ATTENTION: WordPress website owners with international readers....

"How to Build Stronger Relationships, Increase Engagement, & Even Make More Sales...With One Easy Website Change!"

From: Your Name
Re: Is your message getting lost in translation?

Dear Fellow Marketer,

It really is a small world. And the Internet has made it even smaller.

At no time in history have we been more able to connect with customers, clients, friends and colleagues from all over the globe in the way we can today.

Email is nearly instant. Skype and Facetime and other technologies let us chat in real time to people half way around the world. We can even do business with people almost anywhere, thanks to systems such as PayPal.

But even though we can connect with any one of more than 7 billion people on this planet, we can't always form a meaningful connection.

Cultural & Language Barriers Cause a Disconnect

With visitors from all over the globe viewing your site, how can you hope to form a connection? Speak directly to one, you run the risk of offending--or at least confusing--another. And that's just the words you use.

What about time zones for webinars?

What about pricing conversions?

What about meeting locations?

What about holiday greetings and news updates and even translations of files?

None of these things are easily handled on a single website.

Connecting With Viewers From Other Countries

Sure, there are translators available. Google has one of the best, but anything that happens automatically is going to be less-than ideal.

And translators can't help with price conversions or time zones or meeting locations.

Of course, there are other options as well.

Some business owners choose to create different sites to target specific countries. becomes or

But for a one-person business or blogger, this kind of workaround is prohibitively expensive in both real costs--hosting, domain registration, and maintenance--but also in time and energy. After all, it's difficult enough to keep up with one site. Adding several others just to appeal to location-specific readers will no doubt cause a lot of undue frustration.

But what if you could quickly and easily connect with readers in other countries, with a simple plugin?

Introducing GeoContent
WordPress Plugin!

Imagine a visitor from another country...

  • Being greeted in her own language...
  • Seeing prices in her currency...
  • Being invited to meetings in her location...
  • Reading holiday and news updates relevant to her area...

What would that do for engagement and conversations?

Now you can do all that and more with one easy-to-use WordPress plugin. This handy tool allows you to...

  • Set your "default" country & cookie duration--to save on your server load time by not continually checking for a reader's location.
  • Create unlimited text snippets that show only for those in the country you choose.
  • Create country-specific text on pages, posts and landing pages--perfect for blogs, sales pages and opt-in offers, too!
  • Target your ideal reader with country-specific pricing, events, coupon codes and more--all with a simple click.
  • Reach more than 200 countries with specific messages, without having to memorize IP address ranges or perform complex redirects based on visitor location.
  • Greet your reader in her native language--talk about making a great first impression!
  • Connect with your audience in a way no automatic translator can ever achieve.

Not only that, but just like your favorite plugins, this powerful tool is:

  • Easy to install--just upload right from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Simple to configure--no complex coding to struggle with or long IP addresses to research.
  • Quick to use--one click, choose your country, enter your text. You'll be done in seconds!
  • Low overhead--cookied visitors won't drain your resources like some other methods can.

Customer Testimonials

"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."

"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."

Your Customer

"A customer testimonial box with a photo area to put customer's photo."

"Integer bibendum libero sed sem tristique condimentum. In ornare scelerisque felis sit amet tempor. Fusce sapien mauris, sagittis vitae condimentum in, pulvinar at sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque dignissim ultrices ultrices. Nulla congue semper sollicitudin. Vestibulum at nunc magna."

Your Customer

Stop struggling to create meaningful relationships with those in other countries--or worse, risk alienating them completely by simply ignoring their needs.

Instead, use this powerful, easy plugin to present the right message to the right person at the right time--and win fans forever!

But don't take my word for it. Try the GeoContent plugin out for 30 days. If it doesn't make your job as a content creator easier, you'll be glad to know it's backed by my...

Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try the plugin for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

Now is your chance to reach and engage with more readers in a meaningful way. Stop ignoring the rest of the world, and start creating relationships that will pay off for years to come.

Get Instant Access Now

Yes! Sign me up! I have been searching for a way to connect with my readers in other countries, and this is just the ticket!

I understand I'll get:

  • The easy-to-install and configure plugin files with full documentation.
  • The ability to create custom messages for more than 200 country-specific locations.
  • The option to place location-specific text on posts, pages, opt-in and sales pages, too.

I can't wait to open better lines of communications with my international visitors....


Your Name

P.S. As the world shrinks, it's becoming increasingly important to connect with an international audience. This plugin is the key to creating real relationships with readers from all over the world.

P.P.S. There's absolutely no risk to you--if you find this plugin does not make it easier to relate to your international readers, simply return it for a full refund.

Disclaimer: Put your own earnings disclaimer or some other disclaimer here. Nulla tempor mi et nisl feugiat non imperdiet nibh posuere. In consequat pretium sapien facilisis condimentum. Cras sagittis lorem consequat nibh pulvinar aliquam. Vivamus aliquam egestas molestie. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula.

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