Tuesday, March 18, 2025
From: Lucas Adamski
Subject: Tap into a new internet phenomenon!

Dear Internet Marketer,

You may have seen these inspirational quote images on Facebook or Pinterest. They are getting hundreds and thousands of likes and views (even overnight!).

It's a no surprise, because almost everyone love them!

122,547 FREE Visitors From
1 Simple Quote Image...

John Kremer shared in his blog post (Pinterest Pin Continues To Go Viral) how he was able to get 1,416,972 pins and 122,547 visitors to his website in a year and a half from a simple quote image. Here's his original case study:

"In a year and a half, this image has now been pinned by 1,416,972 people (according to the most recent stats from Pinterest). It still drives between 50 and 200 people to InfographicADay.com every day. Over the year and a half, it has driven 122,547 visitors to the website. That averages out to almost 7,000 visitors every month."

The original redesign that I posted in November 2012 has had 107,788 repins in 19 months and, on average, drives 1,000 new visitors to InfographicADay.com every month."

It's again no surprise John got so much free traffic, because...

Pinterest Became The Fastest Growing Social Site In The Last Quarter Of 2013 (Surpassing Facebook, LikedIn & Twitter)

According to wersm Pinterest had an incredible growth rate in 2013. It even surged past email in terms of content sharing!

  • Pinterest is the leader of the board with 58% user growth, followed by Facebook
  • Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular means of sharing contest, having surpassed email.
  • Compared to Q3 2013, users clicked and shared more on Pinterest on Q4 2013. This could mean that the network has still ample space to grow its user base

Top Reasons Why Pinterest Will
Rule Social Media This Year

With 70 million users worldwide & very affluent audience ($100,000+ per year income) it's a great traffic source to monetize!

Here's a nice infographic created by Omnicore:

"Studies have shown that Pinterest now commands upwards of 41 percent of e-commerce traffic from social networking sites, and the average Pinterest user has a household income of more than $100,000 per annum leaving behind other channels and becoming the most profitable website for social media marketing when it comes to ROI."

What Kind of Content is Best
to Post on Pinterest?!

One of the easiest ways that I see to get a ton of traffic from Pinterest with not much work required is posting image quotes. They get a ton of attraction, shares and likes. And it's easy to monetize them!

Here's one image quote that got 41,870 repins and 8,273 likes! Honestly, it's nothing really fancy and it certainly got tens of thousands of visits. All 100% free!

Ok, So How Can I Actually Make Money From Pinterest Traffic?

Monetizing Pinterest traffic is really easy because it's really almost a BUYERS TRAFFIC! Most of the audience are affluent women that loves to buy stuff online.

Couple of ideas:

  • post inspiration quotes for body builders and athletes and send to your review site promoting supplements or work out programs (Clickbank) as an affiliate
  • Send it to your Adsense site to monetize each click
  • Send traffic to your Amazon affiliate site eviewing various top-selling products
  • Post relationship quotes and make huge commissions from promoting various ebooks on Clickbank (like get your ex back, dating advice)
  • And so much MORE!

As you can see the possibilities are absolutely endless!

Unfortunately Creating Your Own Quote Graphics Can Be A Pure
Pain & Agony...

You would first need to figure out the the best image dimensions. Then find quotes that could potentially go viral. Then find an appropriate picture (be aware of using Google images!). Than actually put it all together to make it attractive and unique.

You have couple of options:

  • If you want to do it all yourself, prepare to spend $699 for Photoshop first. Then spend at least few months in frustration to learn just the "basics" of this monstrous graphic program. Then even more time learning about the image dimensions, color dynamics, contrasts and font selection.
  • If you want to hire a pro graphic designer, prepare to spend at least $20 for 1 unique quote graphic. Then wait for at least 3-4 revisions... and sometimes few weeks before you get "exactly what you wanted". How annoying could it be?
  • If you want to go the "cheap route" and get $5 banners on Fiverr... go ahead. But if you really want your post go viral I suggest you not "going cheap" and actually put something people find share-worthy!

Fortunately enough I have a MUCH better solution that will eliminate all these frustrations and headaches!

Forget About Trying to Learn Photoshop in Pure Agony... Or Spending A Small Fortune on Graphic Designer... or Wasting Your Precious Times on Unreliable Outsourcers...

