Think Mobile Marketing Is All Hype And No Substance?

Here's How You Can Really Profit From Selling Mobile Marketing Services To Offline Businesses

The numbers don't lie.

79 percent of large companies who advertise online don't have a mobile web site.

Very few smaller offline businesses have even considered the possibilities that mobile marketing brings them. They're missing shedloads of custom - and you can help them.

Think of it this way.

A mobile presence lets businesses market to their customers continuously, whereever they are.

Which modern consumer doesn't carry a cell phone with them at all times, right?

Businesses who are behind the time are losing ground to their competition. They need you to step in.

You Should Become A Mobile Consultant

There's a huge market right now for those people in the know to show offline businesses how to use mobile marketing effectively.

(or, even better, to do the 'hard work' for them - that's where the big money lies).

Small businesses simply don't have the time to learn these new mobile technologies, even though setting up a mobile presence is child's play.

By being 'tech savvy', you can corner the mobile market in your local area and provide the service that offline businesses are crying out for.

I've Removed The Obstacles So You Can Sell Mobile Marketing Services Today

There's no need for you to sweat about contacting offline businesses, or struggle to know what services you can offer them.

I've done the hard work, removed the obstacles, and I've compiled the findings inside my packed new Special Report, Mobile Marketing Madness.

You can download Mobile Marketing Madness today, cutting your learning curve to a minimum, and you can soon be contacting offline businesses to close lucrative deals with them.

When you buy Mobile Marketing Madness today, here are just some of the highlights you'll find jammed inside...

  • Exactly why mobile marketing is the perfect service to offer to offline clients - and how to present mobile marketing benefits so that you close the deal every time
  • A full checklist of the products and services to sell, perfect to offer to offline businesses
  • How to price the services you offer for maximum return (this simple method is overlooked my many offline marketers, but removes all the guesswork from you)
  • Three tried-and-tested ways to contact offline businesses... you even get the precise scripts and texts you need to get started right away
  • All the advanced resources and techniques you need to get maximum return from each one of your business negotiations
  • And much more...

You Can Get Started With This Offline Opportunity For Next To Nothing...

I know how tight money is when you're trying to start out.

One of the real benefits of mobile marketing is that you barely need to spend a penny to get going.

There are many free (and very cheap) ways to find customers included in Mobile Marketing Madness. These are perfect if you're in a financial bind and you are looking to make money fast.

Plus, I want to make Mobile Marketing Madness absolutely affordable for you.

When you claim your copy today, you can pick this up for an absolute rock bottom price of $9.97.

Don't let this bargain price detract you from the sheer quality of information inside Mobile Marketing Madness.

You see, I could charge you a lot more, and you'd still be shoyting out what a great deal you've had, but I want to get this in your hands today.

It pains me to see hard working people like you struggling to make it, and this Special Report is my thank you for all the opportunities I've benefited from online and offline.

Legally steal your copy now before I come to my senses!

How Much Is Your Time Worth?

As an offline marketer, I can give you a very conservative estimate.

You should be looking at an absolute minimum of $25 for every hour you work.

And by working, I include all the time you spending securing clients, and delivering projects to them.

For offline clients, that's a bargain. They're used to paying thousands for newspaper and Yellow Pages advertising - you can undercut that, bring them in new custom, and still profit handsomely from the deal.

At $9.97, your investment for Mobile Marketing Madness is well under one hour of work (and that's if you insist at pricing your services at rock bottom prices... I know many offline marketers who charge way more than the $25 an hour I quoted).

It would take you weeks to discover all the techniques inside Mobile Marketing Madness for yourself. You owe it to yourself to download this report today and to get earning right now.

Your Purchase Is Fully Guaranteed...

There's absolutely no risk when you purchase your copy of Mobile Marketing Madness now. It comes fully guaranteed.

Take a full 30 days to review the quality of the guide and put the techniques into practice.

If you feel its not lived up to expectations, or for any other reason you're unhappy, just contact me and I'll refund every penny of your investment.

I'm taking on all the risk when you say yes today.

Claim Your Copy Of Mobile Marketing Madness Now

Order with confidence on 100% secure servers

I'm not holding this low price forever. Mobile Marketing Magic is worth many times more than $9.97, and I challenge you to find a guide like this for less.

Hey, mobile marketing guides alone sell for many hundreds of dollars, as people are desperate to learn about this huge growth area. Throw in the offline marketing training, and you're getting the deal of the century.

I don't want to think you've missed out on entering one of the best businesses of the moment. Make sure you access your copy of Mobile Marketing Madness for instant download right away!

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