your money back.
- It's as simple as that!