Prepare to be blown away!


Viral Quotes Rocket

Grab 200+ "Done-For-You" Viral Quote Graphic Templates To Get Instant Targeted Traffic
From Pinterest & Facebook

Module 1: Viral Success Quotes
Module 2: Viral Relationship Quotes
Module 3: Viral Marketing Quotes
Module 4: Viral Motivation Quotes
Module 5: Viral Spiritual Quotes
Module 6: Viral Travel Quotes
Module 7: Viral Weight Loss Quotes

Who Is This Graphic
Package For:

  • Internet marketers
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Graphic designers
  • Product vendors
  • PLR resellers
  • Offline marketers

Where Can You Use
These Quote Templates:

  • Link your quotes to various Clickbank/CPA affiliate programs for easy commissions
  • Send traffic to your Amazon/affiliate site
  • Bring new, fresh visitors to your Adsense site to get ton of clicks!
  • Start building an email list! Send traffic to your squeeze page and build a long-term, profitable asset.
  • Start offering quote design services on Fiverr or Warrior Forum
  • Offer quote design services for offline clients (extremely profitable!)

Here's Why You'll Absolutely Love Viral Quotes Rocket:

  • Get 35 Unique Quote Graphic Templates (7 Color Variations Each - Total 245 Variations) - Enjoy these viral-creating viral quotes and start posting on Pinterest & Facebook today! You can customize these templates easily, adding your own quotes, images and more.
  • Get Free Viral Traffic Overnight - Imagine being able to post 1 simple quote post and next day seeing thousands of super-targeted visitors coming to your site! That's the power of Pinterest & Facebook and now you can tap into this growing trend!
  • Hassle-Free 1-Minute Customization (Photoshop Needed) - editing these premium 'done-for-you' quote graphics is extremely quick & easy. All you need is an internet connection! A video training explains how to edit these templates in literally seconds! No technical skills are needed. If you don't have Photoshop I provided a "No Photoshop" version for each template that you can edit in a free online graphic editor called Pixlr. I recorded a video training showing step-by-step how to use this tool.
  • Eliminate Outsourcer Delays - do it yourself quicker with no more headaches! Get exactly what you want. Take a full control over your business.
  • Save Money Smartly - forget about hiring expensive graphic designers.
  • Stay Safe with the Law - photography & graphics license violations are a big thing nowadays. Stay safe from risky lawsuits and expensive fines. All the graphics here were created by me and I have full rights to them.
  • Explore Your Imagination with an Unlimited Flexibility - you can literally change anything in these templates! Change the quote, image, background color, font size, font style, move things around. It's all showed in the video training and it's ultra simple! Your imagination is your limit! Have fun!

Here's How Easy It Is To Customize These Quote Templates

In this video I explain step-by-step how to customize & use these fabulous quote graphic templates (without Photoshop):

Here I explain step-by-step how to customize & use these fabulous quote graphic templates (with Photoshop):

Here I explain step-by-step how to change the image in the quote graphic (with Photoshop):

Here's What My Previous Customers Have To Say:

"One Of The Best Designers"

Wow, jumped on this! Awesome headline graphics and bonuses at insane value! Lucas has to be one of the best designers on this forum.


"It Looks Great!"

Lucas I didn't have a chance to do a video review I am really hurt for time but I wanted to tell everyone that I purchased this and it looks great!

Darren Monroe
Las Vegas, USA

"A Dream Comes True..."


This is what I call "a dream comes true".....I wish I had this years ago.

Honestly, I've never seen a better collection of graphic images like this to help newbies get started INSTANTLY with absolutely no technical skill required.

Aigul Erali

I know you're so excited now to grab your hands on this amazing deal. But hold your horses! If you act RIGHT NOW...

I'd Also Like To Add Couple Of Rare Bonuses Free Of Charge:

The Ultimate Resource For Free Graphics Online Report ($27.00 Value)

Discover little-known places online where you can get free icons, backgrounds, patterns, fonts, public domain images and so much more cool free stuff! You'll be absolutely amazed!

VIP Access To "Graphics Mystic" Facebook Group ($27.00 Value)

Imagine a place where you'll be able to get new, fresh graphics every week for 100% free. This VIP Facebook group is for everyone to share cool free resources, graphics, templates and other useful things.

