never have your site go down again because of too much bandwidth usage.

amazon S3 gives you a powerful and inexpensive way to store, serve and protect your data.

learn the basics of amazon S3 in less than an hour with these easy to follow videos.

Sunday, March 23, 2025
From The Desk Of: xxxxxxx

Dear Reader:

If you are doing any sort of online business you know that access to your data is something that can make or break your business.

Many internet marketers use shared hosting plans to run their business. And there is nothing wrong with that. In fact it is smart to do it that way until your business outgrows shared hosting and you need an upgrade.

However shared hosting has it's own issues. For instance "Unlimited Space" and "Unlimited Bandwidth". Those statements simply are not true. There is no such thing as either on shared hosting.

But the biggest issue that will get you is if you start using too many CPU cycles. All of a sudden you will find your site is down! That can be very troublesome, especially if you have a launch going on or have just started a promotion.

Luckily there is a SIMPLE Solution!

All you have to do is offload some of the load to
Amazon's Simple Storage Service".

Now access to your stored data will always be available. Plus you can expect fast access and download speeds. Also your data is stored on multiple redundant servers to make sure it never gets lost.

Whether you're running on a dedicated server or a shared server it is a good idea to remove big processing jobs from your own server. For instance if you are streaming video from your own site you will use a ton of resources. It doesn't take very many visitors to put you over the threshold for a shared server.

However if you move the streaming over to Amazon S3 you can accommodate a lot more visitors and give them a faster viewing experience.

Don't lose any more customers because they couldn't access your site or it loaded too slow and they gave up!

Using Amazon S3 Will improve your site's performance and keep your web host happy. And the good news is that it is inexpensive to use!

Here is just some of what you will learn:
  • How to set up your AWS Account
  • How to use the built in manager
  • How To Use Cloudberry Explorer (freeware)
  • How to create buckets (storage areas)
  • How to create a site in a bucket
  • How to stream video from Amazon S3
  • How to integrate streaming with Wordpress.
  • and lots more...

This video series is going to show you everything you need to know to get started using Amazon S3.

Don't wait - grab your copy now!

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Click The Button Below To Get Your Copy Instantly Via Download for only $27


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PS. Get your copy of the video series now before the price goes up. This is an introductory price and will go up without notice.