1: How To Register A Domain Name

The first step to setting
up a website on your own server is to register a domain
name. This video shows you how to register a domain name on
2: How To Choose & Register A Web Hosting Provider

In order to make your
website live and accessible to other people, you need a
hosting account to host your website. This video shows you
how to choose & register a web
hosting provider.
3: How To Set Up Name Server For Your Domains

Whenever you register a
new domain name, you need to setup the name server with the
one provided your web host in order to make your website
display properly. This video shows you how to set up a name
server for your domains.
4: How To Upload Files Via FTP

In order to upload files
onto your website's server, you need to make use of a File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) client.. This video shows you how to upload files via
a free FTP program.
5: How to Register a YouTube Account & Upload A Video

Video marketing is one of
the hottest topics currently and is without a
doubt the most popular video sharing site on the entire
Internet.. This video shows you how to register
a youtube account and upload a video.
6: How to Register & Use Skype

You can talk to anyone on Skype, anywhere in the world, for free with a Skype-to-Skype call.
This video shows you how to register
a Skype account and use it to make calls.
7: How to Setup a Free WordPress Blog

Wordpress is probably the
most popular blogging platform for Internet marketers. You
can actually setup a free wordpress blog hosted on This
video shows you how to setup a
free wordpress blog.
8: How To Setup And Optimize Your Twitter Account

Twitter is one of the
most popular social networking sites on the entire Internet
with over 200 million users! This video shows you how to
setup and optimize your twitter account.
9: How To Add Paypal Order Buttons To Your Website

Paypal is the most common
online payment processor used by Internet marketers. This
video shows you how to add a Paypal order button to your
10: How to Use Google Trends

Google trends allows you
to identify the latest trends that is happening online at
any point of time. This video
shows you how to use Google trends to spot new trends.
11: How to Use Jing Take Screenshots of Any Website

Jing is a free software
that allows you to take a picture or make a short video of what you see on your computer
monitor and share it instantly via web, email, IM, Twitter or your blog.
This video shows you how to use
Jing to take screenshots of any website.
12: How to Check Your Stats Using Awstats

It's really important for
you to track your website traffic statistics so you know
which areas is working well for you. AWStats is powerful log analyzer which creates advanced server statistics reports based on
your server logs.This video shows you how to check your
stats using Awstats.
13: How To Create A Facebook Fan Page

Facebook fan pages are an
excellent way to build a strong presence on the Internet as
well as to communicate with your customers online. This
video shows you how to create a Facebook fan page.
14: How To Set Up MySQL Databases For Your Website

A MySQL database is
basically a relational database management system that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of
databases. When installing some scripts, you're required to
set up a MySQL database. This video shows you how to set up
MySQL databases for your website.
15: How To Setup An AWeber Autoresponder Account

In order to build a
subscribers list, you need an autoresponder account so as to
collect your prospects' details. Aweber is one of the most
popular autoresponder services available online. This video
shows you how to setup an Aweber autoresponder account.
16: How to Quickly Create Your Own eCovers

One of the ways to boost
your sales copy's conversions is to use professional looking
ecovers for your product. Of course, not everyone is able to
fork out huge amounts for graphics designers.This video
shows you how to quickly create your own ecovers.
17: How to Cloak An Affiliate Link With Tinyurl

It's always recommended
that you cloak your affiliate links so as to make it look
nicer and prevent your commissions from being stolen by
other affiliates. One of the easiest ways to cloak an
affiliate link is by using This video shows you
how to cloak an affiliate link with Tunyurl.
18: How To Set Up Domain Redirects

Another alternative way
of masking your affiliate link is by using domain redirects.
This video shows you how to setup domain redirects for
affiliate marketing.
19: How To Optimize Your Website Title Tags For SEO

Search eninge
optimization (SEO) refers to the optimizing of one's website
in order to rank high on the search engines. And a vital
component of on-page optimization is by inserting your
keyword into your website's title tags.This video shows you
how to optimize your website title tags for SEO.
20: How to Host Your Website For Free

While it is recommended to
select a reliable and professional web host, there could be
various reasons why you might want to use a free web host to
host your website.This video shows you how to host your
website for free.
21: How to Register A Flippa Account

There are many website
marketplaces that allow you to buy and sell websites and is the most popular website marketplace on the
Internet. This video shows you how to register
a Flippa account.
22: How to Create A Zip File

If you wish to send
several computer files to someone, it is best to compress or
zip it into one single .zip file. Doing so also allows you
to compress the file size and make it easier to transfer.
This video shows you how to create
a zip file using a free program.
23: How to Create A Download Page

If you're selling
information products, you will need to setup automatic
delivery of your downloads. So you will need to redirect
your customers to a download page after they purchase. This video shows you how to
a download page.
24: How to Create A PDF File

The most common type of
information products to sell online is an ebook. And you
will need to convert your ebook into a PDF file.
This video shows you how to create
a PDF file for free.
25: How to Surf the Web With Complete Privacy

There could be
times when you want to surf websites online without
revealing your true IP address for privacy reasons.
This video shows you how to surf the web with complete
26: How to Register for A Forum & Edit Your Forum Signature

Forums are a great place
to network with like minded individuals as well as to build
up your authority status online.
This video shows you how to register for a forum and edit
your forum signature.
27: How to Setup Google Analytics

It's really important for
you to track your website traffic statistics so you know
which areas is working well for you. Google Analytics allow
you track where your visitors are coming from and even sales
conversions.This video shows you how to setup Google
28: How to Submit An Article to An Article Directory

marketing is one of the most traditional traffic generation
techniques and is still ever effective.This video shows you how to
submit an article to an article directory in return for
backlinks and traffic.
29: How to Import & Export Gmail Contacts

Gmail is one of the most
popular email service providers on the Internet, especially
with Internet marketers.This video shows you how to import
and export Gmail contacts.
30: How To Determine Your Website's Alexa Ranking

Alexa is a company that measures web traffic on almost every website on the internet through their increasingly popular toolbar plugin.
So your Alexa ranking basically shows how much traffic your
website gets as compared to other websites with a lower rank
representing a higher visitor count. This video shows you how to
determine your website's alexa ranking.