180-Day Free Email Support
($27.00 Value)

Did you get stuck at any point? Don't know how to edit your graphics? No problem! Our dedicated team is here to help you with any technical problems.

Simple-To-Follow Video Trainings
($27.00 Value)

Inside these quick video trainings you'll learn how to change the graphical boxes. Even if you're a complete beginner and "technically challenged", these step-by-step videos will be all you need to customize your graphics!

10 Mobile Squeeze Pages
($27.00 Value)

Are you looking to start building a money-making list? Now you can with 10 mobile-optimized, professional squeeze page templates.

I know you're getting super pumped up right now so let me go straight to the point.

You May Expect To Pay $197, $297 Or Even $497 For Such An Exclusive Quote Graphics Package...

And don't get me wrong, it's well worth that price.

Yet, I know that you are smart and you know you can get a BETTER deal. And that is true.

Think about outsourcing just 35 unique quote graphics. For $20 a pop that's $700 right here!

Or think about doing it all yourself and spending the next few months learning the tricks of the trade of Photoshop.

Before I'm going to reveal to you my special, discounted price, I'd like to show you what you'll get exactly.

Here's What You'll Get:

  • 35 Unique Quote Graphics ($700.00 Value)
  • BONUS #1 - The Ultimate Resource For Free Graphics Online Report ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #2 - VIP Access To "Graphics Mystic" Facebook Group ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #3 - 180-Day Free Email Support ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #4 - Simple-To-Follow Video Trainings ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #5 - 10 Mobile Squeeze Pages ($27.00 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS - Developer's License ($27.00 Value)

That Brings In A Total Value Of:


And to be honest, it's well worth such a price.

Still you won't need to pay that, NOT EVEN a fraction of it...

Special Discount
The Price May INCREASE At Any Time!

For a limited time you'll be able to take advantage of this special discount. I'm doing this special promotion because I'd like to get more feedback from you.

That Means You Won't Need To Pay
Not Even
Get Viral Quotes Rocket For:

The price may INCREASE at any time. So don't hesitate and invest smartly in a lifetime all-access pass to Viral Quotes Rocket. You can't go wrong with this investment and it will pay off quicker than you think!

Why It's Just $27?

Here is the main reason why I'm charging only $27 for this premium package. $27 is a price majority of people can afford. I'm able to capture a wider market. With getting more customers I'll be able to offer them more products & offers in the future and expand my business. Plus by giving more value for the lower price I'm gaining a customer for life!

So if you're serious about exploding your business this year, scroll down and click the "Add To Cart" button now. If you still can't wrap your head around this expense, skip getting a coffee at Starbucks once this week and it's paid for.

Unconditional Double Money-Back Guarantee

Guarantee #1
Try Viral Quotes Rocket risk-free and if for any reason you won't be totally astonished by these traffic-generating viral quote graphics, just send a support ticket to www.killermarketing.net/support and I'll refund you every penny. No questions asked & no hassle.

Guarantee #2
If you actually USE these templates and you won't notice and significant changes, I'll actually refund TWICE your money. All I want you to do is to actually use the product. You'll be amazed by the results!

Lucas Adamski

Here's What My Previous Customers Have To Say:

"Pure Gold!"

I just bought, and I have to say I AM SO HAPPY!

I mean, this is pure gold!

I was not expecting so many choices of images and html templates, so well organized, and with PSD!

Sao Paulo, Brazil

"Great Stuff As Always Lucas!"

Great stuff as always Lucas!

Just what the doctor ordered, and perfect that some of these are "pre-made" so one doesn't have to fiddle with them.

Complements the headline package I bought from you before perfectly!

Espen Samuelsen

"Lucas Is Right Up At The Top!"

I have actually used Lucas's services outside of the Warrior Forum and he is VERY good!

I thought I would pick up these graphics as well - I am NOT disappointed!

I have also used well over 50 different web designers and graphic artists and Lucas is right up there at the top!

In short - for this price a BARGAIN!

Chris Jones

Viral Quotes Rocket
Lifetime Personal License

YES Lucas! I want to get 200+ quote graphics and I'm ready to experience a FLOODGATE of highly targeted traffic coming to my sites!

