Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step-By-Step Video Course That Shows You How To...
Discover How To Brand Your Business Effectively by Creating Your Own
Facebook Timeline The Right Way...and Get the Traffic That You
Deserve...Starting Today!”It’s
easy to jump on the new Facebook Timeline layout and start one the
wrong way, and by doing so, lose out on possibly branding your business
that can ultimately lead to potential prospects and fans inevitably
leading to a more lucrative business. In this video series, you
will learn how to use the timeline the right way.
From the Desk of: [Your Name] Dear Friend, On March 30th, Facebook forced a huge environment change which would affect all businesses.
you've been hiding under a rock for quite some time, or don't use
Facebook, long gone are the days of trying to force your visitors to
like your page through squeeze pages and tricky tactics.
converted all pages to what they call the new Timeline format.
While this allowed for more organization of a company's history dating
all the way back to the 1800s, it set many businesses that were
utilizing the previous platform back a few steps.
You see...Facebook doesn’t believe that a business should be too promotional; in fact they dislike it greatly.
Then how in the world are you supposed to use Facebook for your business effectively?
Facebook's perspective they believe that every business, just like a
human being, has a personality. They also know that social media
is all about the "Experience," and they are right. I've heard
this phrase time and time again from businesses I've consulted...
"Facebook hasn't helped my business at all."
to be truthful, it all comes down to knowing how to utilize it and the
initial (and continued) implementation. Showing your company's
personality enables you to effectively "Brand" your business.
thing I find businesses often lack is the ability to brand themselves;
they go straight for providing a product without much thought into this.
So back to your question: How can you use Facebook effectively?
- Well fortunately, with the new timeline selling is a little more indirect through branding of your company personality. - Did you know there are added features that can help you build your brand? - If you do it right, like other companies, you can really utilize their new platform for your business. - Want to learn how it works along with strategies to maximize this technology so you can push your business one step ahead?
Now you must learn to use the new Facebook Timeline layout effectively.
Imagine this...
simply follow Facebook's timeline system. Do it right, but also
effectively with the simple and easy strategies we'll provide to you.
Introducing...Timeline Traffic Smasher
10 Part Video Course |

step-by-step 10 part video series takes you by the hand and shows you
how to properly setup your Facebook Timeline so that you can brand your
company the right way – and effectively. It’s
time to build and strengthen your business brand and create an
experience people will want to come back to. You’ll learn strategies
you can use starting today that will bring you closer to your ultimate
Here's a list of the 10 part video series in more detail:
 | Video #1 :: Introduction to Facebook TimelineIn
this video series, you will be introduced to Facebook timeline, the
formula in this video course, and what you'll need in order to get
started. You'll also be given a quick overview of the video
series so you’ll know what to expect, and with that you'll be able to
put the pieces of the timeline puzzle together in no time. |  | Video #2 :: Brainstorm Your Brand's Personality
you create anything you’ll want to do a little brainstorming. In
this video, you’ll be asked to complete a checklist of questions so you
can begin creating a list of information that you can use to create an
effective Facebook Timeline.
|  | Video #3 :: Timeline Anatomy
to understand how the Facebook Timeline works and how successful
companies are using it? In this video, you’ll learn the pieces of
the Timeline that make it powerful. Understanding this is very
important so that you can effectively create your own timeline for your
|  | Video #4 :: Create Your Cover ImageThe
cover image takes up a large portion of the header of the page and is
vital because it is often the first image people see. In this
video, you will learn what makes a good cover image so that you can
make an impact and stay in the minds of your fans. You’ll also be
shown how to outsource the cover image, and even how to create one
yourself. |  | Video #5 :: Create Your Profile Pic
profile pic is right below the cover image and is important as
well. In this video you will learn what makes a good profile
picture, along with what strategies you can take to brand yourself. |  | Video #6 :: Using the Messaging FeatureThe
messaging feature has been added as a new feature to the
timeline. Use it wisely and you can deepen the relationship
between your friends and your company.
|  | Video #7 :: The About Section
this specific video, you’ll learn how to utilize this small area to
your advantage. The About section is located right below the
Profile pic and allows you to enter a small amount of words. You
can also include links to your website, to your opt in page, and much
more. Use this area wisely and it can impact your timeline
positively. |  | Video #8 :: Apps Section
Apps section is located below the cover image, centered and to the
right. In this video, you’ll learn how to really take the
branding of your business to a whole new level just with a few simple,
yet powerful ninja punches.
|  | Video #9 :: Pinning Your Posts
your posts allows you to move a post to the top for seven days.
However, while it is easy to just pin any post, you’ll want to choose
your posts wisely and ensure they include several key items to avoid
lowering your edge/rank and losing fan interest. |  | Video #10 :: Milestones
are events that happen during your life or the history of your business
that mark something of significance. While it is easy to talk
about yourself and your business, you must avoid doing it in a manner
that will lose your fan’s or prospective fan’s interest. While
the timeline allows you to show people events that are important in
your business, you must lay them out correctly.
So, with that said, grab this video series so you can learn how to build your brand and create an experience that will boost sales of your products and services.
Add this product to your cart now for only....
$67 $47
Warm Regards, [Your Name] P.S. This is the most risk-free way to learning how to setup your Facebook Timeline the right way. P.P.S. If
your business is not where you want it to be, this video course will
show you how to brand and create an experience that your audience is
looking for. |