Announcing The
Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...
A Simple System That Helps You Generate Targeted Traffic Through
YouTube Video Marketing…That Doesn’t Require You to be Tech Savvy at
all. - Learn How to Drive Traffic To Your Products, Affiliate
Products, and More… Starting Today”
In this
specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder
- step-by-step, click by click - and learn how to take your video, find
the right keywords, get your video onto YouTube, and most importantly
rank higher in Google, which gets you great traffic and leads.
From the Desk
Dear Future
Video Marketers,
Do you have a product
that needs traffic – specifically traffic and visitors who want to take
action or buy your product?
Do you have an affiliate product that you want to promote using videos
and reach out to the market that needs that specific solution?
Or do you want to position yourself as an expert and reach out to
people and have potential students that want to hear your advice?
Well, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out
there online, but if you want to know how to get targeted video traffic
- then video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get set up fast.
Video marketing is also one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted
traffic, but you have to do it right. If you do it wrong and simply
upload a video to YouTube in the hopes that it will get a ranked on
YouTube and on Google then you won’t be as effective.
Want to know how? Pay close attention to the sales letter as you will
learn a thing or two… owns, so one of the keys here is if you can get
it ranked on YouTube, then that will likely help you improve your
ranking on Google as well.
So, moving on to some more tips...
Before you create your video you might want to watch this video series
to understand how to properly embed the keyword phrases that will help
your video rank better on the search engines by better optimizing it.
I mean think about it - in order for a search engine, or in other words
a robot to understand what your video is really about, it has to look
at the words that are used and compare them to its database to figure
out what your video is actually all about.
And that's Google. They don't have human beings that take a look at
your video to figure out what it's all about; instead, they have super
smart software that does it all itself.
So that brings us to keyword research as well as LSI keyword research.
How do you find the right keywords?
Or more specifically, how do you find keywords that people are actually
typing into Google?
Well the biggest mistake that you could make is to jump on a keyword
that you think will work. However, in reality that specific keyword may
not be getting traffic or worse it might be getting traffic but the
people that are typing that in are looking for free stuff, so they're
not really looking to take action or buy a product.
Tip number two: After you've created your video and done the proper
keyword research, then how do you get it uploaded to YouTube and begin
increasing the rank against the other keyword phrases?
Truth be told you're not the only one out there who is trying to rank
on a specific keyword phrase - there are other competitors.
That brings us to social signals. If you're not aware of what social
signals are they are basically a measure that Google and YouTube looks
at to see how many social backlinks you have. Or in other words, how
many people are talking about you.
So the more targeted social backlinks you have that are real, the
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
How would you like to learn how to do everything above and more?
Video Traffic
Part Video Course
Here's a list of this 10-part video series in more
#1 - Introduction to YouTube video traffic
In this specific video I am going to give
you a quick overview of how this YouTube video marketing system works.
You're also going to be shown how it all works, and what you will need
to get started. I'll also cover all the videos that are inside this
video series so that you understand exactly what to expect so that you
will be able to implement everything faster and easier.
#2 - YouTube Video Settings
Ever wonder why that when you upload a
video to YouTube, the quality is not as good? Or maybe you've never
uploaded a video to YouTube and you would like to know how to do this?
The secret here is to make sure that your video, when rendered or
exported by the video editing software, complies with YouTube video
standards. So in this specific video I will be covering how to render
your video so that it will be clear quality video and great quality
#3 - Keyword Market Research
Before you put your video on YouTube, you want to make sure that you do
the proper keyword market research. This way you’ll have a great idea
of which specific keywords or keyword phrases are getting good traffic,
because the worst-case scenario is that you use a keyword that you
think is getting traffic but in reality is not. Or worse, the visitors
that are typing this keyword aren't necessarily looking to either take
action or buy a product in the end. So in this specific video I will
help you figure out which specific keyword to use.
#4 - LSI Keyword Research
Once you find your main
keyword that you want to rank for when using YouTube videos, we want to
do a deeper keyword research - in this case called Latent Semantic
Indexing or LSI keywords for short. If you're not familiar with what
this is: this is basically a system that Google and other search
engines use to figure out what your content is all about. In this case
this will help the search engines figure out what your video is all
In short what this does is if say for example your main keyword is
about golden retriever puppy training, it will compare the keywords
against similar keywords in the Google database to figure out if your
video or other content is really about golden retriever puppy training.
Once you have found your LSI keywords, you want to make sure that they
are within your video.
#5 - Edit File and Upload Video
In this specific video I am going to
show you how to edit a video file itself so that it is more Search
Engine Optimized and YouTube ready. I'm also going to show you how to
upload a video to YouTube as well.
#6 - Editing Title, Description, Tags
While your video is being uploaded to
YouTube and being rendered into their own format, in this specific
video I'm going to show you how to properly edit the title, the
description, and the tags using your LSI keywords.
#7 - Transcribing Audio
One way to improve your video rankings
is by transcribing your video’s audio and adding that to the captions
option that YouTube allows. So in this specific video I'm going to show
you where to find a good transcriber that will properly transcribe your
video file at a very cheap rate.
#8 - Add Transcript Captions
Once you get the transcription of your video file, it is now time to
add it to the YouTube system. In this specific video I'm going to show
you how to add the transcript to the captions option and properly
optimize your video to make it more search engine friendly.
#9 - Social Signals
Now that your video is on YouTube, it is time to create backlinks.
Nowadays social backlinks are more powerful than ever. Therefore, in
this video I am going to show you how to utilize social signals or
social backlinking to boost the ranking of your YouTube video.
Video #10 - Social YouTube likes and traffic
Let's take social signals and social backlinking one step further.
In this specific video I'm going to show you how to increase your
YouTube likes and traffic in such a manner that it will improve your
search engine ranking.
So there you have
it. That's the video course, and as you can see, it's quite powerful
and simple once you get the hang of it.
And don't worry
about all the technical details if you're not tech-savvy. If you can
simply watch a video, watch me over my shoulder step-by-step and click
by click, then you should have no problem at all setting up this system
and start receiving traffic.
So grab this video course today and begin generating targeted video
traffic for your products the right way.
Add this product to your cart now for only....
$67 $47

P.S. Don't worry about
waiting, you can download this video training course immediately after
you pay. Start watching how to implement the system within minutes.
P.P.S. If you want to learn how to
generate targeted traffic with YouTube videos, and you don’t know where
to start, then this is the training course for you.