Not able to download the RRW products?


If you are not able to download the RRW products, first make sure your computer is accepting cookies. Also, clear your cache (aka Temporary Internet Files folder) and log back in to RRW. Here's how to clear your cache:

For Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer --> Tools --> Internet Options --> General --> Delete --> Delete Files.

For Firefox:
Mozilla Firefox --> Tools --> Options --> Privacy --> Clear Now (under private data).

Now for a more detailed answer: Whenever a person signs up for RRW, the software script that I use to run RRW sets a cookie that matches the login session for the user. If that cookie cannot be set or is removed then the customer will be redirected back to the logon screen in order to start a new session. So if for some reason your computer did not accept the cookie (or if the cookie was deleted), then the session cannot be authenticated and you will have to login again.

If the above does not work, then your browser privacy settings may be refusing to accept
cookies. So click on Tools --> Internet Options --> Privacy --> Advanced

Set the option for how your browser handles cookies to "Prompt" -- Next, you will need to
restart Internet Explorer and login to RRW. You will be prompted to allow the cookie or
not. Be sure to check the box for "Always Allow".

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Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-04-27 21:00:16
Views: 1789
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.6/5.0 (40)

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