From the desk of: YOUR NAME
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Dear friend,
If you ever wanted to attract an avalanche of traffic to your sites, squeeze pages or affiliate links, without wasting your time on endless traffic generation methods that don't ever, and will never, work this will be the most game-changing message you'll ever read!
I am going to show you how to use closely-guarded, proven secrets to generate endless targeted, responsive traffic - on demand. Traffic that is interested in YOUR offer, people who are willing and eager to buy what you're offering (at any price), because it's EXACTLY what they've been looking for.
Maybe you have a fantastic idea, and an amazing offer, and you dream of selling thousands, but then you discovered that the biggest challenge of all is getting traffic.
Or you've always heard that money is in the list but you're not quite sure how to build a list because getting quality traffic to your squeeze page is so hard.
You can't afford risking money different paid traffic sources because it's so expensive.
Perhaps you've wasted a lot in buying traffic courses, and trying the whacked out 'techniques' they teach, but still have no traffic, and no idea how to get

Are you stuck in a situation like this?

It's not your fault
I was once in your shoes. I was once a 'solution junkie' who regularly got my ass handed to me, and lost several thousands of dollars in the process, trying to master different traffic channels to promote my offers.
Fast forward to this day, I've discovered how to drive boatloads of visitors with proven, free traffic methods, and have made a lot of money in the process. I'll reveal all my top class secrets to you, right on this page.
After several years of using my selected traffic methods to fuel insane profits, and grow my email subscribers exponentially, I have identified four key TRAFFIC truths, which anyone who wants to generate life-changing volumes of traffic cannot AFFORD to ignore.
Traffic Truth #1 - No Traffic, NO Business
If you want to double, treble or quadruple your subscribers and make money, you need traffic. And if you want to make a lot of money, you need a lot of traffic.
- It doesn't matter if you're trying to get a lot of people to see your offer
- It doesn't matter if you're trying to recruit affiliates to promote your WSO
- It doesn't matter if you're flipping sites… or promoting offline websites, the point is,
If You Can't Get A Whole Lot Of EYEBALLS In Front Of Your Offers
You'll still end up broke at the end of the day…

Traffic Truth #2 - Most Traffic SUCKS!
You need really targeted, responsive traffic.
That's right. Not just any old traffic will do. You could send 5,000 visitors to your site, but if they're not the right prospects, you won't make a sale.
The secret is getting targeted prospects to view your offers
If you're able to succeed with this, you'll end up making way more than the amount you invested in driving traffic.

Traffic Truth #3 - One is Not Enough
One is not enough. The fact is, you need multiple free traffic channels to make more money
Tell me, when was the last time you witnessed a product launch?
You likely saw info about the product on Warrior forum, Google, Facebook, Hubpages or through Google alerts. You probably got emails from multiple people about it. You may have seen reviews or blog posts, read tweets or even heard about it on a podcast or video.
Point is, when a marketer uses all these free traffic channels, then it means their launch is dropping big figures into the bank.The more you want to make, the more free traffic channels you can use.

Traffic Truth #4 - Failure is a Choice
You see, whenever I see anyone failing in IM, I believe it's one of these three things:
Failure reason #1: they drop the ball, and end up putting the wrong audience in front of their offers
Failure reason #2: they think they know it all. They believe there's nothing more to learn and that nobody can teach them anything new. Worst of all, they don't even have successful mentors so they don't know what they don't know!
Failure reason #3: they consume too much information. Listen; if you really want to get good at driving targeted traffic to your offers, then you need to stop buying every traffic generation book out there. Get to work. Invest in a single, comprehensive traffic course from a proven expert and use it. You'll learn on the job, and get paid while you're doing it!

Seriously, these four traffic truths are proven facts. If you're tired of flailing around trying one paid traffic method after the other, and failing over and over, then I'd like you to become a part of something exclusive I'm putting together..
I call it the:

This is for a select group people who want to really succeed in internet marketing, people like you.
Instant Traffic Mastery is a complete set of different traffic generation videos carefully crafted to take you through the whole process of getting traffic to your offer.
It's a complete traffic blueprint.
Whether you're an experienced IM expert, or a complete beginner you need to get Instant Traffic Mastery…
It doesn't matter which niche market you're in, because this course will take you by the hand and have you generating an increase in traffic to your offers, whatever niche you're targeting, in no time flat.