  • Viral Quotes Rocket ($700.00 Value)
  • BONUS #1 - Free Graphics Online Report ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #2 - "Graphics Mystic" Facebook Group ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #3 - 180-Day Free Email Support ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #4 - Simple-To-Follow Video Trainings ($27.00 Value)
  • BONUS #5 - 10 Mobile Squeeze Pages ($27.00 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS - Developer's License ($27.00 Value)

Click "Buy Now" Button below to join now and get lifetime access to Viral Quotes Rocket for risk-free for just $17 (dimesale starts at $14).

Regular Price $34.00   Today $27

Viral Quotes Rocket Regular

You Have 2 Choices Now:

CHOICE #1 - Ignore this one-of-a-kind opportunity and forget about creating absolutely beautiful viral quote graphics for dead-easy traffic. Wish you've tap into this unique chance to save money on outsourcers and boost your sales!

CHOICE #2 - Invest smartly in Viral Quotes Rocket and start cranking up insanely gorgeous quote graphics in the next 2 minutes! Imagine being able to use a sizzling-hot, new quote graphic TODAY!

Even if you don't need these viral quote graphics currently, invest now and use it later. You will save literally hundreds of dollars by taking action immediately!

Click Here To Get Your All-Access Lifetime Pass
Now For A 50% "Launch Special" Discount!

I bet you're reading this because you still have some questions. Here are the most common questions I get, and the answers to help you out:

Would I Need Photoshop To Edit These Banner Templates?

No! Most of the ecover graphic templates could be easily edited using a free web-based graphic tool (www.Pixlr.com). I recorded a full video training how to edit the templates using this tool. I additionally made a special "No Photoshop" files for each ecover templates to make the job easier for you.

Can These Quote Graphics Be Used In Wordpress/OptimizePress/LeadPages?

Yes. These are simple image files that could be used on any site and platform you wish.

Do You Own A Full License To All The Graphics And Images?

Yes! I created all the graphics listed above and have the full rights to them. I only used public domain images and free resources that I have rights to include in this pack.

Does It Work On Mac/Windows?

The graphics work on Mac and Windows. Also you can customize them freely on both platforms.

Do You Provide Any Support/Trainings?

YES, absolutely! Once you get your package you'll receive a video training were I'll show behind-my-shoulder how to edit the templates. Also I'm always here for help, just send me a ticket and I'll answer any issues in 24-48h. You will never be left alone. I'm here to help.

Is There Any Recurring Payment?

NO! No recurring payment. Just one time payment with no hidden fees.

Does It Come With Developer's License?

YES! All the graphics come with a developer's license. You can use all the templates freely, customize them and implement for your client's work.

"The Richest Ever With Everything I Need..."

I bought your Juicy WSO Graphics a few days ago.

They are simply marvellous and easy to edit.

This is the package I love, the richest ever with everything I need and a lot of exclusive bonuses.

Thanks so much and keep always up your good work!

Alessandro Zamboni
Milano, Italy

"...A Stylish And Professional Edge"

I purchased Headers Explosion a few days ago and have already put great looking headers on 3 of my sites. There are so many nice header graphics to choose from in this package, highly recommended if you want to give your websites and blogs a stylish and professional edge.

Headers Explosion is just one of several beautifully designed graphic packages available from Lucas. His support is also excellent. I suggest you seriously consider using this headers package to enhance your own online business

hewellwood from Warrior Forum

Yes! I Want To Get Instant Access
To Viral Quotes Rocket!

To Your Success,
Lucas Adamski

P.S. You absolutely don't want to delay! The price can raise at any time with no further notice (it increases every few sales)! Instead of paying $34.00, you can get the full, ultimate package for only $27. What a saving! Remember, the price may INCREASE at any time!

Claim Your Copy Now Before It's Too Late!

P.P.S. You have absolutely, positively nothing to lose! With a double money-back guarantee all the risk is on me. Try these quote graphics package for the next 60 days and then decide if it was worth the investment. Don't decide now!

Try it out risk-free now!

P.P.P.S. Just imagine for a moment how much time & money you'll be able to save. You'll be able to create absolutely gorgeous quote graphics in minutes with no design skills required. Tap into an infinite source of traffic from Pinterest & Facebook and start monetizing it for insane money!

Yes! I Want Viral Quotes Rocket NOW!