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From: Your Name
Dear Friend,
You know that feeling of settling in for the evening, curled up with a fresh cup of hot chocolate and a delicious book that you just can't seem to put down?Be the puppet master, not the puppet.
And much, much more..
In fact, Copy writing Blueprint is the most definitive guide to starting your career as a successful copywriter, even if you have never been successful before!
The material is comprehensive and set up so that you can easily digest each strategy as you go through the process. At the end of this powerful guide, you will know exactly what you need to do in order to become the best copywriter possible.. NOTHING is left out.
And if you aren't interested in writing copy for anyone but yourself, that's an even better reason to grab you copy of the Copy writing Blueprint, while you still can.
You know the importance of relevant, powerful copy.
Regardless of how much traffic you are able to generate to your website, without effective copy that captures attention, lures your visitor deeper into your page, engages them within seconds and guides them from the headline to the order button, you NEED well written sales copy if you want to be successful in any business in the world..
And now you can..
The Copywriters Blueprint is available for a very limited time, at the special price of only $37.00, BUT act now because I can't guarantee how much longer I am going to keep this top secret document available for public purchase.
The tactics featured within its pages are unconventional but effective. Once you begin to implement these strategies into your own marketing material, you will instantly begin to see the dramatic changes in how well your websites convert, and how much money you will make.
It's powerful stuff, and because of this very reason, I want to ensure that only a very limited number of people have access to it. Click here to purchase your copy and avoid disappointment later on when you return to my website only to discover that every single copy has been sold out, and is NEVER available again.
To your sky-rocketed conversions!
Your Name, Copywriters Blueprint