- How to make use social media sites like Tumblr, Reddit, Delicious, Stumbleupon, Squidoo, and Hubpages to quickly and easily dominate your market. (Social marketing expert Brian Clark uses this secret to attract tens of thousands of readers to his blog each day. People are usually floored when they see how simple this is.)
- The number 1 mistake most people make when trying to drive traffic, and why it's really killing their sales…
- Little known ways to use press releases to drive targeted, long-term visitors
- My best way to get traffic whenever I want, and how you can put it to work too…
- How to get industry leadersto share your content through guest blogging
- How to create a free flow of traffic as a GUEST BLOGGER, write attention grabbing guest blog that builds anticipation and get boatloads of visitors to visit your site or product offers…
- Why you're currently failing at Facebook advertising…
- How to advertise on Facebook for pennies on the dollar (one way you may know is to change your ad image. But there are several other factors we're going to cover, that even most IM experts don't know).
- How to use press releases to become an ''household name'' in your field
- How to craft profitable solo ad emails to make your offers pull more money and response, and pay for themselves right away
- How to use video marketing to dramatically increase the response of your offers (this ancient persuasion method works even better today)!
- How to quickly and easily convert new prospects into paying customers using Skype groups.
- How to use 3 most effective advertising platforms to close any sale. And how to set up the right ads for maximum profits
- My simple system for getting free traffic through Linkedin and social directories…
- Crazy simple, effective traffic methods to drive endless traffic to your page or offers no matter what niche you're in
- And, so much more..
And just in case you were doubtful about whether traffic really is the key to making money online:

Lest I forget

- Online business owners who are struggling to make money online and understand that their online success depends on driving loads of targeted traffic.
- Business owners who are looking for an economical way to drive lots of traffic all for FREE
- Those who are teachable and ready to take action almost immediately!

- If you find it hard to get motivated, and take action.
- If you're the kind of person who tends to buy into the hype of overnight success and are not willing to put in the extra effort and time into building a profitable business
- If you're someone who likes to whine and complain, and who doesn't see the value in a real mentor's knowledge and experience
So Jon, let's get down to the price.

I'm not going to charge you $997 even though this is worth much more than that because you'll begetting my best coaching on 50 different, effective traffic sources…
Neither am I going to charge you $497…
I want this business-changing, LIFE changing, material to get into the hands of the people who really need it. So I decided that for a select group of people that already know me or one of my trusted IM expert friends, I'd give access to this advanced, scientifically and carefully crafted traffic goldmine mentoring for just $97. The training for any one of the fifty methods covered could easily justify that price, any day of the week.
But I won't be charging you today that because I truly want to make this affordable for everyone who needs it.
Well, yeah, are you kidding, I know I underpriced this, but I must warn you…

Listen, this is not some cheap marketing gimmick:
#1 if you close this page, only to come back in a few hours or another day, you'll find that the price has increased.
#2 Secondly, this offer closes for good after 7 days. No exceptions.
If I ever release this again, I may be charging as much $297, I can't see myself selling it for less than $197, and I certainly will never repeat this discount.
I can honestly, and whole heartedly guarantee you will never get this deal again. Once it's gone, it's gone. You snooze, you lose.
At this point, you probably might be wondering,

If you've bought a whole lot of info products and WSO'S, you might be thinking 'I hope this isn't just another fluffy traffic course'
Trust me, it isn't. Unlike a lot of things you may be offered online, this isn't some rehashed PLR product from 2003, or spare content shaved off the end of another product and packaged up with ribbons to make it look nice.
Instant Traffic Mastery was conceived, written and created personally by me and my team, and we spent over 90 hours creating the videos.
Normally, I charge $400 for 30 minutes consultation, but when you get Instant Traffic Mastery, it's just like I'm personally mentoring you through all I know about traffic generation in over 10 hours of over the shoulder video training.
But don't take my word for it. Take 30 days to try it out. Put my methods to the test. If you don't absolutely LOVE Instant Traffic Mastery, and agree that it's the best and ONLY traffic generation training you'll ever need, I'll refund every penny of your money, cheerfully and without argument.

If so, go ahead… click that button below and lock-in your spot before the timer hits zero…
At this ridiculously discounted price, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the money you probably already waste trying to figure out how to buy traffic from Facebook or picking up yet more fluffy traffic courses on crackpot methods that don't just work.
Hey, I'm not bad-mouthing anybody, I've seen it (and wasted money on it) all myself! That's why I wanted to do something to really help people who struggle with all the smoke and mirrors of trying to drive internet traffic, and just don't' seem to ever catch a break. Well here it is, Instant Traffic Mastery is that break you need. Now it's up to you to grab it with both hands:
To your success,

Ps. One more thing, it's important: I reserve the right to raise the price of the Instant Traffic Mastery based on demand, just in case this goes viral and too many people are trying to get in on the act. Whatever happens, 7 days is the limit. After that, this price is gone forever.
P.P.S. Imagine being able to drive targeted traffic to your site or offer in dozens of ways, and make a lot of money in the process! The best part is, you're backed by my instant 30 days money back guarantee! So you have nothing to lose, what are you waiting for? Order today!