Hello Friend,
I have met hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans who have
retired early in our own country and abroad.
Possibly the word retirement means different things to different
individuals. If you mean by retirement a life of complete withdrawal
from the world and no activity beyond a 24 hour day loafing, then
you need read no further because I can't help you. The only manner
in which to achieve this, so far as I know, is to inherit a sizable
fortune and I doubt that the average reader of this book has done
so. I might mention that such persons, who have retired in this
manner, are seldom happy. I have met them all over the world, and
they are seldom happy.
Retirement, to me, means escape from the rut in which most find
themselves today not only in our own country but in the civilized
world as a whole. It means a comfortable life in which a maximum of
leisure can be enjoyed. I also require pleasantness of surroundings
both scenic and climatic not to speak of desirable companionship.
This site is directed at readers who are
dissatisfied with their lot as robots in a factory, toilers in the
fields, clerks in offices or super-markets. It is directed at those
who want to enjoy life while they are still young enough to enjoy it
You can retire, whatever your age, if you wish. I did and I am not
more than an average American. I had an average education and have
no more than average intelligence. I don't particularly have the
"gift of gab" and am certainly not a slick article.
The one manner in which I depart from
average is my refusal to join the ranks of my fellow Americans in
what seems to me a mad dash toward oblivion. I am not a religious
man but there seems to me an absolute destruction of the soul in
life as it is led today in our country by the overwhelming majority
of our citizens. I feel no particular need to live in a house bigger
than that of my neighbor and containing more electrical gadgets. I
have no desire to keep up with the Joneses. And I absolutely refuse
to acquire an ulcer while attempting to do so. If, while living life
as I see it, I do manage to acquire a maximum income, I certainly
wouldn't refuse the larger cars, the ultra-comfortable homes—but I
refuse to kill myself, physically and spiritually, in the attempt.
It's as simple as that.
I saw the world, or at least a great deal of it, in the next few
years and somewhat to my surprise I found that I had considerably
more capital on hand than that with which I had started. What had
happened was that as I stopped a few months in this country, half a
year in that, a few weeks in another one, I found ample opportunity
to pick up a well paying job of an interesting and not too arduous
nature in one spot, or a small investment opportunity in another, or
to swing a deal of one type or another somewhere else. Many of the
case histories of Americans who have found a better way of life
which you will find in the body of this book, I have actually
utilized myself. Once in awhile I made a mistake, but since my
primary concern was not in getting rich by risking all but only in
leading a pleasant life, rich in all respects except possibly large
amounts of money, I was never really hurt financially or otherwise.
The acquiring of a lovely wife and children, brought home to me the
necessity of a more settled existence than the one I had enjoyed so
many years abroad. But I found no need of a return to a humdrum life
and what amounts to slavery. I am currently writing and selling
books by mail and on the internet and make sufficient income to
enjoy life here in our own country with a minimum of effort. I plan
to retire soon, in or near, Palm Springs, California —a paradise in
many respects. Perhaps I'll will find myself in Mexico, Europe or
the Far East at some point.
One thing is certain, I will never come out of retirement.
The Contents of
this eBook
Why You Should Consider
Where to Retire
When to Retire
Retiring on a Small
America's Bargain
America's Art Colonies
In Your Own Home Town
Great Britain
Here, There and the Other Place
to Get Started—NOW
Principles of Wealth Acquisition
to Get Retirement Ideas—and Spot Ideal Situations
and Much More...
I am even including full Private Label Rights, and Full master
Resale Rights to this great ebook.
So Let's sum it up, included in
this package;
This very informative
ebook ,consisting of over 300 pages. |
A Copy of this sales
page, so that you too can sell it. |
All graphics you see
here, plus extra graphics. |
Private Label Rights, and Master Resale Rights |
Get it All for
Only $19.95
