Who Else Wants
To Take $7 Report To Build An Empire....
Dear Friend,
Anwesh Rath here !
Let me start by asking you a small question! Have
you ever wondered that from where exactly these "Gurus" keep
coming up with "Hot New " products all the time? Do they
really spend $15,995 on single product and sell it to you for
$47? or they simply are "Super Genius" and have the ability to
write their Own book, do the designing, set up the product ,
manage the digital delivery and yet churn out over 10 products
in a weeks time? Both the option doesn't makes much sense Do
Well not to me
at least ! I remember when I first started out (2 years ago) I too
had no clue of what exactly I want to sell online! The books ,
softwares and scripts were TOO Expensive for me and I didn't
even know what they are all about. So here's what I did. I
sat down with a Pen and a booklet and started jotting down all
that I have learnt about marketing in past 23 years of my life
[Yes I was 23 years old back in 2007 :) ] and started googling
for matter and finally came up with my own product .. A Book by
the name "Sell Shovels to Beat Gold miners". You might have
heard about this type of name but trust me when I wrote the book
there was NO EBOOK on this topic (now you find tons ... are you
getting the hint?) . I have to confess that I am NO "REAL"
Author. I mean I don't even know how to define a professional
author ! On top of that I am from a Non English Speaking country
( My Wonderful Home land INDIA). So I wrote something I believed
in and submitted my book in a giveaway event. I got some
subscribers and started my business from there! So No "Rags to
Riches" stories here because I am NOT from an extremely poor
family or anything like that .
My Parents are
in Govt. services and am from a reasonably well to do family.
Now You might be thinking "So What The Hell Am I Suppose to Do
Anwesh?" . Perfect question and I completely understand what
you're saying. So let me get to the point real quick.
So until few
weeks back I thought my books forgotten and no one would even
opt in for that book and I changed my opt in incentive gifts and
forgot. To my utter surprise , I received an email from one of
my readers who appreciated my work and he mentioned about the
content and also mentioned how much he gained from the concepts
in that book.... till here it was all cool.... but when this guy
mentioned about the "Price" (WHAT??? ) and said that $4.97 is so
low and why don't I increase the price I was completely shocked!
an opt in incentive. So I googled real quick and figured that
that book is being sold in Amazon and few other market places. I
was thrilled. I kept on reading his letter and the guy mentioned
about 3 other books where he found the same concepts in EXACT
SAME WORDS and they were published few months ago! Here's a
screen shot of what I got when I googled the name of my book
So I realized that how can just
anyone become popular and rich by selling someone else's stuff
in a perfectly LEGAL Manner!
Well you get to learn and see much
about this in my latest EBook for which you are here!
This guide will show you how
exactly you can start making money within few days by just
recycling some one else's work (some one like me who rote a book
when he was complete newbie in the industry or some one
experienced ..like a ghost writer or something). Grab your copy
now because I cant give away this information for free for very
Why on earth is
this information available for Free Anwesh?
I will be totally honest here! I
don't have a Video series of the information I have in there and
trust me I AM NO BIG SHOT who can sell an Ebook for $97 or so.
Yes I can easily sell for $17 or $27 or something like that but I
won't. I want to get your Feedback on this first and then I will
see what I can do to improve the content or I will realize what
I have missed out on and I will include it in my next product
(Book or Video series or tutorial or something like that)
So please feel free to drop your
comments and that's all I want from you in return for this
invaluable information that I am giving away for free to you
Anwesh I Want to Discover How to Flip
Content for Instant Profits and to build a PLR Empire . . .
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As I mentioned earlier.. this
book is not going to remain as a FREE Ebook for
long. So hurry up and Grab Your
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